



4月1日:Bl. Nuno Alvarez Pereira - friar

Nuno was born in 1360, and for many years pursued a military career, becoming the champion of Portuguese independence. After the death of his wife he joined the Order in 1423 at the monastery of Lisbon which he had founded, and took the name of Nuno of St. Mary. There he lived until his death in 1431. He was noted for his prayer, his practice of penance and his filial devotion to the Mother of God.




4月1日:Bl. Jose Anacleto Gonzalez Flores, Bl. Jose Dionisio Luis Padilla Gomez and companions(1899-1927)可敬者若望·安礼华

Bl. Jose Dionisio Luis Padilla Gomez (1899-1927) Martyr

Many of our Saints have said that Eucharistic Adoration helps us overcome fears and prepares us for tasks we thought would be impossible of us. Blessed Jose Gomez was no exception as he would spend long hours in adoration before our beloved Lord. This prepared him to accept martyrdom later in his life. 

At the age of eighteen, Jose Dionisio Luis Padilla Gomez, of Guadalajara, Mexico, entered a diocesan seminary, where he was to be remembered as a young man of irreproachable character and exceptional purity of heart. After two years at the seminary, Luis grew uncertain of his vocation and decided to leave. Thereafter, as a founding member of the Catholic Association of Young Mexicans, he devoted much of his time to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. He was likewise characterized by a profound love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. Luis served as a teacher of poor children, educating them free of charge. As the secularist Mexican government escalated its persecution of the Catholic Church, Luis repeatedly spoke of his aspiration to suffer and die for Christ. On April 1, 1927, at 2:00 a.m., troops came to Luis’ home to arrest him, his elderly mother, and one of his sisters. After being subjected to mockery and beatings, Luis was condemned to die that same day. His one desire, to go to confession before dying, could not be fulfilled. He spent his final moments kneeling in prayer before being gunned down.




4月2日:圣方济各保拉(隐修士)(1416-1507)St. Francis of Paola

 圣人是「最小兄弟会 (The Order of Minims) 」的会祖。1416年诞生於义大利加拉伯利亚 (Calabria) 的保拉城。其双亲在城中素来颇有圣德,但一直苦无子嗣。於是,他们在祈祷中寄予热望,将其寄托在圣方济亚西西的转祷里。

 圣人是家中三位小孩中最为年长的一位,年幼时因患病,一只眼睛差点因此失明。 他的双亲便再一次地求助於圣方济的代祷,并誓许若获得痊愈,便让小孩在方济会院里穿一整年的「小会衣 (LittleHabit)」, 这在中世纪并不多见,而圣人也真的很快地便获得了痊愈。

 年轻时,圣人即显出了不寻常的圣德记号。 在十三岁时的一次神视中,他被一位方济会士所告诫,於是便为了满全父母先前所许的誓愿而住进了方济会院。 在会院的生活中,因着他深度的谦逊丶敏於服从的习惯,与他对克苦和祈祷的喜爱,他的灵魂可谓是日进於德。

 一年的誓愿期满後,圣人随同双亲一同前往亚西西和罗马等地朝圣。 回到保拉後,他决定开始度独修的生活,於是就在父亲的产业中选一块地做为独修的处所。 但稍後,他即发现靠近海岸的一处洞穴更为适宜,便转往该处力行祈祷与补赎达六年之久。

 1435年时,有二位同伴开始加入他的独修行列。 为了能接纳他们,圣人建造了三间小室与一座小堂,一个新修会的雏型便这样成型了。 约在1454年时,由於跟随者的人数日渐增多,圣人便在Cosenza总主教Pyrrhus的许可下, 建造了一座大型的隐修院与圣堂,那是许多人出於对圣人的热爱而合力建构的,连当时的贵族也都愿意为建此堂而自愿挑砖挑石。

 圣人所制定的生活方式,是所有修会中最为严厉的其中ㄧ个,他们誓守永久的斋戒(此为该修会的第四圣愿)与严格的贫穷, 但真正使他们有别於其他修会的记号却是谦逊。 他们寻求的是能生活在不知名的所在,并从这世界中隐遁。为能活出「最小」的特色,圣人甚至向教宗寻求许可,希望能在所有修会中成为最渺小的。 1474年,教宗 Sixtus IV 允许圣人为他自己的团体撰写会规,且给予该团体「圣方济隐士 (the Hermits of St. Francis)」的名称。稍後,这个会规由教宗 Alexander VI 正式批准,并改名为「最小兄弟会(Minims)」。 修会成立後,圣人陆续地在加拉伯利亚与西西里创建新的隐院; 他亦追随圣方济亚西西的芳踪,为修女们成立第二会,也为一般教友建立了第三会。

 为了预备自己死亡的到来,圣人花了在世的最後三个月於完全的独修上。 圣周四时,他召聚了所有弟兄围绕在其身旁,告诫弟兄们应彼此相爱,并继续在生活中克苦,特别要力行永久斋戒这个圣愿。 次日,圣周五,他再度召唤弟兄到身边来,愿意给他们最後的劝勉,并且在他们中指定一位代理总会长。 随後,他便恭领了最後的圣事,并且要求聆听若望福音中的耶稣苦难记述。正在诵念的时候,圣人的灵魂就安然地离世了。

 教宗 Leo X 在1519年时将其列品。然而,1562年时,胡格诺教徒 (Huguenots) 趁乱破坏其坟,发现圣人的尸身未见朽坏,便掘出加以焚烧,但仍有些许遗骸被保留了下来,目前被安置於该修会所属的不同圣堂里。

 从历史来说,「最小兄弟会」从未被广泛地传扬至世界各地,但他们在许多国家中仍留有会院。1506年,最终版本的会规在教宗 Julius II 的手中通过,他同时是允许第二会成立的教宗。普世教会以4月2日为圣人的庆日,因为圣人便是在1507年的该日过世。

 你们要放弃仇恨和敌意;你们要避免疾言厉色。 如果这些话出自你们的口,就该不厌其烦地再由你们的口中寻求救药,因为是你们的口造成了创伤: 你们应彼此宽恕,为使以後不再记忆对方的过失。因为记忆恶事是一种伤害;它加强了愤怒,助长了罪恶丶并会仇恨义德。 它是生锈的箭丶灵魂的毒药,使诸德尽失。 它好似心灵的蛊虫,扰乱我们的祈祷,使我们向天主的祈求作废,也让我们丧失爱德; 它像一枚深植心灵的铁钉,是总不睡眠的邪恶,绝不停止的罪过,是每天的死亡。

 你们爱好和平吧!这是人所能期待最珍贵的宝藏了。 你们已经知道,我们的罪恶能激怒天主,所以你们应该回头改过,好使天主的仁慈宽恕你们。 我们隐瞒人的事,天主却明鉴,因此,你们诚心回头吧!你们要这样生活,好能获得天主的祝福!




4月2日:Ven. Jean Jacque Olier (1608-1657)可敬者若望·安礼华

Founder of the Sulpicians, worked with St. Vincent dePaul

“When there are two roads which will bring me to some place, I take the one with more churches so as to be nearer to the Blessed Sacrament.”

Source: http://www.sulpc.org/sulpc_fondateur_en.php

Born in Paris, September 20, 1608, Jean-Jacques Olier did his studies first at the Jesuit College in Lyon where his father had been named the superintendant of the King, and then in Paris where he received his Master of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees, before being ordained priest on May 21, 1633.

