

Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN): Watch live on Internet, schedule (24x7), EWTN on YouTube

Shalom World TV: Watch live on Internet, schedule (24x7), Videos,

Catholic Television Network/ CatholicLife Television: Watch Catholic TV/ CatholicLife Televisionlive on Internet, schedule (24x7) (US Eastern Time) of Catholic TV/ CatholicLife Television

Telecare : Watch live on Internet, schedule (24x7) (US Eastern time)

New Evangelization Television (NET): Watch live on Internet, Topics

True Faith TV

Goodness TV India (in Malayalam and some in English): Programs (24x7), Divine Vision Network: Divine TV Online (24x7)


Vatican Radio: Watch live on Internet

Rede Seculo 21 (21 Century Network, Brasil) (Portuguese)

Friends of Jesus Passover Online School of Evangelization (English, Chinese)

Fountain of Love and Life: Watch Video (Chinese with English subtitles)

Catholic Radio Association: Catholic Radio Travel Guide (download list of Catholic radio stations)

Gradalupe Radio Network

Creative Communication Center (CCC) of America

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Video: Bible, early Church, and discoveries

The Gospel of John full and with subtitle(3:00:53)

Jesus of Nazareth Full Movie 1977(6:20:27) ; Jesus of Nazareth Full Movie HD(6:12:09)

Life of Jesus Christ Full Movie 2014 HD(2:52:03); Life of Jesus Christ 2013(2:51:50)

The Jesus Movie 1979(2:01:35); Jesus Film (2:08:05)

Constantine and the Cross (1:59:20)

The Ten Commandments 2007 Full HD movie (2:54:52)

David and Goliath (1:31:40)

Joshua at the Battle of Jericho (59:05)

The Book of Esther (1:29:25) , Queen Esther: One Night with the King (1:29:25)

The Book of Ruth (1:31:13) , The Story of Ruth (2:11:39)

Creation and Miracles part 1 (10:04)

Creation and Miracles part 2 (10:08)

Creation and Miracles part 3 (10:13)

Creation and Miracles part 4 (9:43)

Creation and Miracles part 5 (10:03)

Creation and Miracles part 6 (9:07)

Creation and Miracles, Past and Present (Full length) (58:09) , Creation and Miracles - The Final Edition (54:35)

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Video: Mary

Mary of Nazareth (1:42:45)

Fatima Portugal 1917 (3:55)

The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (22:08)

CCCFamilyFilms: First visit from the Angel - The Day the Sun Danced (1:44) , The Dancing Sun - The Day the Sun Danced (0:53) , St. Bernadette, Pricess of Lourdes (3:56) , The Making of Juan Diego (1:02)

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Video: Saints

Miracles, Saints with Incorruptible bodies (6:07)

Padre Pio Miracle Man English Movie(3:22:26)

St. Francis Assisi Movie(1:42:46)

Paul the Apostle Movie(2:57:11)

Songs of Bernadette Part 1 (1:18:16), Part 2 (1:19:34)

St. Maria Goretti Movie(1:36:40)

In Her Footsteps. The Story of Kateri Tekakwitha(56:06); Kateri (Tekakwitha)(English subtitle)(1:28:31), Kateri (EWTN interview of producer)(56:29)

St Bakhati (English subtitles): Part 1(53:52), Part 2(53:41), Part 3(53:52), Part 4(45:10)

St. Joseph Cupertino, the flying monk(1:45:37)

St. Augustine Part 1 (1:36:54) , Part 2 (1:42:10)

St. Patrick - The Irish Legend (1:32:21)

Magdalena: Released from Shame (1:22:31)

Bl. Margaret of Castello (1:37:04)

The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila (voice, 12 parts)

The Life of St. Anne Catherine Emmerich (voice, 1:45:54)

St. Teresa de Jesus Movie (43:52) (English subtitle)

St. Anthony - The faithful knight Movie (1:41:35) (English subtitle)

St. Charbel Makhluf Movie (1:43:45) (English subtitle)

CCCFamilyFilms: John Paul II: The Man, The Pope, and His Message 10 videos about 2 minutes each

CCCFamilyFilms: St. Patrick's Day (3:05)

Catholic Miracles Unexplained by Science (5:49)

The Loretto Chapel Staircase Miracle (4:17)

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The Commercial

Dong Haeng (walking with Him)(Cartoon animation in English and in Korean)

The Good SamaritanThe New Media Bible (RealPlayer)

Interview with God; Interview with God

Interview with Jesus: In God we trust; The Lord's prayer; Psalm 23; I Am; Forgiven(

It's in the Valleys I grow(

Kids 4 Truth Multimedia presentation: Creation ; One; The Arrival; Chosen(

The Pencil Parable

Tommy's window(Collection of PowerPoint slides)

Resurrection( The New Media Bible (RealPlayer)

Christian Pictures

Pictures of Our Lady(

Gallery of the Rosary(

John Bell's Christian Art Gallery: Christian Images, wall paper, postcard (

Icons (

Icons of the Celestial Kingdom: ( Christian Scrolls from Pre-Revolutionary China from the collection of the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History

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Mass Reading

Daily mass reading(The New American Bible - US Catholic Conference)

Daily Reflections (on mass reading)(Creighton)

Commentaries on the Daily Gospel of the Mass ( by Kay Murdy)

Daily Scripture Readings and Meditation

Mass homily: see Liturgy, Homily

Bible: Catholic Edition

Douay-Rheims Bible (

Douay-Rheims Bible (

The New American Bible - US Conference of Catholic Bishops

Douay-Rheims Bible , Search Douay-Rheims Bible (

Bible: other Editions

Bible: Revised Standard Version

Bible Gateway

Our Daily Bread

Books of the Bible; Daily Bible verse; Writings of the Early Church Fathers

New Testament: Rheims

Bible: other resources

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, Online Studies(founder: Scott Hahn)

Catholic Biblical Association of America

Bible Society of South Africa

The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations (from the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, 1774-1824)

The dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (from the meditations of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

The The Gospel as Revealed to Me, by Maria Valtora

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Video: Bible, early Church, and discoveries

The Gospel of John full and with subtitle(3:00:53)

Jesus of Nazareth Full Movie 1977(6:20:27) ; Jesus of Nazareth Full Movie HD(6:12:09)

Life of Jesus Christ Full Movie 2014 HD(2:52:03); Life of Jesus Christ 2013(2:51:50)

The Jesus Movie 1979(2:01:35); Jesus Film (2:08:05)

Constantine and the Cross (1:59:20)

The Ten Commandments 2007 Full HD movie (2:54:52)

David and Goliath (1:31:40)

Joshua at the Battle of Jericho (59:05)

The Book of Esther (1:29:25) , Queen Esther: One Night with the King (1:29:25)

The Book of Ruth (1:31:13) , The Story of Ruth (2:11:39)

Creation and Miracles part 1 (10:04)

Creation and Miracles part 2 (10:08)

Creation and Miracles part 3 (10:13)

Creation and Miracles part 4 (9:43)

Creation and Miracles part 5 (10:03)

Creation and Miracles part 6 (9:07)

Creation and Miracles, Past and Present (Full length) (58:09) , Creation and Miracles - The Final Edition (54:35)

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Catholic Faith and Doubts

Catholics Come Home: Your questions about Catholicism: The Eucharist and the Mass, The Church and the Papacy, Mary and the Saints, The Priesthood, Scripture and Tradition , The Sacraments, Salvation, The End Times and Last Things, Moral Issues, Confession; 5 reasons to come home(

Catholic Faith in daily life language(

Credible Catholic: 7 Essential Modules- 1. Evidence of a Soul from Medical Studies, 2. Evidence of God’s Existence from Science, 3. Proof of God’s Existence from Philosophy, 4. Proof of Jesus’ Resurrection and Divinity, 5. Why be Catholic?, 6. True Happiness, 7. Why would an all-loving God allow Suffering? (

Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction (

Top 10 Reasons to come back to the Catholic Church; Why I am Catholic; 12 reasons I enjoy being Catholic; How does one become a Catholic?; When was your church founded(

ABCs of Faith (

Totus Tuus Ministries: Q & A of Common Objections and Issues(

"Christ is the Answer" talks by Fr. John Riccardo (

Catholic Answers Forums(

Called to Communion(

The Church Fathers(

The Church Fathers(

Near Death Experiences

Famous Cardiac Surgeon's Stories of Near Death Experiences in Surgery (12:27); Dr. Lloyd William Rudy Jr., (1934-1912) was the youngest member of the first heart transplant team at Standford and was a pioneer in quantifying surgical procedures that led to drastically increasing the survival rate of heart patients according to his Obituary


Outreach to the Unaffiliated

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Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth; Pillar of Truth; What "Catholic" Means; Scriptural Reference Guide; Starting Out as an Apologist( Catholic Answers)

Bile Christian Society (Free apologetics resources for Catholics from John Martignoni)

Catholic Apologetics Scripture references: Sola Scriptura; Sola Fide; Baptism of infants; Papacy/infallibility; brothers of Jesus; Saints; statues/images(Catholic Doctrinal Concordance)

Catholic Biblical Apologetics: Being Catholic and Christian: Faith and Salvation: Are you saved?, Faith and works, Genealogy of Christian Faith Communities; Divine Revelation by letter: The Bible: Canon of the Bible, Biblical interpretation; Divine Revelation by Word of the Mouth: Handing on: Tradition, Ecumenical Councils; Truth Handling and Teaching Authority: Pope , Papal infallibility; Sacraments: Infant Baptism, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Mass sacrifice, Transubstantiation, real presence, Annulment, Priestly celibacy, Sin, Indulgences; Saints ; Role of Mary: Immaculate Conception, Virgin birth, Rosary ; Last judgment, heavn, hell; Purgatory; Jesus' second coming; Personal relationship with Christ(

Apologetic Point Papers(

The Coming Home Network - Answers to your questions: God ; The Church; The Pope; Salvation; Scripture and Tradition; The Sacraments; The Eucharist; Church History; The Reformation; The Saints; Mary ; The Reformation; Deep in History talks; Deep in Scripture; Signposts video testimonies; Insights video(

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Eastern Orthodox

Catholic Answers: Eastern Orthodoxy; Fundamentalism; Fundamentalist or Catholic, How to Talk with Fundamentalist; Seventh Day Adventism, Sabbath or Sunday; Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ); What's Your Authority?; The One True God; Lost Tribes of Israel( Catholic Answers)

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Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses (Catholic Answers): Who Are the Jehovah's Witnesses, History of the Jehovah's Witnesses, What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe, Distinctive Beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Stumpers for the Jehovah's Witnesses, More Stumpers for the Jehovah's Witnesses, The God of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Are They Awake on the Watchtower, Strategies of Jehovah's Witnesses, Evangelizing Jehovah's Witnesses, Talking to Jehovah's Witnesses, A Jehovah's Witness Identity Crisis, Arian, Jehovah's Witnesses Baptisms Invalid; Jehovah's Witnesses (audio), Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses (audio)( Catholic Answers)

Facts about Jehovah's Witnesses

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Jehovah witnesses video

Former Jehovah's Witness: John Davis - former Jehovah's Witness minister ; Tom Cabeen - former Jehovah's Witness; Dr. Jeffrey Schwehm - former Jehovah's Witness (2004-1005); Dr. Jeffrey Schwehm, John Davis, and Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Jehovah's Witness Roundtable (2007-0205); Lou Everett - former Jehovah's Witness (2013-0610);

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Mormons (Catholic Answers): Distintive Beliefs of the Mormon Church, Gods of the Mormon Church, Mormon Stumpers, Mormonism's Baptism for the Dead, Problems with the Book of Mormon, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses (audio)( Catholic Answers)

Former Mormon: Steve Clifford - former Mormon (1999-11); Steve Clifford - former Mormon (2000); Thomas Smith - former Mormon minister; Thomas Smith - former Mormon minister(2005-0103); Thomas Smith - former Mormon missionary (2014-0617); Gene Fadness - former Mormon (2006-1009); Fr. Erik J. Richtsteig - former Cultural Mormon(2007-1015); Daniel Hadden - former Mormon; Barry Metzentine - former Mormon (2010-1129) ; Albert Holder - former Mormon (2012-0108); Dr. Richard Sherlock - former Mormon (2013-0408);

Dr. Richard Sherlock: Mormonism and the Catholic Tradition: A Catholic Assessment of Mormonism (Faith and Resaon:

From Mormon Missionary to the Catholic Faith - Thomas Smith (Audio) Part 1(30:02), Part 2(29:57), Part 3(4:01)

Catholic Apologetics; Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints); Mormon finds new home in Catholic Church, testimony of Steven Clifford (

Conversion stories (Defenders of the Catholic Faith hosted by Stephen Ray)

Catholic Converts (

My Canterbury Trail to Rome (My Conversion from the Anglican Priesthood to Catholicism) - Dr. Taylor Marshall (

How John Calvin Made me a Catholic (Dr. David Anders) (

Why I Became Catholic (and Not Buddhist) (

Catholic Adult Education Program by Scott Hahn: Kimberly and Scott Hahn Conversion Stories; Scott Hahn's Conversion testimony(1:14:48)(Youtube with voice only); Kimberly Hahn - a pastor's wife's journey home(58:37)(Youtube with voice only); Salvation history; The Four Marks of the Church; Answering common objections: Pope, Purgatory, Mary, Holy Mother, Mary, Ark of the Covenant, Saints, Holy Siblings, Eucharist, The Sacraments; Appling our Faith to our families

An Explanation of the Catholic Church for Evangelicals; David's Full Testimony(David MacDonald website)

Newman Catholic Apologetics Resources: Theology/Philosophy; Scripture resources

Scott Hahn Links

The Koran

Christian Muslim Forum

Christian-Muslim Relations by Joseph Kenny, O.P.

Why Catholic?

Mark Mallett's testimony

My Journey to Catholicism (

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Judaism video

Salvation is from the Jews(Roy H. Schoeman): Jewish Harvard Professor Roy Schoeman becomes Convinced Catholic(1:26:27), The Role of Judaism in Salvation(1:20:39), The Gift of the Church through the Eyes of Jewish Converts(1:22:59), Jewish Voice Extended Interview with Roy Schoeman(23:37),

Virgin Mary appears to Harvard Professor, Roy H. SchoemanPart 1(46:44); Part 2(52:18); Part 3(1:20:34); Part 4(1:22:55)

From Judaism to Evangelical Protestantism then to Catholicism Forever (10:46)

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Audiovisual (YouTube)

Net for God : The miracle of unity has already begun (32:00) stories: Catholic Conversion Story - Anna Dickey (5:43); Catholic Conversion Story - Cathryn Torgerson (6:26); Catholic Conversion Story - Fr. Mark (9:39); and more(

The Journey Home: Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Life-long Catholic (2007-0409); Fr. Donald Calloway - former Episcopalian (author - No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy); Fr. Donald Calloway - former Episcopalian (2007-0723); Alan Clune - former Episcopalian; Dr. Brennan Pursell - former Neo-Paganist; Anne Margaret Nilsen - JH in Scandanavia(2012-0319); Mark Kurowski - former United Methodist Pastor; Fr. Christopher Phillips - former Episcopal minister; Kevin O'Brien as Bl. Dominic Barberi; JH in Scandinavia; Fr. Guy Roberts - former Lutheran Seminarian ; Jim & Joy Pinto - former Charismatic Episcopal Minister (2010-0201); Nicky Nolfi (2010-0531); Michael Cumbie (2010-0607); Fr. Brian Harrison - former Presbyterian pastor (2010-0614); Maria Hasselgren - From Scandinavia (2010-0622) ; Fr. Jordan Turano, O.P. - former Presbyterian pastor (2010-0628); Kevin Lents - former Methodist (2010-0712) ; John Nahrgang - former Secularist (2010-0705) ; Fr. John Markham - former Southern Baptist (2010-0726); Rick and Cathy Townsend - former Pentecostal (2010-0802); Deacon Alex Jones - former Protestant Minister (2010-0809); Fr. Eikenes and Fr. Bowitz - From Norway (2010-0816); Deacon Bill Jarrell - former Southern Baptist (2010-0823); Corey Chambers - former Nazarene Seminarian (2010-0830); Open-line: Dr. Scott Hahn and Kimberly Hahn (2010-0906); Bruce Sullivan - former Church of Christ Minister (2010-0913); Prof. Ola Tjorhom - Journey Home from Norway (2010-0920); Fr. Carl Beekman - former United Methodist (2010-0927); Dr. Paul Thigpen - former Evangelical Pastor (2010-1011); Journey Home in Norway (2010-1018); Doug Lessells - former Non-Denominational Christian (2010-1025); Richard Lane - former Lutheran (2010-1101) ; Peggy Bowes - Revert (2010-1108); Paolo Roberto - former International Boxing Champion (2010-1115); Dr. Peter Williamson - former Presbyterian (2010-1122); Barry Metzentine - former Mormon (2010-1129) ; Open-Line: David Anders - former Presbyterian (2010-1206); Doug Keck - former Protestant Minister (2010-1213); Kent Trosander and Kjell Andersson - former Pentecostals (2010-1220); Biship robert J. Baker (Christmas: reason for hope) (2010-1227); Drake and Crystal McCalister - former Pentecostals (2011-0103); Denise Bossert - former Presbyterian (2011-0110); Prof. Alf Hardelin and Ulf Samuelsson - Sweden (2011-0117); Marie Joseph - Revert (2011-0124); Eben Emerson - former Church of Christ Minister (2011-0131); CHN Deep in History Conference (2011-0207) ; Dr. Kevin Vost - former Atheist (2011-0214) ; Brian and Barbara Lilly - from Canada (2011-0221); Jeffry Hendrix - former United Methodest Minister (2011-0228); Tom Peterson - former secularist (2011-0307) ; Matt Swaim - former Methodist (2011-0314); Matthew Fradd (in Canada) - revert (2011-0321) ; Wes and Kelly Baker - former Nazarenes (2011-0328); Michael Matthews - former Baptist Minister (2011-0404); Brian Robbins - Convert from Judaism (2011-0411); Joshua Johnson - former United Methodist Minister (2011-0425); Open Line: Gary Michuta (2011-0502); Teresa Tomeo - Revert to Catholicism (2011-0509); Fr. Brad Sweet - former Baptist (2011-0418) ; Mike Carlton - former Presbyterian (2011-0523) ; Nancy Groom - former Presbyterian via Reformed Church (2011-0531); Fr. Ray Ryland - former Episcopalian Priest (2011-0606); Chuck and Jo Ann Wilson - former Congregationalist (2011-0613); David MacDonald - former Presbyterian (2011-0620); Mark Mazza - former Non-Denominational (2011-0627); Fr. Patrick J. Rohen - Revert (2011-0704); Skylar Testa - former Non-Denominational Christian (2011-0711); Cale Clarke - in Canada (2011-0718); Fr. Fred Werth - former Presbyterian (2011-0725); David Currie - former Bible Church Missionary (2011-0801); Dr. Richard Smith - former Anglican Priest (2011-0801); Vernon Robertson - (in Canada) (2011-0815) ; Brent Stubbs - former Pentecostal (2011-0822) ; Keith Major - Revert (2011-0829); Dr. Benjamin Alexander - former Episcopalian (2011-0905); Dr. Ray Guarendi - Revert (2011-0912); Dr. Lau, Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians Societies (2011-0919); Brandon Vogt - former Evangelical (2011-0926) ; Steve Ray - former Baptist (2011-1003); Bishop Campbell - Bishop of Columbus (2011-1010); Jeff Barefoot - former Protestant (2011-1014) ; Michael Coren - (in Canada) (2011-1017); Jason Simon - former Evangelical Protestant (2011-1024); Caroline Rood - former Episcopalian (2011-1031) ; Dan Burke - Convert from Judaism (2011-1107) ; John Fraysier - former Evangelical Free (2011-1114); Sr. Mary of the Trinity SOLT (in England) (2011-1121); Debbie Herbeck - Convert from Judaism (2011-1128); Patrick Coffin - Revert (2011-1205); Dr. Allen Hunt - former Methodist (2011-1212) ; Randy Hain - former Southern Baptist (2011-1216); Juliet Waters - former Anglican (2011-1219) ; Mike D'Andrea - Revert (2012-0102); Albert Holder - former Mormon (2012-0108); Gilles Grondin - (Shrines in Canada)(2012-0116) ; Bryan Kemper - former Presbyterian(2012-0123) ; Peter Huff - former Baptist(2012-0130); The 9th Deep in History Conference(2012-0206) ; Nicole DeMille - former Lutheran(2012-0213) ; Jason Hamilton - former Church of Ireland(2012-0220); Fr. Dave Harris - former Baptist Minister (2012-0227); Joanna Bogle (20120305); Fr. Shawn Gould - former Presbyterian (20120312); Anne Margaret Nilson - Scandanavia (20120319) ; Kevin Lowry - former Presbyterian (20120402) ; Ron Meyer - Catholic Revert (2012-0409); Charlotta Levay - former Church of Sweden Member (2012-0416); Eric Sammons - former United Methodist (2012-0423); Shane Kapler - former Non-Denominational (2012-0430); Judy Hehr - Revert (2012-0502); Dr. George Harne - former Angelican (2012-0507) ; Chris Padgett - former Baptist/Assembly of God/Nazarene (2012-0514); Deacon Patrick Wilson - former Presbyterian (2012-0528); Charles Wadlow - Catholic Revert (2012-0606) ; Collin Raye - former Presbyterian (2012-0611) ; Taylor Marshall - former Episcopal Clergy (2012-0702); Fr. Randy Musselman - former Baptist (2012-0709); Mark Lenaghan - former IRA member (2012-0716) ; Jennifer Fulwiler - former Atheist (2012-0723) ; Fr. Michael Taylor - former Methodist-Pentecostal (2012-0730); Kevin O'Brien - former Atheist (2012-0806) ; Chad Gerberq - former Mennonite (2012-0813) ; Alida Haavik and Maria Hasselgren - Sweden and Norway (2012-0820); Mark Averett - former Baptist (2012-0924); Chris Davis - former Non-Denominational (2012-1001); Dr. Anthony Caruso - Catholic revert (2012-1022); Jason Stewart (2012-1029); Brian Besong - former Baptist-Presbyterian (2012-1105); Dawn Eden - Convert Judaism (2012-1112); Leah Darrow - Revert/former contestant of ANTM (2012-1126); Chris Zajdzinski - former Baptist/Non-Denominational (2012-1203); Jason Hall - former Free Will Baptist (2012-1210); Kenn Cramer - former Agnostic (2013-0107); Trevor Lipscombe - former Agnostic/Nominal Anglican (2013-0114); Kelly Nieto - former Atheist / New Age (2013-0128); Vaughn Kohler - former Baptist (2013-0204) ; Maria Romine - former Presbyterian (2013-0211) ; Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson - former Episcopal Bishop (2013-0225); Donald Smith - former non-denominational (2013-0304); Steven Smith - former Non-Denominational Evangelical (20130401); Dr. Richard Sherlock - former Mormon (2013-0408); Shannon Kurtz - Revert (2013-0415); Leo Brown - former Baptist/Evangelical (2013-0428); David Currie - former Baptist (2013-0506); Pat Ermi - former Southern Baptist (2013-0527) ; Lou Everett - former Jehovah's Witness (2013-0610); Deacon Scott Jablonski - Revert (2013-0624) ; Matthew Leonard - former Methodist/Evangelical (2013-0701); Matt Palmer - former United Methodist; Talat Storkirk - former Muslim (2013-0715) ; Dr. Dale Pollard - former Protestant (2013-0722); Dr. James Papandrea - former Methodist (2013-0729); Kevin O'Brien - performed 'Orestes Brownson' (2013-0805); Richard Thompson - former Protestant (2013-0812); Dan Burke - Convert from Judaism (2013-0902) ; Paulette Adams - former Christian Church Disciples of Christ (2013-0909); Fr. Peter Geldard - former Angelican (2013-0916); Leighton Drake - former Agnostic (2013-0923) ; Fr. David Poecking - former Presbyterian (2013-0930); Fr. Carter Griffin - former Presbyterian (2013-1007); Jeff Barefoot - former Protestant (2013-1014) ; Robert Stackpole - former Anglican Minister (2013-1021); Billie Mobley - Revert/former Baptist (2013-1028); Brian Nelson - former Christian Reform (2013-1104); Steven Lawson - Revert/former Agnostic (2013-1111); Biff Rocha - revert (2013-1125); Phillip Frederick - former non-practicing Protestant (2013-1202); Jason Stellman - former Presbyterian minister (2013-1209); Dr. David Anders - former Presbyterian (2013-1223); Bishop Robert Baker - Bishop of Birmingham Alabama ; Monsignor Michael Magree - former United Methodist (2013-1230); Doctor Norman McCrummen - former Presbyterian Minister (2014-0106); Sara Piazza - revert from Judaism (2014-0113) ; Abby Johnson - former Baptist (2014-0120); Nancy McCall - former Baptist and Evangelical (2014-0127); Joseph Pearce (2014-0203); Nikki and Jason Workmaster - former Baptist and Evangelical (2014-0210); Charlie McKinney - former Southern Baptist (2014-0217); Rick Fee - former Missouri Synod Lutheran (2014-0224); Gary Michuta - former Missouri Synod Lutheran (2014-0303); Jamie Richardson - former Baptist (2014-0310) ; Timothy Putnam - former United Methodist (2014-0324); Fr. Dennis Garrou - former Anglican priest (2014-0331); Br. Rex Anthony Norris - former Anglican (2014-0407); Paul McCuster - former Baptist (2014-0414) ; Devin Rose - former Baptist & atheist (2014-0422); Bishop Kevin Vann (2014-0505); Collin Raye (2014-0526); Andy McNutt - former Baptist (2014-0602); Cliff Bajema - former pastor of Reformed Church of America (2014-0609); Fr. Tyson Wood - former Lutheran minister (2014-0616); Thomas Smith - former Mormon missionary (2014-0617); Mike Aquilina - Catholic revert (2014-0623) ; Scott Bloch - former Evangelical (2014-0714) ; Fr M Price Oswalt - former Angelican (2014-0722); Deacon David Miller - former Lutheran (2014-0728); Dr David Gregson - former Presbyterian (2014-0804); John Lillis - Catholic Revert (2014-0811); Fr Leonard Mary - EWTN daily Catholic mass (2014-0818); Seth Cherney - Convert from Judaism (2014-0818) ; Sean Chapman - Catholic Revert (2014-0825) ; Dr. Brennan Pursell - Former Neo-Paganist (2014-0901); Cris Fouse - Former Episcopalian-Anglican (2014-0908); Deacon Rick Bauer - Revert (2014-0915); Jody Morse - Former Presbyterian (2014-0929) ; Marcus Daly - Revert (2014-1006); Dr. Ryan Messmore - Former Methodist (2014-1013); Marcus Grodi - Life as a Convert (2014-1016) ; Jack Tripp - Former Baptist (2014-1020); Fr. Bill Kneemiller - Revert (2014-1027); Dr Matthew Cabeen - Former Evangelist (2014-1103); Dale Ahlquist - Revert (2014-1119); Fr. Greg Paffel - Revert (2014-1124); John Robinson - Former Anglican (2014-1201) ; Matthew DiMartino - Former Baptist (2014-1208) ; Rit Leslie - Former Protestant (2014-1222) ; Rick Rosen - Convert from Judaism (2015-0105) ; Cole Matson - former Presbyterian (2015-0112) ; Joshua Bowman - former Episcopalian/Anglican (2015-0119); Gary Zimak - Revert (2015-0126); Dr. Robin Pierucci - Jewish convert (2015-0202) ; Dr. Ian Murphy - former Baptist (2015-0209) ; April Bright - former United Pentecostal (2015-0216); Charlotte Ostermann - former Presbyterian (2015-0223); Dr. Wesley Vincent - former Fundamentalist and Evangelical (2015-0302); Brandon Barker - former Southern Baptist/Evangelical (2015-0316); Janet Schmittgen - revert Polish National Catholic (2015-0323); Jay Lampart - former Evangelical (2015-0406) ; Amy Daniels - former Presbyterian and United Methodist minister (2015-0413); Jamie and Jack McAleer - former Lutheran and revert (2015-0420); Tom Grossman - former Non-denominational Charismatic (2015-0427); Fr. Shane Tharp - priesthood (2015-0504); Marty Doucette - former Evangelical Orthodox (2015-0511); Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle - revert (2015-0518) ; Professor Holly Ordway - former Atheist and Episcopalian (2015-0601); John Sherman - former Methodist and Non-denominational Christian (2015-0608); Professor Jared Ortiz - revert (2015-0622) ; Jack Bryant - revert (2015-0629); Fr. Leo Patalinghug - revert (2015-0713); Dr. Ryan Topping - former Mennonite (2015-0720) ; Michael Lofton - former Baptist and Presbyterian (2015-0727); Matthew James Christoff - former Pluralist/Relativist; Dr. Scott Sullivan - former Evangelical (2015-0817); Pamela Sullivan - former Assemblies of God (2015-0824); Julie and Kevin Wynn - former Seventh-day Adventists (2015-0810); Fr. Jerry Brown - former Episcopal priest (2015-0831); Birgitta and Ulf Ekman - former Charismatic / Non-denominational (2015-0914); Deacon Jeffrey Lewis - former Episcopalian Deacon (2015-0928); Kurt Hoover - former Wesleyan Methodist (2015-1005); Lisa Campbell - former Pentecostal (2015-1012) (; Joey Duke - former Church of Christ minister (2015-1019); Daniel McCormick - former Southern Baptist (2015-1026); Thomas Nash - Theologian, author, and EWTN staff member (2015-1102); Roger Dubin (fiction author) - former Judaism (2015-1109); Jim Tonkowich - former Presbyterian (2015-1117) ; Patrick Madrid - EWTN host and author (2015-1124) (; Brandon Sheard - former Non-Denominational (2015-1130); Heather and Andrew Bowen - former Baptist / former Atheist (2015-1207); Eric Neubauer - former Interdenominational pastor (2015-1221); Dr. Norman McCrummen - former Presbyterian minister (2016-0105); Paul Keough - revert (2016-0112); Rose Sweet, author - revert (2016-0119); Michael Goodwin - former Evangelical (2016-0126); Steve Ray - former Baptist (2016-0201); Jay Sardino - revert (2016-0208);