His strong personality, his fine education and the influence of his family at the court, assured him the honors of the episcopacy, which he declined several times. He had decided instead to consecrate himself to the preaching of popular missions, thus participating in a modest way in the religious renewal brought about by the Council of Trent.

It is under the influence of Vincent de Paul that Olier joined some young priests to go and preach missions in the countryside. He did this for seven years, from 1634 to 1641. The general context in France at the time was one of profound religious ignorance with the following consequences: lukewarmness, indifference, lowering of morality and superstitions. The missions lasted from four to eight weeks. They always ended by general confession and Communion. The parishes were thereby transformed.

The problem which existed at the end of these missions was that of leaving the parishes in the hands of priests who were below the standard of what should be expected. Olier and a few companions concluded that to reform the Church, two complimentary activities had to happen simultaneously: the missions and the formation of priests. This is what led them in 1641 to found a Grand Seminary in Vaugirard, a suburb of Paris. Later, it was transferred to the center of the Capital, in the parish of Saint-Sulpice, the most populated parish in France (150,000 persons) of which Olier had become the pastor in 1642. Thus the name, the Priests of Saint Sulpice or Sulpicians was given to these pastors, formators of priests. 

On January 11, 1643, as pastor of the parish of Saint Sulpice, M. Olier makes a vow of servitude to the souls entrusted to him. During Mass in the Chapel of Our Lady of Virtues in Aubervilliers on March 31, 1644, near Paris, M. Olier pronounced the vow of host-victim (vœu d’hostie) to God the Father. After being prepared by M. Olier, four of his co-workers made the vow of host-victim at Montmartre in Paris on July 15, 1644. 

During the first three years of his pastorate, M. Olier experienced little success from his creative and untiring efforts. In fact, there was growing opposition from many sides against his reforms. It came to a climax on this Thursday after Pentecost when an angry mob attacked and pillaged the rectory. M. Olier was dragged through the streets and beaten. He was saved by some friends, including Vincent de Paul. Peace was established by Parliament which sent armed guards to protect the lives and ministry of the parish and seminary community. For M. Olier, this persecution was a blessing from God because it was the turning point in his reform. 

Despite many hardships, the seminary flourished during these early years, outgrowing successive buildings and experiencing several near financial collapses. It was also about this time that M. Olier entered into a long and often painful debate with the promoters of a new doctrine called Jansenism.
On September 6, 1645, M. Olier and several of his co-workers signed an act of association for the seminary, formally establishing the nascent Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice. The abbot of Saint Germain authorized this ecclesiastical association on October 23, and Faillon places the letters patentes of the king (which are without date, according to the custom of the time) toward the end of the year 1645. The letters were not officially registered until late November 1650. 

As the parish reform progressed, the Church was no longer large enough to accommodate the people who came to worship. After long negotiations, dating from the beginning of his pastorate, the cornerstone of the new church was set in place by the queen mother, Anne of Austria. However, the project advanced slowly and the new building, which is the present Church of Saint Sulpice, was completed only about a century later. 

During Fall 1647, M. Olier travelled for three months. It was a time of pilgrimage and prayer. He preached at least one retreat and met with some of the women religious with whom he maintained a spiritual friendship.
At the heart of M. Olier’s ministry was a deep devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. On July 28, 1648, a dozen thieves committed a sacrilege involving the consecrated hosts in the church. This event was the beginning of a new level of Eucharistic devotion among the shocked parishioners, who until then had been mostly indifferent. 

M. Olier’s final years from Fall 1648 to 1652, as pastor occurred during the chaos of la Fronde, the Parisian civil war between the court (Anne of Austria and Cardinal Mazarin during the minority of Louis XIV) and the nobles of Parliament. It was a bitter period for all. M. Olier sought to bring the needed financial and spiritual aid to the rich and poor alike. 

M. Olier placed the cornerstone for a long-needed seminary building. It was completed and solemnly blessed on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 1651. 

Act of total surrender to the Holy Trinity through the hands of Mary was made on September 15, 1651. 

Worn out by his many labors and near death, M. Olier resigned his pastorate on June 20, 1652. 

The last stage of his life was characterized both by chronic sickness and growth in union with the Lord. During this period, the Lord graced him with a deepening love of the Cross and the hope of Resurrection. To the extent that his condition permitted, he continued to direct the seminary at Saint Sulpice and work for the foundation of other seminaries. 

During these last years he also edited and published four texts for the use of his parishioners. They are La journée chrétienne (The Christian Day) 1655; Le catéchisme chrétien pour la vie intérieure (Christian Catechism for the Interior Life) 1656; l’Explication des cérémonies de la Grande Messe (Explanation of the Ceremonies of the High Mass) 1657; Introduction à la vie et aux vertus chrétiennes (Introduction to the Christian Life and Virtues) 1657.

For many years M. Olier had been filled with a great zeal for the missions and often dreamed of going himself to distant lands. In particular, he desired to go to Ville-Marie (Montreal, Canada), the city named for his beloved patroness. As early as 1642, M. Olier had already been involved with the members of the Society of Notre Dame of Montreal. Now shortly before his death, through unable to go himself, he designated some of his priests to assist in the ongoing foundation of that settlement. Some years later on March 9, 1663, the Company of Montreal, being in financial difficulty, handed over the island to the Society of Saint Sulpice. 

M. Olier died at 5:45 p.m. on Easter Monday April 2, 1657, assisted by his long-time friend and confidant Vincent de Paul. He was only forty-eight and a half years old. 

At the time of the French revolution in the late eighteenth century, M. Olier tomb and remains, located in the chapel of the seminary, were desecrated and are now lost. His heart had been removed according to the pious necrosurgery of the time and is preserved to this day at the Sulpician Seminary of Issy-les-Moulineaux.




4月2日:Blessed Maria of St. Joseph (Laura Evangelista Alvarado Cardoza) (1875-1967)大圣若瑟的真福玛利.葛窦姗

Cofounder of the Augustinian Recollects of The Heart of Jesus

Blessed Cardoza identified with the Blessed Virgin's love for the Eucharist and spent many hours at night before the tabernacle in intimate conversation with Jesus. Motivated by this love, she made hosts with her own hands and distributed them freely to parishes, a work she recommended to her daughters.

Source: http://www.ewtn.com/library/mary/bios95.htm#cardozo

Bl. Marea of St. Joseph Alvarado Cardozo was born in Choroni, Venezuela, on 25 April 1875, and received the name Laura Evangelista at Baptism. The feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1888 was an unforgettable day for her: she received Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time and made a private vow of virginity, consecrating herself as a bride of Jesus Christ.

She began instructing poor children at home, supporting the project financially with her own labour. She took her parish priest in Maracay, Fr Vicente Lopez Aveledo, as a spiritual director and under his guidance made a vow of perpetual virginity. During 1893 smallpox epidemic in Maracay, she devoted herself to the care of the sick in the first hospital founded by her parish priest. The work was difficult, the poverty total, but nothing caused her to waver. She said: “My Jesus, the ideal I seek is you and you alone. Nothing frightens me. I want to be a saint, but a true saint”. This became the motivation of her entire life.