Dr. Peter Kreeft's conversion to Catholicism from Protestantism(1:08:49)

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Atheist video

How I grew up atheist and ended up Catholic -- Jennifer Fulwiler (48:58)(

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Hindu video

Former Hindu: Sarang Honap - former Hindu; Fr. Jay Kythe - former Hindu (2005-0117)

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Buddhism video

Former Buddhism: Fr. Richard Ho Lung - former Buddhist; Professor Paul Williams - former Buddhist (The Unexpected Way);

From Buddhism to Catholicism: "I was looking for truth" (1) by Paul Williams (9:39); "I was looking for truth" (2) by Paul Williams (10:10)

Fr. Michael Lim - Conversion of a Buddhist to Roman Catholicism (Part I) (2:45-18:56); (Part II) (18:29); (Part III) (18:37)(

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Muslim video

Former Muslim: Daniel Ali - former Muslim;

Muslim to Catholic / Commentary on Islam (play all 11 presentations): Evangelizing Muslims(5:43); The Journey Home 2013-0715 - Talat Storkirk - Former Muslim(51:46); The Journey Home 2009-0615 - Talat Storkirk - Former Muslim (Part 1)(29:12); The Journey Home 2009-0615 - Talat Storkirk - Former Muslim (Part 2)(22:01); Origin and History of Islam(40:32); "Blasphemy with Breakfast" Dr. Scott Hahn (10:24); "Slaves and Sons" Dr. Scott Hahn(5:29); "Abraham: Father or Master?" Dr. Scott Hahn (20:08); "Slaves and Sons" Dr. Scott Hahn(5:29); From Muslim to Catholic - The journey of a lifetime(3:12); Franciscan University Presents: Catholics and Islam(58:29); Islam's View of Christianity - Robert spencer at Franciscan University(42:36)

From Muslim to Catholic: Conversion Testimony (34:09)

Franciscan University Presents: Catholics and Islam(34:09)

Michael Cumbie's Conversion Story - former Protestant Clergyman(3:00); No Greater Gift - The Michael Cumbie Story (1:34)

How I became a Catholic convert(45:05)

Conversion Story(9:26) (from a Opus Dei member)

Paul Wattson and his conversation to catholicism (1:16)

Calvinists Convert to Catholicism (8:22)

Catholic vs Protestant Bible (5:12)(

The Catholic Perspective on Paul (2:14)(

Joseph Pearce's Conversion, clip 1(9:30); Joseph Pearce's Conversion, clip 2 (8:50)

G.K. Chesterton Defending the Faith 1(9:22), Defending the Faith 2(8:35), Defending the Faith 3(9:32)

Catholics Come Home: Epic, Movie, Testimonials, Home, Other Evangomercials, Heavy Burdens, Eucharist; Real People, Real Stories(

former Presbyterian: Jimmy Akin - Biblical Worship

Catholic Answers Early Church Fathers(20 youtube, about 6 minutes each), The Fathers Know Best (book by Jimmy Akin)

The Protestant's Dilemma: Jimmy Akin interviews Devin Rose (10.07) (about book at

The Early Church Fathers & the Mystery of John 6:53 - Msgr. Frank Lane (44:34)

What Must I Do to Be Saved? - Marcus Grodi(1:02:10)

The Early Church Fathers I Never Saw - Marcus Grodi (56:27)(1-authority of Church, hierarchical of church:bishops,priests,deacons, and the reality of the structure in the early church; 2-Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist; 3-authority to the bishop of pope; 4-problem of schism from early church all through history)

Ten Versus I Never Saw - Marcus Grodi, 2009(56:34)( Proberbs 3:5-6; 1 Timothy 3:14-15; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; 2 Thessalonians 2:15; Matthew 16:13-19; Revelation 14:13; Romans 10:14-15; John 15:4,6:56; Colossians 1:24; Luke 1:46-49 )

Breaking Through the Myths of History: Deep in History - Dr. Kenneth Howell(51:25)

Seven Lies About Catholic History - Dr. Diane Moczar(51:25)

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Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults


National Directory for Catechesis (

Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us - A Pastoral Plan for Adult Faith Formation in the United States (


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Catholic Information

Catholic City (

Catholics on the Net (Links) (

Catholic Information Network (category of links) (

Catholic Messages (

Catholic OnlineParish locator in US(

Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi (

List of Popes with Biography (

Roman Catholic Resource Index (

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Cherbear Start Up Cavern

Faith First

Kids 4 Truth Multimedia presentation: Creation ; One; The Arrival; Chosen

Children: Others

Adventure Odyssey

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National Catholic Education Association (USA)

National Conference of Catechetical Leadership (USA)

CEnet - Catholic Education Network (Australia)

Catholic Educators Resource Center

Resources for Catholic Educators

Catholic Teacher Resources


Ex Corde Ecclesiae: Pope John Paul II: Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities

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Couples for Christ in USA

Integrity Restored(Education in the battle against pornography)

Family: others

Concerned Women for America (advocate Christian value in family)

Focus on the Family

Pornography's Effects on Adults and Children

What we learned from Ted Bundy: Pornography

Cohabitation increases chance for divorce (

The Facts Behind Cohabitation (CIVITAS: the Institute for the Study of Civil Society)

Divorce Facts (

Statistics on Pornography, Sexual Addiction and Online Perpetrators (

Sexual Health of Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States (Kaiser Family Foundation)

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Health Care

Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum School of Bioethics

Catholic Health Association of Canada

Catholic Health Association of the United States

Catholic Medical Association

Catholic Educator's Resource: Current Issues: Medical Ethics

Guild of Catholic Doctors

Linacre Centre for Health Care Ethics

Linacre Centre for Health Care Ethics: Topics in Bioethics

Mission Doctors Association

National Association of Catholic Chaplains

National Catholic AIDS Network

National Catholic Bioethics Center

Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care

Cord Blood Donor Foundation (provide awareness and promote further research using umbilical cord blood stem cells from live birth for the treatment of disease)

Babies for Life Foundation (help expectant mothers to donate baby's umbilical cord blood for collection and storage of cord blood stem cells for publich storage and research needs for treatment of disease)

Other-Health information

Health Encyclopedia (Univ of Pennsylvania Health System)

WebMD Wellness A-Z guide (Univ of Pennsylvania Health System)

MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopia (National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health)

MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopia (MedicineNet: Health and medical info produced by doctors)

DocShop Patient Education

Consumer Guide to Dentistry

Gum Disease Information from the American Academy of Periodontology

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HIV/AIDS Service/Awareness/Prevention

Catholic websites on HIV/AIDS

AIDS and the Catholic University: (Seton Hall Campus Ministry) The Truth about AIDS; A Pastoral Response to HIV/AIDS

Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference: Recent Statements: A Message of Hope: from the Catholic Bishops in South Africa, Botswana and Swaziland (July 2001). Reiterates Church commitment to serve. Abstinence before marriage and fidelity after marriage are most effective prevention method. Explains Church's concern against indiscrimate distribution of condoms. The Church in Africa in face of the HIV/AIDS pandemic: "Our prayer is always full of hope."(December 2003) "To Shepherd the Church, Family of God in Africa, in the Age of AIDS."(December 2003, World Aids Day) Catholic leaders calls for greater cooperation between State and Church in assisting people with HIV/AIDS(February 2004)

AIDS Pastoral Care Network: APCN supports the spiritual health and growth of individuals and communities affected by HIV/AIDS through pastoral care, outreach, education and training, and the promotion of social justice.

HIV/AIDS awarerness: (Secretariat for African-American Catholics, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) Offers resources on HIV/AIDS and resources for individuals and parishes.

Catholic AIDS Action, Namibia : Challenges the AIDS pandemic in Namibia with the Courage to Fight and the Strength to Care. Builds on Roman Catholic affiliated groups and institutions to inspire and support programs of HIV/AIDS prevention, home-based care, spirituality, and support of orphans. To Love My Neighbor(A Pastoral Care Handbook for Namibia) Hope in the Time of AIDS(The Namibian, 2000)

UN Report Suggests Condoms are not the Answer to Aids Epidemic (Catholic Educator's Resource Center)

National Catholic AIDS Network : What does the Church say about HIV/AIDS?, HIV/AIDS IN THE CATHOHIC WORKPLACE, HIV/AIDS IN THE CATHOHIC WORKPLACE (Publication number 207) : Book of a collaborative project of the National Catholic AIDS Network (NCAN) and the National Association of Church Personnel Administrators.
Provides an overview of HIV/AIDS history and treatment with implications for the Church workplace; Employee benefits; Guidelines for employer policies and employment practices; Recommended principles for dealing with AIDS in the workplace.

Other HIV/AIDS information

Some organizations promote indiscrimate distribution of condoms. They have moral values different from that of the Catholic teaching, especially when "safe sex" is used to replace abstinence before marriage and fidelity after marriage. Yet for (and only for) married husband and wife who are inflected/affected by HIV, they also need to understand the serious danger of tranmitting the virus. These couples should make the appropriate decisions together with love, listen to their conscience, and must not compromise fidelity as husband and wife. In addition, it is important to understand that in the current state of arts condoms are in fact not as safe as people thought. See A meta-analysis of condom effectiveness in reducing sexually transmitted HIV.In any case, these couples who are infected or affected by the virus need to understand various options does not justify the indiscrimate distribution of condoms. The current statistics indicate that 50% of all newly infected adults are between the age of 15-24. The Catholic Church urges youths to change behavior, whereas the safe sex education does not.

AIDS United : Resources for professionals in the HIV/AIDS field.

HIV InSite - Gateway to AIDS knowledge (Univ of California, San Franscisco) : Library of HIV/AIDS information.

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Homosexuality (

Homosexuality (

Same Sex Unions (

The Church is here to help all of us live in the light of truth (

Courage (Catholic ministry to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones -- learn about homosexually and chastity); Sexual identity and complementarity ; Courage Authentic Truth & Compassion (1:00:00) ; Clergy Day 2014: Part 1 - Fr. Check (9:53) ; Clergy Day 2014: Part 2 - Paul (1:04:28) ; Clergy Day 2014: Part 3 - Fr. Check (3:18) ; Clergy Day 2014: Part 4 - Horne (1:03:38) ; Clergy Day 2014: Part 5 - Deacon Bob Walker, MD (11:54) ; Clergy Day 2014: Part 6 - Fr. Check (5:06) ; Clergy Day 2014: Part 7 - Deacon Patrick Lappert, MD (1:05:55) ;

"Desire of the Everlasting Hills" movie (1:03:05); Roundtable Discussion: "Desire of the Everlasting Hills" (48:48)

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Internet Links & Information

Catholic Goldmine

The 1999 Catholic Internet Directory

The 1997 Catholic Internet Directory US Catholic Hierarchy E-Mail addresses

Catholic Internet Directory

Catholic Pages Directory (categorized)

Catholic Related Links

Catholicism Resources

Theology Library (category of links)

The Monks of Adoration

New Advent Catholic Website

The Catholic Encyclopedia (New Advent Catholic Website)

Catholic Index (Alphabetical index of subjects)

Everything Catholic (category of links)

Legion of St. Michael

Librarian's Guide to Catholic Information on the Internet (Directory of websites)

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Library/Doctrine/Catechism/Canon Law

Catholic Catechism; Doctrine; Apologetics; Catholic Library; Book; Canon LawTheology


Catechism of the Catholic Church: by Charles Borromeo Parish, Mississipi, USA ; Vatican Archive

Faith First Catechism for children crossword puzzle and other games with the Bible

Catholic United for the Faith : on-line articles from Lay Witness; Faith Facts

Catholic Culture: The Catholic Culture Library

Commonly Asked Questions

Catholic Straight Answers by Fr. Saunders

Was Jesus really born on December 25

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Catholic Doctrinal Concordance

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Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Wheaton College)

Early Church Fathers (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)

The Ecole Initiative (Early Church History)

The Nazareth Resource Library

Pope John Paul II links

Catholic Messages USA (Messages from the Mother of God, Spiritual state of Catholic Church, Spiritual & Political Commentaries, Conservative Politics, News, Resources, Link Directory. Spiritual Mission Blessed by Popes John Paul II & Benedict XVI)

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Dark Night of the Soul A masterpiece in the Literature of Mysticism by St. John of the Cross (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)

Dialogue of Catherine of Siena (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)

Sacred Heart Nightly Devotion: books (

ICS Publications list of On-line books : Dark Night of the Soul

John Paul II books (

Free Catholic eBooks

Free Catholic Books

Saints' Books (files)

Saints' books

Story of a Soul (Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux)

The life of Jesus Christ ; Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich ; Life of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

St. Josemaria Escriva : Friends of God ; Christ is passing by ; The Way ; The Forge ; In love with the Church ; Holy Rosary ; The Way of the Cross ; Conversations

Journey of Faith (by Bob and Penny Lord)

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Canon Law

Code of Canon Law ; Code of Canon Law ; download

Canon Law Society of America

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Woodstock Theological Center

Theology Resources on the Web

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Priests for Life

Pro-life Reflections on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary (Priests for Life)

US Conference of Catholic Bishops Pro-Life Homepage (Priests for Life)

Pro-Life Shopping Guide

Catholic Educator's Resource: Current Issues: Abortion

Post-abortion issues (

Hope after Abortion (Project Rachels) ; National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing ; Rachel's Vineyard weekends for healing after abortion

Heartbeat International(Abortion pill rescue)

Life Choices : Services ; Client Testimonials; Babies in Action; Society for the Protection of Unborn Children : Human development from conception to birth; Images of babies at various stages of gestation; Abortion methods; Images of aborted babies; RU486/prostaglandin briefing; Assisted reproduction ; Euthanasia ; Morning-after pills

Pro-Life Resource List (; Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List (

Just The Facts (the miracle and science of life in the womb for school children)

National Right to Life: Information on Abortion ; Facts of Partial-Birth Abortion; National Campaign to End Partial-Birth Abortions; Born Alive Infant Protection Act

Roe No More Ministry ; Testimony: Roe vs. McCorvey

"Roe" of Roe vs. Wade file motion on June 17, 2003 to re-open landmark abortion case entered 33 years ago.