In 1901 she and Fr Lopez Aveledo founded a congregation of sisters for the assistance and care of the sick, the elderly and orphans, called the Augustinian Recollects of the Heart of Jesus. In 1902 Laura confirmed the vow of virginity she had made at 17. On 13 September 1903, by a special privilege granted to her by the Holy See as the foundress of the community, she made her perpetual vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, changing her name from Laura to Maria of St Joseph.

Her love for the needy led her to found 37 homes for the elderly and orphans in La Victoria, Villa de Cura, Coro, Calabozo, Ocumare del Tuy, Barquisimeto, Los Teques, San Felipe, Puerto Cabello, Caracas and Valencia. Many towns and cities experienced the boundless love of Mother Maria and her daughters. She said: “Those rejected by everyone are ours; those no one wants to take are ours”.

Her life was a union of deep contemplation and intense activity for others. She identified with Mary's love for the Eucharist and spent many hours at night before the tabernacle in intimate conversation with Jesus. Motivated by this love, she made hosts with her own hands and distributed them freely to parishes, a work she recommended to her daughters.

After a long illness, which she bore with great strength of soul, she died in the odor of sanctity in Maracay on 2 April 1967, at the age of 92. As she had requested, she was buried in the chapel of the Immaculate Conception Home in Maracay, where she is venerated by thousands of pilgrims who come to give thanks for the favors they have received through her intercession.

She was beatified on May 7 1995 by Pope John Paul II.




4月4日:圣依西多禄(主教丶圣师)(~560-636) St. Isidore

 公元五六○年左右,圣人出生於西班牙之塞维拉附近。失怙後,由其兄良德禄教育;日後成为该城主教。圣人着作等身,曾在西班牙各地召集 并主持各种会议,整顿教务,不遗馀力,大显明智。六三六年逝世。




4月4日:St. Gaetano Catanoso (1879-1963)圣葛淡廉

Founder: Congregation of the Daughters of St. Veronica, Missionaries of the Holy Face

Gaetano Catanoso was born on 14 February 1879 in Chorio di San Lorenzo, Reggio Calabria, Italy. His parents were wealthy landowners and exemplary Christians.

“The Holy Face is my life. He is my strength.”

“If we wish to adore the real Face of Jesus..., we can find it in the divine Eucharist, where with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the Face of Our Lord is hidden under the white veil of the Host.”

Gaetano was ordained a priest in 1902, and from 1904 to 1921 he served in the rural parish of Pentidattilo.

Fr Catanoso had a great devotion to The Holy Face of Jesus, and began “The Holy Face” Bulletin and established the “Confraternity of the Holy Face” in 1920. He once wrote: “The Holy Face is my life. He is my strength”.

Versatility, openness to God's will

On 2 February 1921, he was transferred to the large parish of Santa Maria de la Candelaria, where he remained until 1940. He was very versatile and his ability to peacefully and diligently serve in such contradictory parish realities earned him the reputation of holiness.

Because he was not conditioned by exterior factors, positive or negative, Fr Gaetano worked well in all situations and settings, striving always to deepen his union with Christ and to do God's will for the good of those entrusted to his pastoral care. He desired nothing more than to serve at the country parish of Pentidattilo, and his appointment to Candelaria did not make him “puffed up”.

As parish priest of Candelaria, he drew people to Christ by reviving Eucharistic and Marian devotions. He opened institutions, promoted catechetical instruction and crusaded against blasphemy and the profanation of feast days.

Fr Gaetano felt it his duty as a priest to help children and youth who lacked role models and risked being corrupted, as well as abandoned older persons and priests who were isolated and without support. He even helped restore churches and Tabernacles left to decay.

In short, he saw the Face of Christ in all who suffered and would say: “Let us all work to defend and save the orphans, those who are abandoned. There are too many dangers and there is too much misery. With Jesus let us turn our gaze to the abandoned children and youth: today, humanity is more morally sick than ever”.

Fr Catanoso often spent hours or entire days in prayer before the Tabernacle, and in the parish and beyond he promoted Eucharistic Adoration. He also set up so-called “flying-squads”, teams of priests willing to cooperate in the parishes by giving homilies and hearing confession on these occasions.

Spiritual assistance, Founder

From 1921 to 1950 he served as confessor at religious institutes and in the Reggio Calabria prison. He was also hospital chaplain and spiritual director of the Archiepiscopal Seminary.

In 1934, Fr Catanoso founded the “Congregation of the Daughters of St Veronica, Missionaries of the Holy Face”; its mission: constant prayer of reparation, humble service in worship, catechesis, and assistance to children, youth, priests and the elderly. The first convent was opened in Riparo, Reggio Calabria.

When the Archbishop curtailed the activities of the Congregation, Fr Catanoso showed great docility in accepting this decision.

Finally, however, on 25 March 1958, the Constitutions he had written received diocesan approval.

Fr Catanoso died on 4 April 1963, after an exemplary life. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 4 May 1997 and was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on Oct 23 2005.




4月5日:圣味增爵•斐洛(司铎)(1350-1419) St. Vincent Ferrer

 一三五○年圣人出生於西班牙瓦伦西亚城。及长入道明会。日後教授神学。 周游各地,执行宣道圣职,阐扬信德,捍卫伦理,绩效显着。一四一九年安逝於法国万城。




4月6日:St. Juliana of Mt. Cornillon/Liege (1193-1258)哥里隆山的圣朱莉安

Augustinian Nun who is original source for Corpus Christi Feast

From her youth, Juliana had a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and she longed for a special feast in its honor. She received a vision in a dream, and later it was revealed to her that it represented a missing feast in the Church, which became the feast of Corpus Christi.


Juliana was born in 1193, at Retinnes, near Liege, Belgium. From her early childhood, she had a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. When she was five years old, her parents died and she was put in the Convent of the Augustinian Nuns of Mt. Cornillon, for her education. Before long when she decided to become a Nun. Juliana received the veil in 1206, at the age of thirteen. She wanted to devote herself to the care of the sick.

The building that the Nuns occupied was divided into three parts; one part was the hospital, another part was the Convent for Augustinian Sisters and a third part, was the Monastery for Augustinian Brothers. The Sisters and Brothers cared for sick people who were lepers.

St. Juliana was a holy religious who liked to spend a lot of her time in prayer and mortification. She had a great love for Our Lady and the Passion of Jesus, but mostly she had a great love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. She meditated constantly on the Blessed Sacrament. 

One day when she was sixteen, she began to have visions. She saw the moon hanging in mid air, in the sky. Although the moon was shining bright, there was a single black spot on it! Juliana was not used to seeing things like this. She thought that the vision was just her imagination, so she tried to forget about it by saying more prayers. 

But the vision came back again, and feeling that it was from God, she told the details of the vision to her Superior, Sr. Sapientia. Both Sisters could not understand what the vision meant. 

St. Juliana spent many days in prayer and one day, God explained the meaning of the vision to her. Jesus said, “You are troubled about the vision. I desire to set up a special Feast for My Church Militant, because this Feast is most necessary. It is a Feast of the Most High and Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. At the present time, the celebration of this Mystery is only observed on Maundy Thursday. But on that day, it is mostly My sufferings and death that are thought about. Therefore, I desire that another day be set apart, in which the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar shall be celebrated by all of Christendom!”