Who was the "Roe" of Roe vs. Wade? (conversion of abortion advocate & abortion clinic worker)

American Life League

Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer

Birthright International

Pro-Life Action League

Angel in the Water (Children story about baby and angel inside mother's womb)

Silence No More Awareness Campaign (Reach out to people hurt by abortion. Educate the public that abortion is harmful. Share personal testimonies of hurt and healing to help others avoid the pain of abortion.)

Abortion Facts

Rock for Life

Life Call (Prolife website to educate teens on abortion and prolife issues.)

The Silent Scream, 1984(28:39)

About AbortionsConfession of an Ex-Abortionist(Dr. Bernard Nathanson)

Rebecca Kiessling: Conceived in Rape, Targeted for abortion? (

A Voice for Life (a pro-life film to offer love, hope, healing and forgiveness for all those touched by abortion)

The 40 Film (40 is a wake up call for America that investigates the aftermath of legalized abortion over the last 40 years.)

Comment on Planned Parenthood and the Loss of Human Dignity - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(8:02)

Comment on Abortion: Shocking Numbers out of New York - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(8:08)

Comment on Abortion and Health Care - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(5:45)

Comment on The Two Minus One Pregnancy - Bishop-elect Robert Barron (8:09)

Comment on The Childfree Life - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(8:20)

Comment on Biblical Family Values - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(8:43)

October Baby (a pro-life film to speak about the pain of abortion)

Human Life International

Covenant News

Abortion Statistics: others

Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States ; Induced Abortion Worldwide : 56 million abortions (1.5 per second) each year worldwide

Abortion Information : 55 million total abortions in USA since 1973 (2.5 per minute)

Abortion Statistics

Death Penalty

See under Peace and Justice: Death Penalty

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Liturgy, Homily

Liturgy reading: See Bible / Mass reading

Liturgical Calendar(

General Instruction of the Roman Missal (

Roman Missal : General Instruction of the Roman Missal , Norm for Holy Communion under Both Kinds , Liturgical Year , Order of the Mass , Votive Masses and Various Needs , Extraordinary Form of the Mass (

Music for the Roman Missal (

Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions : Planning sheets (

Commentaries on the Daily Gospel of the Mass ( by Kay Murdy)

Catholic Liturgical Library ; Mass of the 1970 Missal ; General Instructions of the Roman Missal (old)

Decree In Missa in Cena Domini (Washing of feet on Holy Thur) (

Proclaiming Tips (for lectors) (

The Effective Lector (

Lector Preparation / Lector's Notes

The Roman Catholic Lectionary Website

Roman Catholic Lectionary (with calendar) (

The Sunday website (Sunday Liturgy Preparation website, with prayer, reflection and planning for liturgy.) (The Center for Liturgy at Saint Louis University)

The Daily Mass - Multimedia Site (Video)

The Mass Explained (YouTube)

Mass Times (Mass schedule in parishes in many countries) (Mass schedule in parishes in many countries)

Franciscan University Chapel daily mass

Word on Fire daily mass


Homilies Links (

Homilies for Sundays and Holy Days (Catholic Doors Ministry); Links to Catholic Homilies

Archives of Homilies by Fr. Thommy Lane

Homily at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Batavia, Illinois

Catholic Homilies by Fr. Andrew Greeley

Novena homilies at Shrine of St. Jude

Homily Service by Fr. Daniel Meynen: English; Francais; Espanol

Letture Omelia e Liturgia della Domenica -- weekly homilies in Italian

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy -- homilies by Fr. K. M. Cusick: English;Spanish

Homilies at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Virginia (

Sunday Homilies by Fr. Munachi Ezeogu (African Christian Inspiration)

Sermon and sermon-lectionary resources

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Local Churches

Local Church

Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History with a concentration on the history of Christianity in China

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Life Choices

Catholic Perspectives on: Love, Sex and Marriage: Love is ..., Understanding Human Love, Love: human, sexual, married, chaste, Understanding chastity, Chastity? It's for real, Love is for Life(Caltech Newman Center)

Marriage Encounter

Natural Family Planning(Couple to Couple League

Natural Procreative Technology(The first women's health science to network family planning with reproductive health monitoring and maintenance, in a fertility-care based medical approach.)

Catholic Infertility Journey

Catholic Marriage Prep Class

Renewing the Heart


Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II(

The Polycarp Research Institute(To promote and perform research that seeks to improve the physical, psychological and spiritual condition of mankind.)(

Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? Long summary; Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? (Book by Randy Alcorn);

Catholic Educator's Resource: Current Issues: Marriage and Family; Sexuality; Homosexuality; Parenting; Population Control; Contraception: Why Not?(Talk by Janet Smith) Core Subjects(

Modesty(Fish Eater website on dressing modestly)

True Love Waits(Life Way: an international campaign that challenges teenagers and college students to remain sexually abstinent until marriage)

Catholic Dating Sites, 6 First Date Safety Rules for Women(Provide reviews on Catholic dating sites with information about online dating safety:

National Center on Sexual Exploitation (


Video links at Love & Fidelity Network (

The Destiny of Humanity: On the Meaning of Marriage(16:49)( Humanum Series Part 1 of 6)

The Cradle of Life & Love: A Mother & Father for the World's Children (14:08)( Humanum Series Part 2 of 6)

Understanding Man and Woman (15:26)( Humanum Series Part 3 of 6)

Hidden Sweetness: The Power of Marriage Amid Hardship(12:06)( Humanum Series Part 2 of 6)

Challenge & Hope for a New Generation (13:53)( Humanum Series Part 5 of 6)

Marriage, Culture & Civil Society (17:43)( Humanum Series Part 6 of 6)

"Loneliness and True Love: The Fallout from the Sexual" - Dr. Jennifer Roback(29:28) (examines the effect in law and culture to support unconditional divorse as part of sexual revolution.)

Pornography, Women, and Children - panel presentation at Pervasive Porn conference sponsored by students for Child-Oriented Policy at the University of Notre Dame on January 31 2015(1:26:47) (Panelists: Mary Anne Layden, Director, Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the Center for Cognitive Therapy, University of Pennsylvania; Donna Hughes, Professor and Carlson Endowed Chair of Gender and Women's Studies, University of Rhode Island; Mary Leary, Professor of Law, Catholic University of America)

Modern Sex Education by Wendy Shalit (27:49)(

Theological Perspectives on Pornography - Panel Discussion(1:00:20)( (Panelists: Gabriel Reynolds, Professor of Islamic Studies and Theology, University of Notre Dame; Fr. Peter Ryan, SJ, executive director, Secretariat of Doctrine and Canonical Affairs, US Conference of Catholic Bishops)

(Panel presentation at Pervasive Porn conference) In Principle: Philosophy and the Law - Christopher Tollefsen and Gerard Bradley (1:15:58)( (0-23:45 Philosophy: 10 thoughts by Christopher Tollefsen, Professor of Philosophy, Univeristy of South Carolina.) (23:45- 56:48 Gerard Bradley, Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame)

Jennifer Roback Morse: Cleaning Up the Mess of the Sexual Revolution - Talbot Chapel(37:16) Sexual revolution has been harmful to children of divorce, to reluctant divorsed - estimated 3 quarter of divorces involve a reluctant spouse, donor conceived issues, victims of hocked up culture, heart-broken career women. Sexual evolution has 2 fatally erroneous ideas: 1. separates sex and children bearing from each other and from marriage, 2. men and women are interchangeable. The only coherent alternative to sexual revolution is the ancient teaching of all christian church on marriage, sex, and family.

Religious Freedom and Sexual Liberationism - Helen Alvare at Franciscan University(53:15) (Dr. Helen Alvaré, professor of law at George Mason School of Law, delivers the annual Henkels Lecture at Franciscan University of Steubenville, as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series. This talk looked at how secular society's interpretation of birth control, co-habitation, and abortion as the new norms has generated an incredible mistrust among the sexes. It includes alarming statistical data in USA on unplanned prenancy, on abortion rate, births outside marriage.)

Cohabitation and its Discontents - Helen Alvare (1:26:44)

The Person as a Gift - Anthony Esolen (22:26-1:25:11)

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Birth Control Pills


Are we less free than a 1950s housewife? A look at contraception(June 8 2017)

Birth control pills reduce women's well-being (Apr 27 2017)

Is your birth control making you depressed? (Sep 29 2016)

The science of attraction: How the pill is changing who women want(Nov 11 2014)

More yound women are choosing health over birth control(Apr 8 2014)

That time Cosmo admitted how horrible the Pill really is(May 25 2016)

Hormonal birth control still increases breast cancer risks, study finds(Dec 7 2017)

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The Harmful Effects of Pornography

Stamping Out Pornography Addiction, by ZENIT

Compulsive Internet Pornography Use and Mental Health: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Sample of University Students in the United States, by A.L.L.

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Same Sex Marriage

Audiovisual (Youtube)

The consequences of homosexual marriage (21:29) (Negative impacts on faith, family, freedom of conscious, freedom of religion, freedom of speech)

An Impossible Right: Why 'Same-Sex Marriage' is Wrongheaded(37:42)(conversation with Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Archdiocese of San Francisco)

RI House Judiciary on Marriage - Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse(6:46)

The Ruth Institute YouTube channels

To WA Legislature: History Will Not Be Kind To You! - Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse(6:39)

Gay Marriage & the Breakfown of Moral Argument - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(7:39)

Comments on the SCOTUS Same-Sex Marriage Ruling - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(7:45)

Comments on Sexuality, Sacrifice, and Love - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(8:55)

Comments on Marriage and Relationships - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(5:49)

Comments on Morality, Character, and Relationships - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(8:14)

Comments on Sex, Love, and God - Bishop-elect Robert Barron(8:59)

"Same Sex Marriage: Why Not?" - Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse(59:16)(full lecture at Franciscan University of Steubenville, 2011) (Sexual revolution are a series of steps disintegrating sexual activity, child bearing and love partners. Same sex marriage is one of this steps. 1. What is marriage in the first place: essential public purpose of a marriage to attach mother and father to the children and to each other. In particular, children has such rights but are unable to defend themselves. Marriage is redefined in order to include same sex marriage. 2. What are the harms (to everyone) of redefining marriage. Same sex undermines some key principles of law and key understanding of practices: 2.1 children are ordinarily entitled to a relationship with father and mother. 2.2 mothers and fathers are not interchangeable as a general principle, each makes unique contributions. 2.3 biology is the primary way to define parenthood. 2.4 state government only recognized parents, state government will decide on parents and power of state government is increased and it decides on private matthers.)

"Same Sex Marriage Affects Everyone" - Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse(1:01:45) (Talk at Wheaton College similar to the one at Franciscan University)

"Marriage Without Adjectives: Explaining Natural Marriage" - Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse(1:10:55) (Talk similar to the one at Franciscan University, with emphasis in the beginning for inter-faith efforts and concentrating on Marriage)

"The Family in the New Economy" - Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse(26:26)

"How Re-Defining Marriage Harms Society" - Dr. Jennifer Roback(27:02)

Fr Dereck Sakowski Homily Same Sex Marriage & Theology of The Body(16:31)

Same Sex Marriage Homily - Fr John Hollowell (15:54)

Same Sex Marriage: What the Church Teaches & Why - Bishop Ronald Gainer(1:03:55)

Talks from other Christian denominations

Setting the Record Straight: The Truth About Homosexual Marriage by Greg Koukl part 1(38:48) (Biblical reasons)

Setting the Record Straight: The Truth About Homosexual Marriage by Greg Koukl Part 2(40:12) (Cultural reasons)

Setting the Record Straight: The Truth About Homosexual Marriage Q&A(25:14) (Cultural reasons)

Dr. James Dobson: Have We Gone Completely Mad (6:44)

Dr. James Dobson shares his view on the Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriages(13:22)

Dr. James Dobson: Forcing Homosexual Marriage on US, Catastrophe(30:29)

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Research shows when children like to cross gender are treated normally, 91% will not have that feeling as they grow up. Yet if they are encouraged and taught about transgender, they will maintain.

A political question about transgender that as much as 41% of the gender identity disordered commit suicide. Yet data shows that transgender operation only lowers down the suicide rate initially. The suicide rate goes back up to what it was after 8 years.

Research shows up to 20% transgender will detransition to go back. Some realized later that being transgender had not solved their problems, the causes of which have not been addressed.

What the Catholic Church Wants the Transgender Community to Know (Christina Mead

Transgender persons, human dignity and our response ( Minesota Catholic Conference)

Five Questions for Supporters of Gender Transitioning (Trent Horn,

Father Kenneth Doyle: What’s the church’s position on the transgendered? (

Sex Change Regret ( (Walt Heyer, after his own regret, researched to found out that he is not the isolated case. Regrets are up to 20% from some research. He wants to tell the truth about sex change, and he is author of book "Paper Genders")

Trading my Sorrows : Trading my Sorrows ( (Walt Heyer shares own story from male to female and back again in this book.)

Bishop Paprocki: We Ask You to Use the Correct Bathroom (

US bishops respond to new transgender guidelines (

“Gender theory”/“Gender ideology” – Select Teaching Resources (

Audio visual on transgender questions

What Does the Church Think of Transgender People (3:08) (Tim Staples - Catholic Answers)

Pope Francis on gender theory (2:55)

Bruce Jenner & the Transgender Question (8:17)(Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Transgender and Why God Matters (57:55) (Catholic Answers Live)

Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Culture Collapse - Camille Paglia (7:10)

Camille Paglia: Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is a Symptom of West's Cultural Collapse (7:56)

Identity Crisis: School Affirms 11-Year-Old’s Identity Without Parental Consent(7:27)

Identity Crisis: Doctor Sounds Alarm on ‘Transgender Assembly Line’(7:45)

‘Trans Woman’ Murders Two Real Women, Goes to Women’s Prison(36:35)

Identity Crisis: How Gender Ideology Took Away a Mother From Her Daughter for Three Years(8:34) A Chicago court prohibited a mother from seeing her daughter for three years. All because that mother insisted that her daughter is a girl.

Identity Crisis: California Mom Says Gender Ideology Drove Autistic Daughter Into Mental Breakdown(7:45) After educators and a therapist drove her high-functioning Autistic, gender-confused daughter into a mental breakdown, a mother in California is speaking out about the “trauma” and “catastrophic ruin” that gender ideology has caused her family.

The Transgender Movement Took Her Daughter’s Life(11:23) Abby Martinez lost custody of her daughter Yaeli to the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services because Martinez did not fully support her daughter “transitioning” to a boy. Yaeli changed her name to Andrew and began taking cross-sex hormones, but still struggled with depression. At 19, Yaeli took her own life. Martinez says DCFS took her daughter from her.

Audio visual on de-detransitioning: transgender revert back

Research shows up to 20% transgender will detransition to go back. It may help to listen to their frank personal experiences prior to making grave decisions to transition.