Jesus continued, “The first reason why I am asking for this special Feast Day, is so that the faith in this Sacrament would be confirmed by this Feast, when bad people would attack this mystery in the future. The second reason is so that the faithful would be strengthened on their way to virtue by a very great love and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and the third reason is so that because of this Feast and the loving attention given to it, reparation would be made for the insults and lack of respect shown to the Blessed Sacrament.” 

Jesus also told St. Juliana that this vision of the moon was a symbol of the Church, so bright with all its Feasts. The black part of the moon meant that there was no Feast, to honor the Blessed Sacrament in a special way. He gave her the Mission to get many people interested in this new Feast Day. But Sr. Juliana was very humble, and she was frightened at the thought of such a Mission. She believed that this vision was just her imagination, so she decided to keep the whole thing a secret. 

For many years, St. Juliana kept the vision, a secret. She spent these years in prayer and sacrifice, waiting for God to give her a stronger command to go ahead with the idea of the new Feast Day. Juliana wanted to be sure that she was doing God’s Holy Will, and not her own. God was watching over His chosen one, and He had special plans for her.

In 1230, St. Juliana was elected Mother Superior of the Augustinian Monastery. Soon after her election, she again had the vision of the moon with the black spot on it. Mother Juliana decided to share her secret with someone who could give her some good advice.

There was a good and pious priest in Liege, by the name of Canon de Lausanne, who had a very great love for the Holy Eucharist. St. Juliana decided to tell this holy priest about her vision and also begged him to talk to other great theologians about it.

The holy Canon immediately told some learned theologians about the matter of the vision. All of the theologians loved the idea, of having a new Feast in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. Many Bishops also gave their approval to the plan. Mother Juliana was delighted that so many learned men accepted the idea of a Feast Day in honor of the Blessed Sacrament so quickly.

Feeling that her cause was won, she proceeded at once, to ask a young Cleric from Mt. St. Martin, to write up some new Office prayers for the special Feast. Even though the humble Cleric felt that someone with greater ability should write these Office prayers, he obeyed, and was successful in his efforts. The Office was accepted and approved by theologians. It was recited in the Church of St. Martin up to the time that St. Thomas Aquinas wrote his famous Office. 

However, not all the Clergy accepted St. Juliana’s idea, especially Roger, the General Superior, who was in charge of the Monastery! He disliked the virtues and holiness of St. Juliana, and even encouraged the people to revolt against her. 

But St. Juliana did not get discouraged. She knew that her vision had come from God. It was God’s work, and if He wanted it to succeed, men could not stop it! She turned to God in prayer and tried to become more holy. And in order to strengthen her faith in her mission, she made pilgrimages to several shrines.
She brought the matter to the attention of Bishop de Thorete of Liege, and a Dominican, and Archdeacon James Pantaleon, later; (Pope Urban IV.) The Bishop gave his approval to the new Office, and in 1246, he ordered all his priests, both secular and religious, to celebrate The Feast of the Blessed Sacrament every year, on the Thursday after the Feast of the Most Blessed Trinity. But the good Bishop died, before he could see his orders fulfilled.
Mother Juliana’s enemies were glad, when they heard that Bishop Liege had died. Roger, the General Superior drove St. Juliana from the Monastery. Others continued to persecute her and slander her. They even went so far as to spread lies about the dead Bishop. Poor Juliana had to flee to a place called Namur. Later, the General Superior lost his position. St. Juliana was able to return to the Monastery at Mt. Cornillon. Then in 1247, Roger was back in power, and again he succeeded, in driving St. Juliana out. 

But God always triumphs over evil, and in the same year, God had His way! The Feast of the Blessed Sacrament was celebrated at the Church of St. Martin, in Liege. Cardinal de St. Cher, who was a Dominican, celebrated it with great pomp and ceremony. He was thrilled about the new Feast, and preached a wonderful sermon. Soon after, he ordered that the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament be kept in all the countries under his care.

The Cardinal’s sermon was so wonderful on the occasion of this first celebration at Liege, that it inspired one of the Canons of St. Martin’s Church in a special way. Canon Stephen wished to give the Church a sum of money each year, so that they could celebrate the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament with great ceremony every year. His sister also agreed to leave a sum of money, to keep the Sanctuary Lamp burning at all times.

St. Juliana was full of joy, to see her vision made real. She was eager to see the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament extended throughout the whole church! But she was not blessed to see this take place. She passed the last few years of her life in solitude, and died at Fosses on April 5th, 1258. 

Even in Liege, the new Feast of the Blessed Sacrament was not accepted in all parts; only in certain Churches. But another religious known as St. Eve, who lived at St. Martins, carried on the work, which was started by St. Juliana. She had been a dear friend of St. Juliana’s and she too, was filled with a great desire to have the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament spread throughout the whole world. 

St. Eve remembered that the former Archdeacon of Liege had now become Pope Urban IV. She, as well as St. Juliana, had known him well. She persuaded Bishop Henry of Liege and some other powerful people, to write to the Holy Father, urging him to fix permanently, the Feast of Corpus Christi {in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament}, for the whole Church. But Pope Urban, who loved the idea, was in the middle of great political difficulties. Several years would have to pass, before he could give his full attention to the matter of the Feast Day.

However, God was watching from Heaven. The Holy Father, had to retire at Orvieto, because of political troubles. During his stay at Orvieto, the Pope learned about a miracle of the Blessed Sacrament, which had just taken place. It was because of this miracle that the Pope decided to set up a special feast day in honor of the Holy Eucharist.

There was at Bolsena, a little town near Orvieto, a priest, who while saying Mass, no longer believed that Jesus was in the Host after it was consecrated. The poor priest had practically lost his Faith, and he wanted to give up being a priest. After the Consecration, the Blood of Jesus dripped from the Host and spread over the corporal on the Altar! Those who were present at the Mass were also given the grace to see the beautiful miracle. The Faith of the priest returned, and his soul was filled with joy. 

Pope Urban was told of this miracle and he ordered that the miracle should be examined. He was so thrilled when the examination proved that the miracle was true, that he ordered a special procession of thanksgiving to take place at Orvieto.

He asked St. Thomas Aquinas, who was then in Italy, to come and write up a beautiful Office for the Feast. Blessed by the grace of God, St. Thomas wrote a most wonderful Office, in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. He then begged Pope Urban to settle the matter of the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament, finally for the whole Catholic Church all over the world.

In 1264, Pope Urban IV published a Bull, ordering that the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament be celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, with great pomp and ceremony. He also granted many indulgences to those who attended at the Mass and Office, of this beautiful Feast.




4月7日:圣若翰· 喇沙(司铎)(纪念)(1651-1719)St. John Baptist de la Salle


 圣人是那种一旦看清天主的旨意後,便会以全力来加以付诸实现的那种人,这几乎是圣人的主要人生哲学。因为圣人毕生致力於提升学校的教 学品质,因此在1950年时,教宗碧岳十二宣布若翰萨乐为「教师的主保」。

 圣人在1651年的4月30日诞生於法国的Rheims。就如同十七世纪的法国贵族青年一样,若翰有着他们所拥有的一切特质:学者的 风范丶好看的 外表丶贵族的背景丶财富与良好的教养等。约11岁时,他便为了预备未来的司铎身涯,领受了剃发礼;27岁时晋铎。如此看来,圣人在教会中的前 景可谓是一片 看好。

 但是,天主在若翰的身上似乎有其他的计画,这在圣人晋铎後的数年才慢慢地被揭示出来。在一次与M. Nyel of Raven会晤的机会後,圣人开始对创办学校感到兴趣,因为他希望能教育Raven里的贫苦与失学的孩童,使他们都能成为好的基督徒。尽管最 初这为圣人来 说,是件极为恼人与繁琐的工程,但後来,他却也越来越热中这项教育贫苦青年工作了。

 一旦确认这就是从天主而来的神圣使命时,圣人便全心地将自己投入於工作之中。为了能完全地投身於其间,他必须离开家庭,并按当时 Rheims法典的规定,放弃既有的社会地位与财富,并且降低自己的阶级到与他所服务之人相同的层级。

 圣人剩馀的生命全与他所创立的修会团体 - 基督徒学校兄弟会(或称基督徒兄弟会丶萨乐兄弟会)紧密相连。该修会以圣人所设计的教学方法教育贫苦的孩童,并率先创设培育师资的大学,为富 裕家庭中行为 偏差的孩童建立房舍与学校等。圣人在这些方面上都获致了极大的成功,也因此这团体很迅速地扩展了开来。为圣人来说,这些努力的背後,都只有一 个动机:那就 是透过教育而让青年成为好的基督徒。

 然而,在这些成功的背後,不断而起的考验并未使圣人因而退却,反而愈加使其仰望天主。例如他曾遭受极大的沮丧与失望丶追随者的背叛丶 他校校长的尖 锐批评等。再者,当时具有杨森(译注:当时的教会异端)背景的教育从事者,更对圣人的教育方式严加批判,公开地予以攻击,也都考验着圣人的信 德。

 晚年,圣人为严重的气喘与风湿病症所折磨,最後在其68岁的圣周五过世。1900年教会将其列为圣品,1950年宣布为「教师的主 保」。


 因此,你们不该怀疑,天主赐予你们这伟大恩宠,即教育儿童丶向他们宣讲福音,并培育他们的宗教精神:是天主召叫你们负起这神圣的使 命。

 所以,但愿天主的爱催迫你们,因为基督为众人死了,使ㄧ切生活的人们,不再为自己生活,而是为那位为他们死而复活者而生活。因此,你 们的弟子必然因为你们的勤劳和热忱所感动,感觉到天主好像藉着你们教训他们,因为你们是为基督尽使者的职务。

 此外,你们还要使教会看到,你们是以何等的爱德热爱着她,并向她证实你们的勤奋。因为你们是为教会效劳,教会便是基督耶稣的身体。所 以,你们应该尽力显示出,你们爱天主所托付给你们的人,如同基督爱教会一样。

 你们应该努力,使所有进入本会学校的儿童,将来都能光荣地站在耶稣基督的法庭前,没有瑕疵,没有皱纹等类似的缺陷。要努力使他们为将 来的世代,显 示出天主赐给他们的恩宠是多麽丰厚。天主在你们的教学中也帮助你们教导并培育他们,使他们继承天主的和我们的主耶稣基督的国度。




4月8日:真福雅松大(修女)(1878-1905)Bl. Assunta Pallotta

 真福雅松大修女,一八七八年生於意大利。及长,入玛利亚方济各传教修女会;因渴慕外教地区的救灵工作,乃请求长上允准来华,往山西省 传教。一九○五年四月七日病逝。由教宗庇护十二世宣布她为真福。

Blessed Maria Assunta Pallotta was born in Italy in the year 1878, during the octave of the Assumption. She was the oldest of five children, and, never disobedient. Each Sunday afternoon, Assunta would go to church to pray. Afterwards, she would help her parish priest instruct the younger children with the catechism lessons. Assunta made frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament. When she was fifteen, she wore a hair-shirt. Assunta fasted three times a week, and, even slept on stones.

Assunta wanted to enter the convent when she was twenty years of age. Her family could not afford the dowry. There was a kind prelate who took her cause in hand. He obtained her admission to the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, whose mother house was in Rome.

Assunta became a subject of edification for all. She scarcely knew how to read and write. She was assigned to humble tasks taking care of the animals and doing the laundry. She would often ask for permission to do supplementary penances to “expiate her sins”. She made a vow to do everything for the love of GOD. She consecrated herself to HIS Sacred Heart.

In 1904, she requested of her Mother General to remember her, when there was a mission to the lepers, to whom her institute devoted itself. In that same year,she was sent to China to the mission where seven of her Sisters had already shed their blood for Christ in the year 1900.

In March of 1905, there was an epidemic of typhus. Assunta was the third of the Sisters to die from this. She asked for the Last Sacraments. A fragrance of flowers was noted shortly before her death.

Her body was found intact when it was exhumed in 1913. Mary Assunta was beautified by Pope Pius XII in November, 1954.

Her beautiful resolutions became her sanctity: “I came to the convent to become a Saint: to what purpose would I live a long time if I did not attain my goal?” I will therefore not pass up anything profitable for my soul, although the whole world be given to me in exchange.” “Never will I excuse myself, never speak of myself, imitating the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in humility and charity toward God and neighbor.”




4月11日:圣达尼老(主教丶殉道)(纪念)(1030-1079)St. Stanislaus

 圣人在一○三○年出生於波兰。後赴巴黎求学。晋铎後,一○七二年继任克拉阁主教。 他管理教务,协助穷人,访问圣职人员,数十年如一日,实不愧称为善牧。 他因责斥波肋老国王的暴行,於一○七九年遭杀害。




4月11日:圣吉玛 (贞女)(1878-1903) St. Gemma Galgani


 圣吉玛一八七八年三月十二日在意大利路珈(Lucca)附近的托斯卡尼(Camigliano)出生。 她的父亲是一名药剂师,母亲出身贵族。可惜母亲在吉玛年纪还小的幼时候便己经去世,而父亲则在她十九岁那年过身。圣吉玛在一八八七年的六月十 七日初领圣体,那时候她已经有祈祷的习惯。

 吉玛的母亲过身後,父亲送她进一所半寄宿的修女学校读书。在学校,她是一位勤奋好学而又文静的学生,为所有的人她都有一个甜美温柔的 笑容,所以很受同学及师长的爱戴。可惜在完成学业之前,她因为患上背脊椎结核症而要退学。

 吉玛一生受尽拆磨困难。她受苦的原因很多:一是因为她的体弱多病。二,父亲虽然是商人,他们也曾经富有过,但父亲单纯和乐於助人的本 性使他在去死 时,并没有留下太多的遗产给孩子。他们家境实际上是清贫的。三,是其他人见到她的热心冷嘲热讽地讥笑她。在难受时,她总会得愉快地把一切痛苦 献给天主,而 耶稣也亲自安慰她。公元一八九八年她开始体验「神魂超拔」。一八九九年三月三日,星期五,总领天使嘉俾厄尔显现,医治了她的不治之症。一八九 九年六月八 日,耶稣圣心瞻礼的前夕,耶稣送给了她自己的五伤,随後,也在她头印上茨冠的伤痕。这些伤痕一直存留到一九零一年的二月才消失。公元一九零三 年四月一日, 在复活节前夕吉玛安然去世。


 教宗庇护十一世在一九三三年五月十四日册封她为真福品。公元一九四零年五月二日,教宗庇护十二世把她册封为圣人。教会订吉玛的纪念日 在每年的四月十一日。





4月12日:St Teresa of Andes (1900-1920)圣德肋撒.安黛丝

Carmelite nun

“I abyss myself in His magnificence and His wisdom but when I ponder His goodness, my heart can say nothing - I can only Adore.”