Chloe Cole: 'I'm Still Recovering' From Hormones, Surgery at 15(8:56) Chloe Cole, a detransitioner from Central Valley, Calif., began identifying as a boy at 12 years old. Doctors prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones starting at age 13. At 15, before her breasts were even fully developed, doctors performed a double mastectomy. Only a short time after surgery, Chloe started having regrets about her medical transition. But in some ways, it was too late. Chloe is now 18 years old and back to living as a woman, but is still struggling to come to terms with the medical coercion that took something "beautiful and uniquely female" away from her.

Identity Crisis: Detransitioner Loses Natural Singing Voice After ‘Gender Affirming Care’(8:35)Since she was five years old, Cat Cattinson felt uncomfortable in her body. She brushed these feelings aside until she turned 28, when the narrative she was hearing from trans activists and medical providers became too overwhelming to ignore: If she did not conform with her “gender identity,” she would face significant mental health problems and be at high risk for committing suicide. So Cat started testosterone prescribed over the phone after a 30-minute phone call with Planned Parenthood, scheduled an elective double mastectomy, and filed to legally change her name. But three months later, after the testosterone made it painful to sing and to even speak, she realized it was all a huge mistake.

Identity Crisis: After Top Surgery & Hormones, Female Detransitioner Decided She Wanted to Be A Mom(7:58)

Identity Crisis: A Detransitioner’s Harrowing Journey Back From Gender Madness(10:48)

I Became Transgender. Here’s Why I Regret It.(10:06)

Why I transitioned / detransitioned! (20:46)

Boy, 14, reversed his gender transition after 2 years (14:50)

Former Tans Kid Chloe Cole on Why She Left Transgenderism(24:12)

Why I Detransitioned (Jael Lafayette) (13:00)

Am I Gay Because I Was Molested? (Jael Lafayette) (10:27)

Why I detransitioned and what I want medical providers to know (USPATH 2017) (Cari Stella) (3:25)

Response to Julia Serano: Detransition, Desistance, and Disinformation (Cari Stella) (17:02)

What would I tell people who want to transition? (Cari Stella) (15:20)

One Year Off Testosterone (Cari Stella) (9:32)

I Dont Want To Be FEMALE ANYMORE!!( IM DETRANSITIONING!!) (Itsbambii Playhouse) (12:24)

i don't want to be female; detransitioning (Cluam Sutherland) (4:59)

Detransition: where trans support stops (6:37)

Why I Detransitioned (made for USPATH presentation) (Crash ChaosCats) (2:52)

Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia (7:10)

I Was Transgender: My Story (Joeyblondewolf2) (19:54)

FtM Transgender: Why I Quit Testosterone (BluntedFSharps) (15:25)

Faye reconciles with being female after detransitioning (25:39)

I hate my arm (5:38)

Detransitioned Women (Brightand Yellowsun1) (7:25)

TWT Another detransitioner speaks (22:51)

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Akita, Japan (

Betania in Venezuela

Cuapa in Nicaragua (

Miraculous Medal (Beatitudes Communit website)

The Fatima Network (; Fatima in Lucia's own words

International Pilgrim Virgin Statue (

Fatima Apparitions (

Garabandal (; Garabandal (

Our Lady of Guadalupe (; Our Lady of Guadalupe (Beatitudes Community website)

Our Lady of Guadalupe (; The Miracle Hunter: Marian Apparitions(Miracle Hunter)

Our Lady of Kibeho (; Judgment on the apparitions of Kibeho by Bishop Augustin Misago of Gikongo (; Mission of Immaculee: Left to tell (

LaSalette (; LaSalette( (approved by Bishop of Grenoble)

Laus(; Laus ( by Church in 2008)

Lourdes ; Lourdes Rosary Shrine (Church of St. Louis Bertrand, 1104 S. Sixth Street, Louisville, KY 40203, USA)

Medjugorje (; Medjugorje (Beatitudes Community); Medjugorje (

Children of Medjugorje

Center for Peace - West

Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Paris)

English translation of the French webpage of chapel of Miraculous Medal apparitions in Paris; The Association of Miraculous Medal ( at Saint Mary's of the Barrens Church in USA; The Central Association of Miraculous Medal in Pennsylvania, USA;

Our Heavenly Mother

The Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary (

Naju, South Korea ; Mary's Touch by Mail

Naju, South Korea

Duc Me Maria Roi Le Tai Saigon, Vietnam

Rome: Mother of Eucharist; Eucharistic Miracles

Our Lady of All Nations Celebration

The National Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima (World Apostolate of Fatima, USA:

The Mary Page: Marian Shrines from around the world (University of Dayton, The Marian Library /International Marian Research Institute)

Mary Page Resources Information Menu (Univ of Dayton Marian Library)

Treasise on the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin (St. Louis de Montfort) (

Our Lady's Gallery

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Video: Mary

Mary of Nazareth (1:42:45)

Fatima Portugal 1917 (3:55)

The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (22:08)

CCCFamilyFilms: First visit from the Angel - The Day the Sun Danced (1:44) , The Dancing Sun - The Day the Sun Danced (0:53) , St. Bernadette, Pricess of Lourdes (3:56) , The Making of Juan Diego (1:02)

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Media & Publication

Catholic News Service

ZENIT News Agency : events, documents and issues on the Catholic Church

Spirituality for Today : Magazine of spriritual articles online

The Great Crusade of Love and Mercy On-line books: The Holy MassThe Stations of the CrossThe PassionHoly Hour The Great Crusade of Love Divine ProvidenceThe Door to Heaven

Catholic Press Association

List of Catholic magazines

Catholic World News

Eternal Word Television Network(

America's Catholic Television Network(

Salt + light(

Fountain of Love and Life(

St. Luke Productions (renewing and evangelizing the culture with dramatic arts) ; St. Therese Movie

St. Joseph Communications (book on tape)

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Store

The Latin Mass Magazine

The Tidings Online (Newspaper of the Los Angeles Archdiocese)

ZENIT News Agency

Catholic Answers Home Page Books on Apologetics and Envangelization

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Movement / Community

Catholic Christian Outreach: Proclaim Gospel on campuses across Canada

Christlife Catholic Evangelization Services: Evangelization, Renewal, and Christian Unity

The Christophers

Couples for Christ Global Mission: regional directory

Cursillo Movement

Diplomatic Society of St. Gabriel (Faith based diplomacy for Mediation, Conflict and Dispute Resolution)

Emmanuel Community

Focolare in US

Foyers de Charite : Marthe Robin, who participated the suffering of Jesus in her life; communicated with Fr. Finet who started retreats and communities from France

Holy Spirit of Freedom Community Special Ministry: Street kids, prostitute, drug addicts.

International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services E-mail:;

International Order of Alhambra

Knights of Columbus

Lifesong Healing Ministry

Marian Movement of Priests: English; International ;

National Day of Prayer : 1st Thursday in May in US

Opus Dei : Finding God in work and ordinary life

Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement

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Ultimate List of Christmas Songs (

Christmas Carols with lyrics (

Inspirational Flash Movies (

English Hymns in the Commons (

The Hymns and Carols of Christmas (

Hymns ; Praise and Worship (

kids4truth - Free children's ministry resources

Mark Mallet Music Evangelization Ministry

Sanctuary : Ritual Music for Prayer and Contemplation

Rock for Life Prolife Bands

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Orthodox Catholic Resources

Newman Apologetics Resource

Bible and Tradition Apologetics

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Peace and Justice

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

Encyclical Letter Lauato Si of the Holy Father Francis on Care for Our Common Home

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Franciscan Friars - Justice and peace

Franciscans International

JustFaith Ministries

Listen to talk at SJSU on March 2 2003 (Using Real Player)

Middle East Children's Alliance

NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby

Pax Christi USA

School of America Watch

Walk to End Poverty and Injustice in the United States

The World We Live in

Intolerance to Christians

Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe (

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Stop War on Iraq

There Must Be Another Way: Dominican Fast for Peace and Nonviolence

What does the Catholic Church say on War with Iraq?

Iraq Update (NETWORK)

No War Against Iraq Resources (Pax Christi)

Eyewitness from Iraq: War, Conscience and Faith (Pax Christi USA Speaking Tour) Listen to talk at SJSU on February 23 2003 (Using Real Player)

Letters from the Iraq Peace Delegation ; "We are against the war" Vatican's Secretary of State; Resources for Reflection on the Proposed War on Iraq (Holy Cross International Justice Office)

Voices in the Wilderness a campaign to end the economic sanctions against the people of Iraq; Sanctions and war: myths and realities

Iraq Peace Team Since September 2002, seasoned nonviolent activists have been on the ground in Iraq standing in solidarity with the people of Iraq while at the same time working to prevent a US attack.

Collateral Damage: the health and environmental costs of the war on Iraq A non-military response is the best strategy for a permanent end to terror.

MoveOn Peace A non-military response is the best strategy for a permanent end to terror.

United for Peace On Feb 15-16 2003, millions around the world demonstrate to Stop the War on Iraq

Education for Peace in Iraq

A World at Odds: Conscience in a Time of Terror "Patriotism is Not Enough": Christian conscience in a time of war (Sojourners)

Common Dreams: Mideast Crisis Links


World Food Program: Fact sheet

What is Poverty?

Action Against Hunger

Africa Action

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Death Penalty

Amnesty International

Catholics Against Capital Punishment (CACP)

The Moratorium Campaign

Death Penalty Information Center

Moratorium 2000 Death Penalty Compaign

Moratorium 2000 Death Penalty Compaign

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

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Jean Marie Vianney: Ars in France

Holy Shroud official site

Infant Jesus of Prague, Prague (Klášter Pražského Jezulátka, Karmelitská 9, 118 00 Praha 1 – Malá Strana, Prague, Czech Republic); National Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Praque at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church. 304 Jim Thorpe Blvd. Praque, Oklahoma, USA ; Shrine at St. Mary's Church, 5 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06505, USA

Basilica of National Shrine of Immaculate Conception, Washington DC, USA

Our Lady of the Cape Shrine(626, Notre-Dame Est Street, Trois-Rivières, Québec, G8T 4G9, Canada)

Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal(3800 Queen Mary Road, Montreal (Quebec) H3V 1H6 Canada)

Shrine of Sainte-Anne de Beaupre(10 018, Avenue Royale (Quebec) G0A 3C0 Canada)

Cathedrale Marie Reine du Monde(1085, rue de la Cathedrale, Montreal Canada H3B 2V4)

The Faithful Traveler -- Locations(Pilgrimage sites)

Catholic Pilgrimage Sites

Catholic Shrines and Holy Places(Pilgrimage sites in USA)

Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ Ministries, Groom, Texas

Shrine of St. John Neumann, Philadelphia, USA

The Christian Catacombs of Rome

St. Elezabeth Ann Seton, Emmitsburg, Maryland, USA

Padre Pio Portal; Saint Pio from Pietrelcina; The Voice of Padre Pio; San Giovanni Rotondo; (USA) National Center of Padre Pio (Barto, Pennsylvania); (USA) St. Padre Pio Shrine (Landisville, New Jersey)

(USA) National Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Middletown, Pennsylvania)

The Great Jubilee of the Year 2000

Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament(3222 County Rd. 548, Hanceville, AL 35077, USA)

Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Paris); Chapelle Notre Dame de la Medaille Miraculeuse

The Sacred-Heart Basilica of Montmartre (Paris); La Basilique du Sacre Coeur de Montmartre

Sanctuaire de Lisieux; Sanctuary of Lisieux(Shrine of St. Therese of Lisieux) Lodging: Foyer Louis dt Zelie Martin, E-mail:

The National Shrine of St. Therese; (Society of the Little Flower)

Mary, Mother of the Church Shrine

The Martyrs' Room of the Seminaire des Missions Etrangeres de Paris

Catholic Shrines

Catholic Shrines - USA

National Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine(3636, State Hwy#5, Fonda, NY 12068, USA)

Blessed Fr. Francis Xavier Seelos(in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)

Shrine and Museum of St. Marianne Cope (Sisters of Saint Francis Motherhouse, 1024 Court Street, Syracuse, NY 13208 USA)

Solanus Center(in Detroit, USA)

Shrine and Guild of Blessed Margaret of Castello(St. Patrick Church 262 North Grant Ave. Columbus, OH43215-2653 USA)

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower (906 Kentucky Ave. San Antonio, TX 78201, USA)

Oblate Mission's Lourdes Grotto and Our Lady of Guadalupe (512 Blanco Rd. San Antonio, TX 78216, USA)

Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe (2215 Ross Ave. Dallas, TX 75201, USA)

Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan de Valle (512 Blanco Rd. San Antonio, TX 78216, USA)

Church of St. Elizabeth Church (in honor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, who served the poor in Marlburg) in Marlburg, Germany

Eucharistic Miracle in Walldurn, Germany (100 km SE of Frankfurt)

Fulda Cathedral (Shrine of St. Boniface) Fulda, Germany (100 km NE of Frankfurt)

Bamberg Cathedral (tombs of St. Henry and his wife St. Kunigunde) Bamberg, Germany (200 km E of Frankfurt)

St. Matthias Abbey (relic of St. Matthias) Trier, Germany (200 km W of Frankfurt)

Erding Miracle of the Eucharist, Erding, Germany (50 km NE of Munich)

Our Lady of Altotting Shrine, AltOtting, Germany (100 km E of Munich, also Shrine of St. Conrad, doorkeeper of AltOtting)

St. Hedwig's Cathedral (with tomb of Bl. Bernhard Lichtenberg) in Berlin, Germany

St. Matthew's Church (Bl. Clemens August Graf von Galen served in this parish before) in Berlin, Germany

Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney, Australia

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Holy Face of Jesus

"Veronica's Veil Found?" in Manoppello by Paul Badde

The authentic image of Jesus - The Volto Santo (of Manoppello) - compared with the holy shroud of turin (6:01)

Paul Badde: The Holy Face of Jesus, the Veil of Manoppello (24:19)

The Holy Face of Manoppello relic - Paul Badde with Raymond Arroyo at World Over on 2014-07-03 (8:32)

Holy Face of Jesus Documentary (1:01:57)

The true Face of Jesus - The Volto Santo - the holy face for true devotion (9:48)

The original Gospel - The Volto Santo and the shroud of Turin (10:00)

Real Face of Jesus Project by Ray Downing (2:55) (

Holy Face Association

Holy Face Novena (

HLI Ireland's astonishing "Holy Face" project (16:06)

Face Cloth of Christ at Manoppello, by Steve Ray (14:55)

The Rediscoved Face 1 (6:53), The Rediscoved Face 2 Edessa Mandylion (9:44), The Rediscoved Face 3 Veronica's Veil (14:42), The Rediscoved Face 3 The Holy Face of Manoppello (7:06)

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Holy Shroud official site (Archdioces of Turin) (

Shroud of Turin (

The Turin Shroud is it a fraud, a mystery, the witness of a miracle? (

Turin Shroud Center of Colorado (

The Shroud of Jesus (

The Crucifixion and the Shroud (

Shroud of Turin News (

The Crucifixion and the Shroud (

Real Human Blood ( by Stephen E. Jones)

Shroud of Turin Story (; Proof that the Shroud of Turin is the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ!