“Christ so foolish in his love, has driven me madly in love.”

“He leaves His angels and millions of people, to come into your soul, to consummate in you the most intimate union, to transform you into God, to nourish in you the life of grace with which you will attain heaven” 

“How is it that we do not die of love in seeing that God Himself could do no more than shed His divine blood for us drop by drop? When as man He was preparing for death, He made Himself our food in order to give us life. God becomes food, bread for his creatures. Is this not enough to make us die of love?”

“Perfection of life consists in drawing close to God. Heaven is the possession of God. In heaven God is contemplated, adored, loved. But to attain heaven it’s necessary to be detached from what is earthly. What is the life of a Carmelite if not one of contemplating, adoring and loving God incessantly? And she, by being desirous for that heaven, distances herself from the world and tries to detach herself as much as possible from everything earthly.”


Juanita Fernandez Solar was born Juana Fernández Solar in Santiago, Chile on July 13, 1900. She was 6 when she knew that God was drawing her to him. She wrote later in her diary, “It was shortly after the 1906 earthquake that Jesus began to claim my heart for himself.” (“God the Joy of My Life, The Diary of Blessed Teresa of the Andes,” translated by Michael D. Griffin)

Juanita’s parents, Miguel Fernández and Lucia Solar, were members of the Chilean upper class. She grew up with three brothers and two sisters, her maternal grandfather and several uncles, aunts and cousins. She was educated in the college of the French Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

Juanita developed a profound devotion to the Eucharist that became more intense after she made her first Communion at the age of 10. She was a naturally proud, self-centered and stubborn girl who was transformed by the Eucharist that gave her the mystical grace to lead a life of prayer. The holiness of her life was evident to friends and family and shined in all situations. 

Editor Bernard Bangley (“Butler’s Lives of the Saints”) related that when Juanita was in her early teens, she read the “Story of a Soul” by Thérèse of Lisieux. She was so moved by this autobiography, she decided she wanted to become a Carmelite nun. She also read the biographies of Teresa of Avila and Elizabeth of the Trinity, which further increased her desire to join the Carmelites. 

In May 1919 she entered the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in the township of Los Andes, some 90 kilometers from Santiago. The Carmelites there lived in extremely primitive conditions, Bangley reported. She took the name of Teresa of Jesus. Love, service and prayer dominated her religious thought. She felt fulfilled in the Carmelite way of life and knew it was what she was born to do.

A few months into her novitiate, her health began to deteriorate. Rosemary Ellen Guiley (“Encyclopedia of Saints”) wrote that by the following March she knew that she would soon die. She began to write letters sharing her thoughts on the spiritual life with many people. (“Letters of Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,” translated by Michael D. Griffin) 

Teresa contracted typhus on Good Friday, April 2, 1920. On April 7, because of danger of death, she made her religious profession. She died on April 12 as a Discalced Carmelite novice. 

Her remains are venerated in the Sanctuary of Auco-Rinconada of Los Andes where an estimated 100,000 pilgrims visit each year. Pope John Paul II declared her Blessed on March 4, 1987 before a million people in Santiago. He canonized her in 1993. 

St. Teresa of Jesus of Los Andes (Teresa de Jesús “de los Andes”) was the first Chilean to be declared a saint. She is the first Discalced Carmelite nun to become a saint outside the boundaries of Europe.




4月13日:圣玛尔定一世(教宗)(殉道)St. Martin I, Pope

 圣人出生於翁柏利亚省的多第城,成年後即加入了罗马的圣职行列,649年时被选为教宗,继承伯多禄的职务。当时,君士坦丁堡是拜占庭 帝国的首都, 也同时是东方教会中最具影响力的宗主教区。然而,为教会的整体而言,东方教会所存在的最大问题便是宗主教区与帝国的政治势力牵连太深。当时教 会内盛行一种 异端,宣称在基督内仅有天主性而无任何人的意志。该教导在东方教会的强力支持下极为盛行,二任的罗马皇帝亦对此给予官方的认可 - 皇帝Heraclius特地为此颁布一道信仰的训令;而皇帝Constans II则对在基督内究竟有一个意志或二个意志这争论保持缄默。

 皇帝所颁布的信仰训令,明显地已经僭越了教宗的权力(按常规,信仰方面的训令应由教宗发布)。圣人於是在拉特朗(Lateran)召 开会议,对该 文件的错误教导发表谴责,并同时谴责君士坦丁堡的宗主教与他的前二任主教。起初,Constans II试图煽动其他主教与人民来反对教宗,但後来失败了。最後Constans II决定杀害教宗。皇帝一旦下定了决心,便派遣军队至罗马逮捕圣人,且将其押回君士坦丁堡审问。军队来到之时,圣人的健康状况非常糟糕,因此 他没有任何抵 抗,便随同罗马总督Calliopas前往君士坦丁堡。抵达君士坦丁堡後,圣人即遭到囚禁与各种的残酷的折磨。圣人随即被宣判死刑,且在一些 折磨与刑罚後 变得极为虚弱。

 当时的君士坦丁堡宗主教Paul因身患重病,且对皇帝的处置深感不妥,於是便在悔改後,请求皇帝免去圣人的死刑,改以放逐来作为最後 的判决。最 後,圣人遭到皇帝的流放。然而,残酷的折磨与刑罚已带给他本已虚弱的身体极大的伤害。放逐的二年後,圣人便过世了。圣人是在教会中,最後一位 以殉道者的身 分被隆重敬礼的教宗。

 我尤其诧异的是与我有关的人,我亲戚朋友们的莫不关心和毫不同情:他们完全忘记了我的不幸;甚至不愿知道我在何处,是否我仍活在世 上,或已经死 了。你想,我们以怎样的良心出现在基督的法庭前呢?届时,所有人都是被告,并都要交帐,因为他们是由同样的泥土与物质所构成的。降到人身上的 畏惧是怎样 呢?竟能阻止他们不遵守天主的诫命。为什麽害怕呢?并没有什麽可怕的理由。难道我们被人舍弃,以致恶神竟能控制我们吗?难道我像整个教会的仇 敌吗?或是恶 神的对头吗?

 可是,天主愿意众人得救,并认识真理;但愿天主因圣伯铎的转求,使他们的心坚持正统的信仰,使他们坚强起来,抵制一切异端和反对教会 的所有人士; 保护他们屹立不摇,尤其保护那现在领导他们的最高司牧;但愿他们对於在主及诸圣天使面前以书面所承认的道理,不容有破坏丶或误解丶或放弃的情 形发生,即便 对於最小的一点也是如此。但愿他们同卑贱如我的人在一起,从我们救主耶稣基督的手中领取正统信仰的报酬 - 正义的荣冠。上主就在我身边,我为什麽忧虑呢?我企盼天主的仁慈,愿祂不要延迟下令结束我的旅途。




4月13日:真福玛加利大嘉士鲁(1287-1320)Bl. Margaret of Castello

 位於意大利弗罗伦斯以北的亚卑尼尔山上,有一个名为麦都娜狄堡垒。这堡垒属於一对出自名门的夫妇巴黎斯奥和亚美利亚。虽然俩人都出自 名门,但没有人知道他们的姓氏。他们刻意地隐姓埋名,是为了不愿他俩的残废孩子和他们的家族扯上任何关系。

 亚美利亚於一二八七年怀了孕。巴黎斯奥起初充满喜悦丶期望可拥有一个强壮英伟和勇敢的儿子,日後可把他训练为人民队长的继承人,然 而,出乎他的意料,出生的孩子竟是一个矮小,驼背,一只腿残废,右腿比左腿短,样子丑陋,双目失明的个女孩呢!