Proof that the Shroud of Turin is the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ (16:49)

Science Explains Shroud Image! New 2016 (26:36)

Science Explains Shroud Image! New 2016 (Part 2) (33:34)

3D Hologram of Jesus The Man In The Shroud (15:36)

New 3D images from the Shroud of Turin (3:01)

The Shroud of Turin: Detailed Analysis (53:26)

Shroud of Turin ~ Amazing Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus (1:04:32)

The Shroud of Turin - The official documenting photographer tells the inside story (1:19:14)

Shroud of Turin .. The New Evidence (43:15)

New Forensic Evidence Validates The Shroud of Turin and The Resurrection of The Person In It (1:13:23)

EC2016 - Jim Bertrand - The very latest research of the Shroud of Turin (47:06)

The Shroud of Turin and the Image of Divine Mercy - Fr. Chris Alar (1:29:15)

Shroud of Turin (by Dr. William Guy) (1:42:08)

The Most Comprehensive Presentation on the Shroud (by Dr. William Guy, 1/4) (58:43)

The Most Comprehensive Presentation on the Shroud (by Dr. William Guy, 2/4) (32:30)

The Most Comprehensive Presentation on the Shroud (by Dr. William Guy, 3/4) (42:32)

The Most Comprehensive Presentation on the Shroud (by Dr. William Guy, 4/4) (1:04:36)

The Crusades - Stefano Mazzeo and Thomas Madden (YouTube, the truth about Crusades)

The Crusades (YouTube,

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Prayer links

Catholic Prayers; Rosary; Divine Mercy ; Novena; Stations/Way of the Cross; Holy Hour ; Eucharistic Adoration, videos, library; Other Devotions


Basic Prayers; To Holy Spirit; For Virtues/Of Saints; Eucharist; To Jesus: Passion/Sacred Heart/Divine Mercy; To Mary

Catholic Prayers

Prayers (Beatitudes Commuity): To Jesus; Mary; Holy Spirit ; Intercession of Angels and Saints

A treasure of Catholic Prayers (Catholic Doors Ministry)

Sacred Heart Nightly Devotion: Prayers (

Catholic Prayers (

A treasure of Litanies (Catholic Doors Ministry)

Catholic Prayers (

Catholic Prayers (at EWTN website)

Our Catholic Prayers (

Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Catholic Prayers (

Sacred Heart of Jesus; Immaculate Heart of Mary (EWTN)

Prayers (at website)

Universalis (Psalm and reading prayer for each hour on each calendar day)

Daily prayer: Sacred Space provided by Irish Jesuits

The Trinitarian Prayer of Elizabeth of the Trinity

Prayers from saints (

Liturgy of the Hours - image

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Divine Mercy devotion : Chaplet, Novena

The Divine Mercy : Devotion, St. Faustina Kowalska, The Diary of St. Faustina

Diary of St. Faustina

Divine Mercy Prayers (Chaplet, Novena)

Divine Mercy Prayers (Chaplet, Novena)

Drawing Down Divine Mercy (

Video: Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy Movie (10:52)(text only narative)

About Divine Mercy from the diary of St. Faustina (6:21)(text with background music)

The Face of Mercy - Trailer (2:36)

St. Faustina Kowalska (3:38)

St. Faustina Kowalska / The Divine Mercy (7:03)

St. Faustina: Prophet of Mercy (8:20)

St. Faustina Kowalska (11:23)

St. Faustina Part 1(9:30), Part 2(9:35), Part 3(9:31), Part 4(9:32), Part 5(9:35), Part 6(9:31) (with Interview with Father S. Michalenko, 1991 vice prostulator for the cause of beatification of Faustina for N. America)

The Divine Mercy Devotion (with Diary quotes) (19:26)

St. Faustina and the Image of Divine Mercy (58:00)(talk by a Sr. Gaudia Skass, Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, Poland)

Divine Mercy in the 21st Century - interview with Sr. Gaudia Skass (55:19)(EWTN Sunday Night Prime on 2017-04-23)

Original Image of Divine Mercy - Movie Trailer (4:21)

Original Image of Divine Mercy in Vilnius Lithuania - A virtual pilgrimage (29:30)(Divine Sunday presentation by Archbishop of Vilnius)

The Divine Mercy of St. Faustina - 8 Essential Points (29:43)(Talk by Daniel O'Connor)

Divine Mercy: History of the Feast & Our Need For It (31:26)(Talk)

The Divine Mercy - Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska - Meditation (1:41:36)(text with background music)

Divine Mercy Novena: Day 1 (8:22), Day 2 (8:31), Day 3 (8:29), Day 4 (8:33), Day 5 (8:44), Day 6 (9:06), Day 7 (9:14), Day 8 (8:55), Day 9 (8:43)

Sing Divine Mercy Chaplet: The Chaplet of Divine Mercy of Jesus in Song (17:59)(with opening prayer), The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song (at EWTN) (21:02), The Divine Mercy (20:58)(Single the chaplet at EWTN chapel)

Sing Divine Mercy Chaplet (in alternative tone): The Chaplet of Divine Mercy sung by Donna Cori Gilson (17:47)(with opening prayer), The Chaplet of Divine Mercy video (16:53)(with numerous pictures)

Say Divine Mercy Chaplet: The Divine Mercy Chaplet prayer (10:47)(with opening prayer), Divine Mercy Chaplet (spoken) (6:32)(without opening prayer)

St. Faustina's Visions of the Afterlife (22:59)(Text from the diary of St. Fautina), St. Faustina: The Seven Tortures of Hell (6:00)(Text from the diary of St. Fautina)

St. Faustina visits Purgatory with Guardian Angel (3:49)(Text from the diary of St. Fautina)

Divine Mercy: Words of Jesus Part 1 (13:48), Part 2 (13:48), Part 3 (13:48), Part 4 (13:48), Part 5 (13:48), Part 6 (13:48), Part 7 (13:48), Part 8 (13:48), Part 9 (13:48), Part 10 (13:48) (computer voice narative)

Divine Mercy Miracles Part 1 (13:21), Part 2 (13:21), Part 3 (13:21), Part 4 (13:21), Part 5 (13:21), Part 6 (13:21)(computer voice narative)

return to Divine Mercy Links list

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The Way of Divine Love(19:09)

Jesus reveals His Thoughts to Sister Josefa Menendez(32:45)

Sacred Heart - Sister Josefa Menendez (1:56:37)

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Rosary (St. Charles Borromeo Catholc Church of Picayune, MS:

Rosary (Association of the Miraculous Medal): How to pray ; Tips to pray with family and children ; Tips to pray more devoutly (

Rosary (Rosary Creations): Prayers; Mysteries; History; Promises (

Rosary Center (Dominican Fathers:

Rosary (Medjugorje:

The Holy Rosary (

Worldwide Rosary Crusade (

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Novenas (EWTN) (

A treasure of Novena Prayers (Catholic Doors Ministry:

Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Association of the Miraculous Medal:

Infant Jesus of Prague (Novena, Prayer)

Novena to the Holy Spirit

Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

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Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross (St. Charles Borromeo Catholi Church of Picayune, MS)

Stations of the Cross with reflections written by Mother M. Angelica, P.C.P.A. (EWTN)

Way of the Cross at the Colosseum led by Pope Francis on Good Friday 2013 (

Stations of the Cross based on version celebrated by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday 1991 (USCCB)

Stations of the Cross with Meditations by St. Alphonsus Liguoir

Stations of the Cross by St. Francis of Assissi (; Stations of the Cross by St. Francis of Assissi (

The Way of the Cross by St. Jose Maria Escriva (

Stations of the Cross by the children of Mustard Seed Press

Stations of the Cross by John Newman , Stations of the Cross by John Newman (ewtn)

Holy Hour

The twenty-four hours of the Passion (by Luisa Piccarreta) ( (This book is not yet the official translation but private use is not forbidden, see

Weeping and bleeding statue in Bolivia (Not yet approved by the Church) (

Alleged Katya Riva Stigmata, filmed by Fox News (Not yet approved by the Church) (

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Eucharist prayers (

Adore Christ for Peace : Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament , Saints of the Eucharist , Eucharistic Miracles (

The Real Presence Association : Index ; Intro; Sacrament; Adoration; Eucharistic Miracles; Eucharistic Celebration; Quotes(

The Holy Eucharist (

Healing in the Eucharist (; Healing in the Eucharist - Fr Lou Cerulli (28:30)

10 advice to adore Jesus (Beatitudes Community)

Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration : Organizing Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (

Meditations and Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration by Fr. John Tran(

Accompanying Jesus: Even for Busy People; A Lenten Retreat Sharing; Prayer from a Lenten Retreat; Mother, May I Borrow Your Immaculate Heart?; A Future Jesuit ; How are You Jesus; 10 Reasons to Adore Jesus; In a trip; The World is Ill (

Eucharistic Oblate for the Vulnerable: About Eucharistic Oblate for the Vulnerable; Eucharistic Adoration; Intercession; Adoration Centers; Events of the month(

Pope John Paul II Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration : What is Eucharistic Adoration , Adoration questions , Testimonials , Pope Benedict XVI and the Eucharist , Benedict XVI's Catechetical dialogue with children "What are your memories of your first communion day?" (

Catholic Adoration: Events and Resources; Video: special invitation to Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration presented by Katie Pfeffer; Audio: interview with Ed Dahm on the History of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration(

Apostolic letter Mane Nobiscum Domine of the Holy Father John Paul II to the bishops, clergy and faithful for the year of the Eucharist (

Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist ; Eucharistic Holy Hour With Meditations on St Mary Magdalene - Fr. Sean Davidson ; Homilies and Talks - Fr. Sean Davidson, Fr. Barry Braum, Bishop Dominique Rey (

Catholic Adoration (

Corporis Christi Societas (

Synod of Biships XI Ordinary Generanl Assembly - The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS (

Eucharist category ; Eucharistic face of Christ (articles by Fr. Dom Mark Daniel Kirby in

The Encyclopedia of Eucharistic Adoration Quotes (

600 Adoration Quotes (

Over 100 benefits of Eucharistic Adoration (

Children of Hope (

The Holy Eucharist Directory : The Most Blessed Sacrament by Fr. Stephano Manelli , Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin by St. Alphonsus Liguori , The Real Presence by St. Peter Julian Eymard , The Blessed Eucharist by Fr. Michael Muller, C.S.S.R. , The Hidden Treasure of the Holy Mass by St. Leonard-Port Maurice , Excerpts from The Blessed Sacrament by Fr, Frederick W. Faber, DD , The Hidden Treasure of the Holy Mass by St. Leonard-Port Maurice , The Hidden Treasure of the Holy Mass by St. Leonard-Port Maurice , (

The Holy Eucharist (The Work of God) ; Eucharistic prayers (

Children of the Eucharist , Fr Antoine Thomas explains Eucharistic adoration for children , Fr Antoine Thomas: We prepare to adore (World Apostolate of Fatima)

ADORE Youth Eucharistic Congress (Mary Help of Christians Crusade)

Marian Eucharistic Conference

Online Devotions Eucharist with quotes from Catholic Catechism(

12 reasons from the teaching of the church and 12 biblical reasons to spend an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (

Eucharist (The Coming Home Journal:

Eucharist ( Catholic Adult Education Program by Scott Hahn )

Rome: Mother of Eucharist; Eucharistic Miracles(

Eucharistic Shrines(

St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine (in Boston, USA) (

Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress

Archdiocese of Atlanta Eucharistic Congress

Diocese of St. Augustine (Florida) Eucharistic Congress: Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 Live Stream

Why Communion on the Tongue? by Christopher Carstens Part I , Part II

return to Eucharist Links list

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Theology of a Mother's Heart (Explanation of perpetual adoration by Katie Pfeffer)

Witness on Eucharistic Adoration on ShalomWorldTV 2015 (20min)

New Evangelization through Eucharistic adoration (1 hour voice presentation at Dallas Ministry Conference 2014)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Hymns (Hymns for Adoration/Benediction)

Divine Praises, Divine Praises

Divine Praises, Divine Praises

How to Serve Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent (Hymn: text dating back to the 4th century)

You are my God (Hymn)

Eucharistic miracle at Buenos Aires Argentina (analysis on a piece from a consegrated host by a physician turned out to be live human heart tissue that pulsed and bleeded)

Watch with Me

Eucharist and Adoration

Live Perpetual Adoration

"A Tribute to the Pope of Perpetual Adoration" by Fr. Sean Davidson - Missionaries of The Most Holy Eucharist

Eucharistic Holy Hour With Meditations on St Mary Magdalene - Fr. Sean Davidson (

Sunday Night Live: Eucharistic Adoration interview - Fr. Sean Davidson (53.34min)(

Eucharistic miracle in Naju ; Live footage of the descent of the Holy Eucharist

Miracle of sun at Medjugorje, June 25 2006

Rebute on "adoration is backward" by Fr. Robert Barron(6:28 min)(

Children of Hope Eucharistic Adoration for Children and Families (6:58)

Children of Hope, Eucharistic Adoration for Children(4:43)

Children Eucharistic Adoration trailer(4:41)

Children of Hope.wmv - Bandung, Indonesia (Leading children in Eucharistic adoration in 4 successive phases)(6:04)

Fr. Antoine Thomas explains need for Eucharistic Adoration for Children of the Eucharist(4:36 min.)

Children Adoration in New Zealand(4:25 min.)

Children's Eucharistic Adoration in Phillippine(4:24 min.)

Children's Adoration Cebu, Phillippine(3:50 min.)

Children Adoration in Hong Kong(9:15 min.)

Adoration with children in Lithuania(6:11 min.)

Short Documentary - Children of the Blessed Sacrament (2009) - Our Lady of Lourdes School in Miami, Florida, USA(16:17)

Healing in the Eucharist - Fr Lou Cerulli(28:30)

Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour 2011 - Worldwide Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour (at Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Washington DC)(24:01), Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour 2011 (Part 2) - Worldwide Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour (at Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Washington DC)(24:01), Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour 2011 (Part 3) - Worldwide Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour (at Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Washington DC)(24:01), Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour 2011 (Part 4) - Worldwide Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour (at Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Washington DC)(16:11)

Worldwide Children Holy Hour 2013 (at Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Washington DC)(1:30:24)

Worldwide Children Holy Hour 2014 (at Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Washington DC)(1:58:44)

Worldwide Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour 2015 (at Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Washington DC)(1:37:56)

Worldwide Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour 2016 (Cathedral of St Paul National Shrine of the Apostles Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota) (1:12:42)

"Loving Jesus in Eucharistic adoration" by Fr. David Simonetti (1:37 min.)(

"Eucharistic adoration" explained by Fr. David Simonetti(4 min.)(

"Peace - Eucharistic adoration" by Dr. Miravalle(8:24 min.)