 巴黎斯奥和亚美利亚不单只满怀悲痛,更不肯接受他们生了一个有多种身体弱能孩子的事实。起初他们不愿意让她领洗,怕在注册处被认出是 残废孩子的双亲。但在神父热诚的驱使下,他们迫不得已地答允给孩子接受洗礼;可是没有给她任何的名字,更坚持不可以用他们的姓氏。


 玛加利大自小是由堡垒的神父和仆人所照料的。她被禁止去接近父母。她长期被禁锢在麦都娜教区教堂附近一个小房子里,在那接受神父的指 导,学习在圣体前祈 祷和默想,她和父母完全脱离关系,当时她只有六岁。小小玛加利大经常哭泣,但不是为了被虐待。她说∶「耶稣甚至被祂自己的人民所弃绝。天主给 我类似的看 待.好使我能进一步地追随着他。我还未配接近祂呢!」她住的小房子没有门,只有两扇窗,一个通往教堂,另一个用来送给她必需品。

 玛加利大被禁锢了十三年。当时她已到了青春期。她发现自己虽然肉体上残废,和与外间隔绝,但她也有热情的本性;故此为着保存贞节,她 要向诱惑作强力的对抗。

 当麦都娜狄堡垒被侵占时,玛加利大的母亲把她带到玛加特罗,把她囚禁在地下室里,不让她接见任何人。更糟糕的是,她被剥夺了领圣体的 权利。即使这样,这处境并没有令她对任何人产生怨恨,她甚至更加敬爱她的父母亲。

 在邻近的嘉士鲁城,埋葬了一位去世不久的雅各神父,盛传在他的坟地有很多治愈的神迹。故此,巴黎斯奥和亚美利亚怀着弱小的信念,带同 玛加利大到雅各神父 的坟前,要求有一个使玛加利大康复的神迹。可是,当没有奇迹发生时,他们便把玛加利大遗弃了,然後更迅速离开了嘉斯鲁城镇。以後再没有任何讯 息。

 玛加利大也不去揭露他们的身份,以免她的父母被鄙视。二十岁的玛加利大那时失明丶残缺和被遗弃;幸好,她被嘉士鲁的乞丐收养了。她睡 在镇内的马槽,吃的 就是贫苦人家剩馀的食物。奇怪的是,每一户收养过她的人都在家庭生活上,和财富上有显着的改善。可是没有一户能长期地收养她。终於,她的优点 吸引到当地的 女修道院。修女们没依照修会的严格规例,如合法出生,阅读能力和健康体格,便把这失明的女孩收留,作为未来的初学生。她坚决严守修会会规,作 严谨的默观生 活。可是,这样却显露了其他修女疏散的态度,引至她们把她驱逐出修会。

 这时,有一个善心的妇人,认识及善待玛加利大。她是一个富裕布商的妻子,名叫安多尼亚。她和一班在俗妇女,加入了道明会的第三会。依 照她们的会规,只容 许年组较大已婚妇人或寡妇加入。但她们却破例让玛加利大加入。於是,她便奉献了自己,更前往探访病患者和囚犯。她说的预言多次被证实正确,她 也作了许多神 迹。嘉士鲁的玛加利大於一二二零年逝世,终年三十三岁。去世的那天,她被安排埋葬在镇外的坟场。嘉士鲁的贫民都把教堂阻塞着,不愿意让玛加利 大葬在外边。 当群众正和教士争论时,一对父母把他们残废和哑的女孩带到玛加利大的遗体前;当女孩子触及那遗体时,疾病便立即痊愈。玛加利大就被获准埋葬在 教堂内!立即 有很多人因它的名代祷,而获得痊愈的神迹。较早前的文件也有宣誓书记录了超过二百多件类似的个桉。玛加利大在一六零九年十月十九日被教宗保禄 五世封为真 福。她的节日是四月十三日,她去世的日子。

 真福玛加利大的遗体於一五五八年被发现没有腐化,至今天,虽然缺乏防腐剂的保养,但依然保持一样。玛加利大被安放在意大利,嘉士鲁 城,一所盲人学校内的玻璃棺木里。

 在美国,维护生命运动近日开始在他们工作上寻找更浓厚的宗教深度。真福玛加利大就在此给予很恰当的启发力。道明会士,查理神父在威廉 士神父原着的玛加利大传记中,写下以下的序言: 

 「玛加利大和她的故事很贴切现今的社会问题。她父母认为它是个耻辱,因此便残忍地把她遗弃,以「不便」作为理由·就如每年世界各地, 有数以百万计的父母一样,认为腹中的胎儿是个负累,是多馀的,便打掉了他们,遗弃他们,甚至把他们虐待至死亡。

 玛加利大被排挤,也被她那时代的世俗人士视作一个虔诚的怪物;在现今社会里,有些人往往被残障者吓怕了或感不安,便想出一些无爱心及 愚蠢的方法,去对付那些年老体弱的人。

 她虽然贫穷,却由宽宏和慷慨的贫苦大众救援了;这还比有财有势的人更「来早一步」呢。她是大自然里的畸形,但创造大自然的天父,却派 遣她作为一个教材; 告诉我们。那些事物对「理想的生命」重要,那些不重要,去度一个「优质的生命」,一个天主所赐的生命,先和天主和好,然後互相分享生命。当阅 读她的故事 时,便深深感受到玛加利大是一个「完美」的人。原来,那些接近十字架和补赎智慧的人,就只有那残缺破足和失明的人!

 一九八四年七月。美国生命教育研究基金(ALERT)成立了嘉士鲁史特福学院,这学会专注研究各种方法去支持人类神圣和不可侵犯的特 性;由受孕至自然死 亡,不论年龄丶性别丶生理丶心理丶情绪或决断力或残废,社群的优势或弱势。这类机构的主保,多数是由圣人中选出来的。真福玛加利大嘉士鲁的一 生,启发了人 最基木的神圣权益。有一天或许在上天的领导下,通过这新设的学会,这个被遗弃的珍珠,会被列为圣品呢! 




Patron: of the unwanted.

Lord Parisio and Lady Emilia and had planned a grand celebration for the birth of their long-awaited first child. But when the baby was born in 1287, in Umbria near Florence, Italy, no bells were rung; no feast was given. Instead a "perfect" child of which they'd dreamed, she was a homely, blind hunchback, with one leg considerably shorter than the other. Her parents could find no room in their hearts for their baby. They were totally shocked. How could this happen to them? Where did this ugly child come from? They decided to hide the child forever and tell no one about her, so they gave the baby to a trusted servant to care for secretly. "What is the child's name?" the servant asked. "It has no name," came the reply. The kindly servant girl took her and had her baptized "Margaret," which means "pearl." 