Pope Says Observing Eucharist Is An Important Practice(0:32 min.)

Congress on Eucharistic Adoration meets in Rome(2:26 min.)

Retreat talks audio files on Eucharistic Adoration by Fr David Nugent and Barry Braum of the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist

"What is the point of Eucharistic adoration" by Fr. John Bartunek, LC (4:30 minutes)(

EWTN interview Msgr. Anthony Wassel and Fr. Victor P. Warkulwiz, MSS (missionary priest of blessed Sacrament)(57 minutes)(Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

"I am in Your Presence" Healing adoration by Fr. Augustine Vollooran, VC (1:03:58)

What is Holy Eucharist (Fr. Michael Payyapilly)(28:07)

What happens in Holy Mass (Fr. Michael Payyapilly)(28:54)

Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress 2013 Holy Hour Homily by Bishop Oscar Cantu(18:17)

Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress 2013 closing mass Homily by Bishop Peter Jugis(11:24)

Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress 2011 Homily by Bishop Peter Jugis (13:39)

Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 Live Stream (11:28:22): Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 Archbishop Christophe Pierre(1:04:08), Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 Archbishop Gregory(43:14), Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 Helen Alvare (26:38), Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 Walking with Mary by Dr. Edward Sri(49:05), Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 Tom Coughlin (46:54), Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 March 24 Procession(17:03), Florida Eucharistic Congress 2017 Fil Millenials(16:11)

2012 International Congress of the Eucharist, Dublin: Catechesis: Brother Alois Loser, Taize(39:44), Catechesis - priesthood: Archbiship Michael Miller(38:57), Joy of priesthood: Fr. Rosica(53:16), Communion through Baptism: Dr Maria Voce, President of Focolare (23:37), Catechesis - family: Archbishop Barry Hickey(32:53), Marriage and family: Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus (25:37), Catechesis - Communion and reconcilation: Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, Dem. Rep. of Congo(0-28:00), Witness reconcilation: Richard Moore (Founder of Children in Crossfire)(28:00-52.32), Witness reconcilation: Mora Clare (Youth Space) (52.32-56.28), Homily - Cardinal Sean Brady(1.44.45-2.03.15 min), Suffering - Archbishop Bashar Warda?, Iraq(0:35-24:00), Prayer Day for sanctification of priesthood on Feast of Sacred Heart - Marian Maho(36.50-1.00.00), Suffering - Ms Rose Busingye(1.02.40-1.33.00), Homily(2.33.10-2.54.30)

2016 International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) Live Stream: Primer(20:40), National Orientation on 1/7/2015 Catechesis: Theological Perspective of the Eucharist by Fr. Catalino Arevalo, SJ(1:00:31), National Orientation: by Dr. Pilar Romero (Philippine)(53:21);

2016 IEC Day 1 (1/24)(11:54:10): National Press Conference(34:20), Opening Mass on 1/24(3:09:30), Procession(6:07), Opening Mass Homily by Most Rev. Charles Maung Cardinal Bo, SDB, DD(27:50);

2016 IEC Day 2 (1/25)(11:55:01): Eucharistic Celebration officiated by Most Rev. Piero Marini, DD on 1/25(1:45:28), Cultural Presentation on 1/25(5:48), Catechesis: by Most Rev. Miguel Vidarte, OFM, DD on 1/25(55:34), Testimony of the Chinese Martyrs by His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Zen, SDB, DD on 1/25(21:19), "The Christian Virtue of Hope" by Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. on 1/25(1:11:14),

2016 IEC Day 3 (1/26)(11:40:11): Eucharistic Celebration officiated by HE. Caudencio Cardinal Rosales, DD on 1/26(2:01:54), Catechesis: "The Eucharist: Celebration of the Paschal Mystery," by Bishop Robert Barron, DD on 1/26 (1:11:12), Testimony by Ms. Marianne Servaas on 1/26 (27:39),

2016 IEC Day 4 (1/27)(11:55:00): Catechesis: "The Eucharist and the Care for Creation," by Cardinal Turkson, DD delivered by Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, SJ, DD on 1/27(1:32:43), Catechesis: "Eucharist as Mission and Mission as Dialogue," by Most Rev. Thomas Menamparampil, SDB, DD on 1/27 (47:03), "Eucharist: The Face of Mercy" on 1/27 (1:00:29), Testimony by Mr. Paul Ponce and Family on 1/27 (38:17),

2016 IEC Day 5 (1/28)(11:55:01): Eucharistic Celebration officiated by HE Peter Cardinal Erdo, DD on 1/28(1:15:32), Catechesis: "The Eucharist and the Dialogue with Cultures," by His Emimence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, Philippines on 1/28(1:18:10), "The Eucharist in the Church's Dialogue with Religions," by His Emimence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, India on 1/28(53:52), Testimony by Mr. Kei-ichi Sugawara on 1/28 (30:36),

2016 IEC Day 6 (1/29)(11:55:01): Morning Prayers led by Most Rev. Reynaldo Evangelista, DD on 6th Day 1/29(46:31), Holy Mass on 6th Day 1/29(3:34:32), Catechesis: "The Eucharist Dialogue with the Poor and the Suffering," by John Olorundemi Cardinal Onaiyekan, Metropolitan Archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria on 1/29(1:04:00), Testimony by Ms. Ma. Georgia Cogtas on 1/29 (50:16),

2016 IEC Day 7 (1/30)(11:55:00): Holy Eucharist officiated by HE Cardinal Vidal on 1/30(2:08:45), Sinulog Presentation on 1/30(1:23:39), Eucharist the Face of Mercy on 1/30 (40:14), "The Eucharist and Mary," by His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan on 1/30(39:11), Testimony: "Boundless love of God," by Ms. Sarindhorn Mativachranon on 1/30(58:30),

2016 IEC Day 8 (1/31)(9:31:46): His Eminence Charles Maung Cardinal Bo concludes with the Closing Statio Orbis Mass on 1/31 (2:37:15), Statio Orbis: Concluding Mass on 1/31 (4:12:03), Message of Pope Frances during the Statio Orbis (13:42), Ambush Interview - Butuan City on 6/17 (23:09)

Eucharistic Adoration Conference, Kuala Lumpur 2017: EAC 2017: Opening Ceremony & Session 1 (1:50:34), EAC 2017: Session 2(1:51:04), EAC 2017: Session 3(2:50:05)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Thousands journey to Indianapolis for National Eucharistic Congress (2:47)

Eucharistic Pilgrimage Kickoff, 2024: Sr. Kathy Harmon, SNDdeN (Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur): Participation in Eucharist (13:20)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024:Revival Session, July 18 2024 (3:30:40)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Fr. Mike Schmitz's full speech: Greatest Love Story (33:02)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart's full speech: brokenness, miracles (35:30)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Gloria Purvis' full speech: Encounter Jesus (22:11)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Sr. Bethany Madonna's full speech: prolife mission (24:24)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Jonathan Roumie's full speech: TV actor on Jesus (15:47)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Bishop Barron's full speech: Set the world on fire (30:56)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Lila Rose's full speech: witness of becoming Catholic to receive Eucharist (10:25)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Drew Mariani's full speech: Radio show on latest news and issues (7:11)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Tim Glemkowski's full speech: Evangelist (11:14)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: 2024-07-20-Revival Session (3:53:49)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Sr. Josephine Garrett's full speech: Hope (35:33)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Mother Adela Galindo's full speech: (32:41)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Monsignor James Shea's full speech: Hunger for God (41:01)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Chris Stefanick's full speech: Real Life Catholic founder (19:28)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Mike Hopkins's full speech: Astronault (12:51)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Paula Umana's full speech: former Tennis champion - Gift of Hoppe (7:10)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: 2024-07-19 Breakout session (1:39:58)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: CArdinal Luis Tagle's homily at Closing Mass (19:28)

National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis 2024: Biship Andrew Cozzen's Full Remarks (Closing) (10:29)

return to Eucharist Links list

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Come to Me - in the Blessed Sacrament - by Fr. Vincent Martin Lucia (A prayer book of ten different Echaristic Holy Hours for private meditation and personal prayer and reflection in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.)

Loving Jesus with the Heart of Mary: Rosary Meditations from Mother Teresa of Calcutta - by Fr. Vincent Martin Lucia (Eucharistic Meditations on the Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary.)

Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary - by St. Alphonsus Liguori (31 visits)

Jesus Our Eucharistic Love - by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI, Academy of the Immaculate

Letters to a Brother Priest - by Fr. Vincent Martin Lucia and Msgr. Josefino Ramirez

Diary of St. Faustina

Miracle Hour: a method of prayer that will change your life - by Linda Schubert (download) (A simple format for a daily hour of prayer. Provides a clear format for prayer to help you focus your time. Includes suggestions for specific prayers of praise, intercession and surrender. )

Eucharistic Miracles and Eucharistic Phenomena in the Lives of the Saints - by Joan Carroll Cruz (The story of 36 major Eucharistic miracles from Lanciano, Italy in 800 to Stich, Bavaria in 1970. Details the official investigations. Tells where some are still venerated today. Covers Hosts that have bled, turned to flesh, levitated, etc., plus saints who have lived on the Eucharist alone. Reinforces the Church’s doctrine of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament )

Eucharistic Meditations of the Cure d Ars

I AM: Eucharistic Meditations on the Gospel - by Venerable Concepcion Cabrera De Armida , order(31 meditations, each with a Gospel verse to be meditated upon during adoration.)

Holy Hours - by Venerable Concepcion Cabrera De Armida (32 holy hours, each with a 3 meditations and a response, to be meditated upon during adoration.)

The Real Presence, by St. Peter Julian Eymard, Founder, Blessed Sacrament Fathers (online)

My Eucharistic Day, by St. Peter Julian Eymard, Founder, Blessed Sacrament Fathers (online)

Eucharistic Stations of the Cross, by St. Peter Julian Eymard, Founder, Blessed Sacrament Fathers (online)

Could You Not Watch with Me One Hour – How to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord through Eucharistic adoration - by Fr. Florian Racine

Eucharistic adoration – reflections in the Franciscan tradition (52 reflections following the advice of St. Clare to: 1. Gaze upon Christ, with a quote from St. Francis or St. Clare, 2. Conside Christ, with a meditation from the Franciscan tradition, 3. Contemplate Christ, with new prayers, 4. Imitate Christ, by responding to a personal challenge.)

Center Eucharistia, founded by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

"The Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle," by St. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia

Eucharistic Adoration: Scriptural Reflections And Prayers

The Magnificat Adoration Companion

"Eucharistic Adoration after Vatican II," by Edward Foley

"Saint Mary Magdalene: Prophetess of Eucharistic Love," by Sean Davidson

"Summary of In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart," The Journal of a Priest at Prayer by A Benedictine Monk

"Our Daily Bread: Glimpsing the Eucharist through the Centuries" by Ralph Wright, OSB

The Holy Eucharist Directory (online books and articles)

I the Lord Am With You Always – prayers and meditations for Eucharistic Adoration - compiled by Christine McCarthy, Society of Eucharistic Adoration, Sydney (Printed by McPhersons Printing Group)

Eucharistic Adoration – prayers, meditations and devotions (published by Catholic Truth Society)

"The Holy Eucharist our All," by Lukas Etlin, OSB (TAN Books, Charlotte, North Carolina)

return to Eucharist Links list

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Other Devotions

33 Days of Consecration to God through Our Heavenly Mother

33 Days Prayer Consecration Preparation for the Triumphant Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

33 Day Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary

34-week Retreat for Everyday Life (An Online Retreat)

A treasure of Marian prayers (Catholic Doors Ministry)

A treasure of prayers - Saints (Catholic Doors Ministry)

A treasure of chaplet devotions (Catholic Doors Ministry)

Rosary of the Seven Sorrows (Servite Rosary)

Catholic Blessings (Catholic Doors Ministry)

The 15 prayers of St. Bridget

A guide to daily devotion for busy catholics

Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus (Holy Face Association): The Golden Arrow ; Prayer of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus to the Holy Face ; Prayer of Mother Maria-Pierina

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The Assumptionists (Augustinians of the Assumption) : US Region

The Assumptionists (Augustinians of the Assumption) : Religious of the Assumption

Blessed Sacrament Sisters The source and strength of the enthusiasm and fervour that animated Blessed Peter Vigne and our first 7 sisters was the Eucharist. Brighter than the sun, Jesus present in this Sacrament of love spreads his light and illuminates every aspect of human existence.

Beatitudes; Beatitudes in Asia; Beatitudes at Denver

Brothers of Charity ; in USA


Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament “Following in the footsteps of our Founder, Saint Peter Julian Eymard, our mission is to respond to the hungers of the human family with the riches of God’s love manifested in the Eucharist,” (Rule of Life, 3)

Good Shepherd Sisters

Daughters of St. Paul

Congregation of Divine Providence, Melbourne, Kentucky

Dominican: Order of Preachers

Fathers of Mercy

Franciscan Friars - Province of St. John the Baptist in Cincinnati

Jesuits USA

Little Brothers of St. John the Baptist

The Maronite Monks of Adoration, Most Holy Trinity Monastery A contemplative community of Catholic men dedicated to a life of prayer and adoration. Founded in 1978, the monastery is located in Petersham, Massachusetts.

Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament

Missionari della Via (Missionary of the Way)

Missionaries of Mariannhill

Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist The “Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist” is a public clerical association, which has for its charism the promotion of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in parishes and dioceses. The association was erected by Bishop Dominique Rey, bishop of Fréjus-Toulon on July 17th 2007 in Paray-le-Monial, the sanctuary where Jesus made known to St. Margaret Mary his « thirst » to be loved in the Blessed Sacrament.

Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (India)

New Camaldoli Hermitage, Big Sur, California

Redemptorists of North America; South African Redemptorists;

Order of St. Augustine

Salesians of Don Bosco

Sisters of Charity Federation

Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters Convent of Divine Love (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA), Mount Grace Convent (St. Louis, Missouti, USA)

Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM)

Sisters of Mercy

Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament

Vocation Quest Eight Online days of prayer for women discerning a call to religious life

Maryknoll Catholic Mission

return to Links list

Saints biography(

Saints biography(Catholic Information Network

Saint of the Day with biography (

Saints: Calendar of Saints, biography (

Saints and some of their writings(The Crossroad Initiative)

Saint of the Day (short description as an introduction to liturgy)(USCCB)

Liturgy calendar(

Saints with Calendar (short description as an introduction to liturgy)(RCL Benziger Resource Center)

Patron saints with short biography: by feast day, by name, by patronage(

Saints & Angels with biography: Saints index; Feastday list; Patron Saints; Today's Saint; Saint calendar(Catholic Online)

Saints; St. John Vianney (The Cure of Ars) and his sermons(jesus-passion)

St. Therese of Lisieux; St. Therese of Lisieux

St. Therese (Centenary 1897-1997)(EWTN)

St. Gemma Galgani

St. John Bosco Youtube Part 1, Part 2(52:52), Part 3(44:50), Part 4(49:35)

Joannes Paulus PP. II, 1978-2005 (

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II documents

Ex Corde Ecclesiae: Pope John Paul II: Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe (YouTube)(30:27)

St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe (37 pictures)

Miracle of Love - Mother Teresa (YouTube) (23:53)

Mother Teresa (YouTube)(1:55:01)

St. Marianne Cope, 1st Mircale on Kate Mahoney leading to Canonization of Marianne Cope: Sr. Marianne Cope Miracle - This is the Day (YouTube-5:41),Kate Mahoney - WSYR-Syracuse (YouTube-8:54), A Conversation with Kate D. Mahoney (YouTube-12:44)

John Paul II (1920-2005)

Venerable Antonietta Meo (Nennolina) (Dec 15 1930 - July 3 1937, Italy)

Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1895 - Dec 9 1979) , Cause for sainthood

Venerable Fr. Francis Solanus Casey (Nov 25 1870 - July 31 1957)

Venerable Marthe Robin (1902-1981), foundress The Foyers de Charite

Mystics: Marthe Robin

Video: Saints

Miracles, Saints with Incorruptible bodies (6:07)

Padre Pio Miracle Man English Movie(3:22:26)

St. Francis Assisi Movie(1:42:46)

Paul the Apostle Movie(2:57:11)

Songs of Bernadette Part 1 (1:18:16), Part 2 (1:19:34)

St. Maria Goretti Movie(1:36:40)

In Her Footsteps. The Story of Kateri Tekakwitha(56:06); Kateri (Tekakwitha)(English subtitle)(1:28:31), Kateri (EWTN interview of producer)(56:29)

St Bakhati (English subtitles): Part 1(53:52), Part 2(53:41), Part 3(53:52), Part 4(45:10)

St. Joseph Cupertino, the flying monk(1:45:37)

St. Augustine Part 1 (1:36:54) , Part 2 (1:42:10)

St. Patrick - The Irish Legend (1:32:21)

Magdalena: Released from Shame (1:22:31)

Bl. Margaret of Castello (1:37:04)

The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila (voice, 12 parts)

The Life of St. Anne Catherine Emmerich (voice, 1:45:54)

St. Teresa de Jesus Movie (43:52) (English subtitle)

St. Anthony - The faithful knight Movie (1:41:35) (English subtitle)

St. Charbel Makhluf Movie (1:43:45) (English subtitle)

CCCFamilyFilms: John Paul II: The Man, The Pope, and His Message 10 videos about 2 minutes each

CCCFamilyFilms: St. Patrick's Day (3:05)

Catholic Miracles Unexplained by Science (5:49)

The Loretto Chapel Staircase Miracle (4:17)

return to Links list

Year of St. Paul (June 29 2008 - June 29 2009)

Basilica of St. Paul : St. Paul: The Apostle of the Gentiles, The Missionary Journeys, The Conversion to Christ, The Conversion to Christ, The Start of His Ministry, The Council of Jerusalem, Towards Greece, The First Structures of the Church, In Jerusalem, The Journey as a Captive, Martyrdom in Rome; Gallery; Pauline Year Bulletins; Catechesis of Pope Benedict XVI; Plenary indulgences; Opening Homily

Abbey Saint Paul's ; Lectio Divina in the Year of St Paul

Year of the Priest (June 19 2009 - June 19 2010), St. John Vianney - Patron Saint of Parish Priest

Year of the Priest and John Vianney (

Year of the Priests (

Mapping the Year of the Priest (

Recent Martyrs

Archbishop Oscar Romero, 1980 ; The El Salvador Martyrs, 1989

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Helpers of the Holy Souls - Apostolate of Purgatory

Purgatory (Explain purgatory by Sisters of Carmel)

Testimonies of Saints and Mystics: Visions of Purgatory (

The Secret of the Poor Souls in Purgatory -- An Interview with Maria Simma of Austria(

A Manuscript on Purgatory by Sr. Mary of the Cross (

Treatise on Purgatory - St. Catherine of Genoa (

Novena for the Holy Souls in Purgatory - St. Alphonsus Liquori (

Chaplet of St. Gertude(

Catholic Biblical Apologetics: Purgatory

Catholic Adult Education Program by Scott Hahn: Purgatory

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Science and Religion

Vatican Observatory

Evolution: A Catholic Perspective (

'A Day Without Yesterday': Georges Lemaitre and the Big Bang (

Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences

Institute on Religion in an Age of Science

The Institute for Advanced Physics(Science education and research)

Zygon Center for Religion and Science

European Society for the Study of Science and Theology

John Templeton Foundation

Message to Pontifical Academy of Sciences from Pope John Paul II Magisterium is concerned with question of evolution, for it involves conception of man.

Faith and Reason (Fides et ratio) by St. John Paul II

Reconciling Old Lovers: John Paul II on Science and Faith "Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish." John Paul II, "Letter to George V. Coyne, S.J.," Origins, 378.

Studi GalileianiFrom the Galileo case we can draw a lesson which is applicable today in analogous case which arise in our times and which may arise in the future. ... It often happens that, beyond two partial points of view which are in contrast, there exist a wider view of things which embraces both and integrates them.

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Aid to the Church in Need

Catholic Charities USA

Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Network of Volunteer Service

Cumunita Cenacolo; helping drug addicts and lost youths to find themselves again, to find joy in life, and to find meaning for their lives.

Covenant House (serving homeless children); Covenant House books available at open library

Careers for poverty aid (in USA)

Food for the Poor

Homeboy Industries (Homeboy Industries assists at-risk and formerly gang-involved youth to become positive and contributing members of society through job placement, training and education. It was established by Jesuit Fr. Gregory Boyle in Los Angeles.)

USCCB Migration and Refugee Services

Justice For Immigrants (The Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform in USA)

Mother's Village (Majcino Selo) (Home for children and youth without parental care, founded by Fr. Slavko Barbaric)

Mary Mother of the Poor (charitable organization) (

Mustard Seed Communities (Serving abandoned, handicapped children)

International Fides Service: Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of the Faith

Worldwide Vincentian Family

Save the Persecuted Christians

St. Vincent Pallotti Center - for Catholic Faith based Volunteer and Missionary Service

World Concern- an international Christian relief and development organization, strengthening families and helping people become self-reliant through food and work programs.

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Catholic Charismatic Center

Life after death experience of Father Jose Maniyangat (St. Mary's Catholic Church, MacClenny, Florida)

Miracles of the Heart Ministries (Linda Schubert, author of Miracle Hour)

Grace Institute of the Holy Eucharist

33 Days of Consecration to God through Our Heavenly Mother

Catholic Spirituality (Collection of spriritual articles, prayers, and thoughts of St. Therese of Lisieux)

An Online Retreat

Intercession for Priests

pray-as-you-go (daily prayer with music, scripture, and questions for reflection produced with Ignatius spirituality)

RENEW International

Hearts of Jesus and Mary (The Apostolate Alliance of the Two Hearts) : Revelation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through St. Gertrude the Great ; Revelation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, in 1673-1675 at Paral-le-Monial, France (moved)

The 12-Step Review : The Twelve Steps

Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church of Picayune, MS)

Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church of Picayune, MS)

Promises of love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus revealed to St. Margaret Mary (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church of Picayune, MS)

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary taught to Jelena Vasilj in Medurgorje (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church of Picayune, MS)

Direction for Our Times

Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus(Holy Face Association); The Golden Arrow ; Prayer of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus to the Holy Face ; Prayer of Mother Maria-Pierina

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Theology of the Body

Online resource for St. John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" (

Links with summary to 129 general audiences during 1979-1984: John Paul II's Theology of the Body (

course materials an resources for pre-teens, teens, youths (

Theology of the Body Institute offering a series of graduate level courses (

Theology of the Body overview (

Franciscan University Presents: Theology of the Body and Everyday Life (Host Michael Hernon, panelists: Dr. Regis Martin and Dr. Scott Hahn, and special guest Emily Stimpson, author of "These Beautiful Bones: An Everyday Theology of the Body," as they discuss how John Paul II's well-known writings can be applied to every aspect of our lives. (58:31)

Audiovisual (YouTube)

Fr. Roger F. Landre course on Theology of the Body: 1 of 8(9:46), 2 of 8(9:29), 3 of 8(8:58), 4 of 8(9:50), 5 of 8(9:22), 6 of 8(9:58), 7 of 8(9:49), 8 of 8(9:55)

Fr. Mike Schmitz talk on Theology of the Body: Father Mike Schmitz talk on the theology of the body at Epiphany Cathedral Church(1:30:51)

Fr. Charlie Garza talk "Theology of the Body" at Austin Catholic Singles(1:20:32)

Pedro Gabriel: Video to explain the basics of Theology of the Body demonstrating the beauty of the Catholic Church's teachings on human sexuality(14:58)

Christopher West: An Introduction to the Theology of the Body Informational Video(2:08), The Playboy and the Pope(9:14), The Language of the Body(7:15), Celibacy for the Kingdom(5:47), How Can the Body have a Theology(5:39), Is the Theology of the Body all about Sex? (2:41)

Christopher West: Theology of the Body: Into the Heart Promo Video(2:00), The Truth About Lust(6:59), Understanding God as Father(4:27), The Perfect Marriage That Awaits Us in Heaven (6:16), Purity is NOT Puritanism(5:31), True Sexual Freedom(5:04), The Power of the 'One Flesh' Union(3:21)

Christopher West: Theology of the Body: Your Call to Greatness Promo Video(1:14), Marriage is an Icon of Heaven(4:55), Created for Greatness(5:16), What Are You Looking for?(6:16)

Christopher West: Freedom to Love clip Training for Love(9:23), Why Am I Here(1:54), God and the Body(3:40), What is Freedom(4:37), Have We Had Enough(1:16), Promo Video(2:14)

Christopher West: Theology of the Body and the New Evangelization(1:07:33)

Christopher West: Body Language Podcast: Katy Perry(9:55)

Jason Evert: Theology of His Body(12:35), Theology of the Body for Teens: High School Edition(6:52), Jason Evert: Theology of the Body(3:47), Jason Evert: Theology of Her Body(4:27), Girls Segment: Theology of the Body for Teens (1:56), Jason Evert: Theology of the Body - South Africa(2:07), Jason Evert: La Teología del Cuerpo 1 con (3:16), Guys Segment: Theology of the Body for Teens (1:03), Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition - "How Can I Be "Single" Without Being Weird?" (2:10) Jason and Crystalina Evert: Romance Without Regret(1:27:35)

Training series on Theology of the Body for teens Introduction to the Theology of the Body (41:48), Chapter 1: Created for Love(32:31), Chapter 2: Love Defined(37:20), Chapter 3: Naked Without Shame(36:06), Chapter 4: Hope and Redemption in Christ (30:13), Chapter 5: Truth and Freedom(27:17), Chapter 6: Language with the Body(29:06), Chapter 7: Free, Total, Faithful, Fruitful (29:02), Chapter 8: Marriage(38:325), Chapter 9: Celibacy and Religious Life (25:43), Chapter 10: Finding Your Vocation(33:07), Chapter 11: Dating(30:30), Chapter 12: Living the Good Life(19:01)

Fr. Tom Elliott Theology of the Body (high school students and adults) Part I - Introduction(20:49), Part II - Matthew 19. 1st of 4 "original experiences," Original Solitude, found in Genesis.(18:25), Part III - Matthew 19. 2nd of 4 "original experiences," Original Unity, found in Genesis.(35:33), Part IV - Original Nakedness and Original Sin in Genesis.(16:28), Part V - Matthew 19. It covers the Sacrament of Marriage and issues surrounding this Sacrament, like dating, God's plan for sex, healthy marital sexuality, and Saint Paul's explanation of the Sacrament of Marriage in his letter to the Ephesians.(38:23), Part VI - Matthew 19. Then covers celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven, the three types of people that, according to Jesus, don't get married, and the controversial topic of same-sex marriage(28:59), Part VII - implications regarding hyper-sexuality and struggles with unwanted sexual behavior. aims at offering hope and some tools for people suffering from various forms of sexual addiction.(24:47)

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Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by Lutheran World Federation and Roman Catholic Church ; Official Common Statement by Lutheran World Federation and Roman Catholic Church (Justification)

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Vatican & Church Sites

The Holy See Vatican

Catholic Church around the World

National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference

Cardinals Papacy Pope John Paul II documents

Permanent Diaconate Office of Boston Archdiocese

Popes List in Chronological Order

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University Spirituality

John Paul the Great Catholic University ; Singing In The Reign (Blog of Michael Barber and Brant Pitre)

College and University Life (Catholic Perspectives - Caltech Newman Center)

Fransciscan University of Stuebenville

Villanova University: Catholic Mission

University of Cape Town Kolbe Catholic Center

San Jose State University Catholic Campus Ministry

Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum School of Bioethics


Theology degrees online - Guide to online theology degree programs (

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From life without limbs to life without limits

Witnesses in profession

My Judgment before God (Dr. Gloria Polo's testimony) (

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Apostolic letter of the supreme pontiff John Paul II on the Dignity and Vocation of Women on the occasion of the Marian Year

Women in Society and in the Church (Catholic Perspectives - Caltech Newman Center)

Modesty (Fish Eater website on dressing modestly)

Catholic Educator's Resource: Current Issues: Feminism

Reclaiming Your Chrisian Self in a Secular World: A Woman's Worth; Raising Christian Children in a Secular World (Books and Workshop by Cheryl Dickow)

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St. Ignatius Loyola -- Jesuit Spirituality

Life on the Rock (EWTN Catholic Youth Show)

Life Teen ( Online Community)

Busted Halo (Paulist young adult ministries and Paulist Media Works)

Catholic Youth World Network : for boys ages 5-16 ; for girls ages 10-16 (supports the development of the whole woman - her spiritual, social, intellectual, and apostolic talents: group dynamics, workshops, retreats, fashion shows, etc.)

Modesty (on dressing modestly)

OneRock Online (For youths to talk about Catholicism)

Pope to You

Taize Community

Youth's World

World Youth Day 2002


Fresh Lifelines for Youth

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Other Sites

BBC News

CNN News

NewsCentral (Newspaper Index)

Medecins Sans Frontieres

Principal Voices

Center for Reclaiming America

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network Statistics

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Reflections and Jokes

Words of Wisdom (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church of Picayune, MS)


Catholic humor

Joke Book

Jokes (

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Sites in French

La bibliotheque du Cerf : La Bible de Jerusalem ; La Traduction oecumenique de la Bible ; La Traduction oecumenique de la Bible ; La Somme contre les Gentils de saint Thomas d'Aquin ; Les Oeuvre completes de Sainte Therese de Lisieux

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