When Margaret was 6, her parents had her shut up in a tiny cell adjacent to the family chapel. She could not get out, but could attend Mass and receive the Sacraments. It was only through the family chaplain that Blessed Margaret came to know God. Here she lived until she was sixteen, never being allowed to come out. Her food and other necessities were passed in to her through a window. Seeking a miracle, her parents took her to a Franciscan Shrine in Castello. When she was not cured, they abandoned her in the streets of the town and left for home, never to see her again. At the mercy of the passers-by, Margaret had to beg her food and eventually sought shelter with some Dominican nuns. Blessed Margaret's faith and courage inspired others in the community to take pity on her and to help her survive. Eventually she became a member of the Dominican Third Order of Castello as a "Mantellata" (a tertiary who wore the religious habit and veil), where she spent the rest of her life in prayer, penance, and charity. 

People for whom she cared sometimes recovered miraculously, gaining her a reputation for sanctity. She spent her days in hobbling about the streets to take care of the sick and to visit prisoners. Miracles of body and soul were attributed increasingly to the blind woman's prayers. Once she was visiting a prison in an effort to exorcise the hatred in the heart of one of the prisoners. As she prayed for his change of heart, her body was lifted up from the floor in the presence of all and remained for some time suspended. Eventually, the man broke down and expressed contrition. 

She died on April 13, 1320 at the age of 33. When she died, the townspeople thronged to her funeral and demanded that “the saint” be buried in a tomb inside the church. The priest protested, but when a crippled girl was miraculously cured at the funeral, the people had their way. More than 200 miracles have been credited to her intercession after her death. 

In 1558, her remains were transferred because her coffin was rotten. Her clothes were also rotten, but her body was preserved. She was beatified on October 19, 1609 by Pope Paul V and awaits canonization as a Saint. Thus the daughter that nobody wanted is one of the glories of the Church. God has given to us an illustration of how handicapped persons fit in with His eternal plan. Take courage, then, you who are handicapped. God loves you doubly! Till today the body of Blessed Margaret is still incorrupt.




4月16日:圣伯尔纳德(1844-1879)St. Bernadette Soubirous

“The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, ‘Come all you who are sick, I will restore your health’.”

Bernadette Soubirous was born in 1844, the first child of an extremely poor miller in the town of Lourdes in southern France. The family was living in the basement of a dilapidated building when on February 11,1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette in a cave above the banks of the Gave River near Lourdes. Bernadette, 14 years old, was known as a virtuous girl though a dull student who had not even made her first Holy Communion. In poor health, she had suffered from asthma from an early age.

There were 18 appearances in all, the final one occurring on the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, July 16. Although Bernadette's initial reports provoked skepticism, her daily visions of “the Lady” brought great crowds of the curious. The Lady, Bernadette explained, had instructed her to have a chapel built on the spot of the visions. There the people were to come to wash in and drink of the water of the spring that had welled up from the very spot where Bernadette had been instructed to dig.

According to Bernadette, the Lady of her visions was a girl of 16 or 17 who wore a white robe with a blue sash. Yellow roses covered her feet, a large rosary was on her right arm. In the vision on March 25 she told Bernadette, “I am the Immaculate Conception.” It was only when the words were explained to her that Bernadette came to realize who the Lady was.

Few visions have ever undergone the scrutiny that these appearances of the Immaculate Virgin were subject to. Lourdes became one of the most popular Marian shrines in the world, attracting millions of visitors. Miracles were reported at the shrine and in the waters of the spring. After thorough investigation Church authorities confirmed the authenticity of the apparitions in 1862. 

During her life Bernadette suffered much. She was hounded by the public as well as by civic officials until at last she was protected in a convent of nuns. Five years later she petitioned to enter the Sisters of Notre Dame. After a period of illness she was able to make the journey from Lourdes and enter the novitiate. But within four months of her arrival she was given the last rites of the Church and allowed to profess her vows. She recovered enough to become infirmarian and then sacristan, but chronic health problems persisted. She died on April 16, 1879, at the age of 35. 

She was canonized in 1933.




4月16日:St. Benedict Joseph Labre (1748-1783)圣本笃.赖斌

Beggar saint, beggar of perpetual adoration


Benedict Joseph Labre was called the beggar of perpetual adoration. He traveled in his sack-cloth, tied with a rope, always on foot. He slept in the streets, his body filthy, picking up food where he could. His rosary was made from the berries of wild rose bushes and he always carried The New Testament.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre was beatified in 1860 and Canonized in 1881. He was born at Ammes, France, March 26, 1748 in the eighteenth century and was the eldest of fifteen children. His family were prosperous shopkeepers. As a young child he showed wisdom beyond his years. Eventually he was sent to his uncle, who was a parish priest for his education and to prepare him for the religious life. He worked for his uncle doing chores for his keep.

A servant in his uncles house, started to become abusive hitting him and giving him chores that he was too young to handle. Benedict seemed to find this treatment amusing, so he finally stopped. Benedict adopted a minor practice in austerity (self - denial). Every night he would replace his pillow with a plank of oak wood. When asked about it he explained “I do it in order not to sleep to deeply.”

His studies went well until he was sixteen .He did not want to learn anything that did not have to do with God. At around the same time his uncle died from cholera, and after his uncles death Benedict decided he wanted to become a monk. He was drawn to the very austere orders.

Between 1766 and 1770, he applied to different orders, but each time he was not accepted. Benedict realized that God had something else planned for him. He felt God was calling him to Rome. He went to Italy on foot, begging as he went. He wanted to join a strict monastery or community of hermits.

In Italy he felt an inner enlightenment and knew it was Gods will that he left the comfort of his family. He would lead a new life of rigorous penance. He was now filled with perfect peace. Benedict wandered for the next three or four years from shrine to shrine in Western Europe. He made Rome his city of Perpetual pilgrimage, then finally settled there in 1774. His vocation? A tramp wandering the streets with other vagrants. During the day he spent most of his time in churches with perpetual adoration. At night he wandered to the seven major Basilicas. He drank from the fountains and lived on food he found in the streets.

One day as he was praying at St. Ignatius he had fallen into ecstasy. A visitor to the church saw him and upset said to the sacristan, “what happened to this beggar?” his answer “the Saint is in ecstasy.” He was floating in the air above the ground. Saint Benedict was also known for the gift of bilocation. He also had a rare gift of counseling people, and bringing them to peace. His reputation spread throughout Rome. People from all over came to speak to him. He had such wisdom and understanding. Benedict did neglect himself though, and finally entered a hospice for the poor. During Holy Week he died on the steps of his favorite church, Santa Maria del Monti. Crowds attended his funeral Mass and people traveled from all over Europe to visit his grave. In less than three months, after his death 136 miracles had already been reported. The healings and graces were so overwhelming that the Vatican was forced to start the process for his canonization as a saint.

On the day of his canonization Mass, in a crowded St. Peters Basilica, was a glorious painting of this sainted beggar dressed in rags. This painting can still be seen at The Galleria Nazionale d' Arte Antica in Rome. Painted by Antonio Cavallucci who was so impressed by the sight of this Saint.

Prayer to Saint Benedict Joseph Labre

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, you gave up honor, money and home for love of Jesus. Help us to set our hearts on Jesus and not on the things of this world. You lived in obscurity among the poor in the streets. Enable us to see Jesus in our poor brothers and sisters and not judge by appearances. Make us realize that in helping them we are helping Jesus. Show us how to befriend them and not pass them by. Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, you had a great love for prayer. Obtain for us the grace of persevering prayer, especially adoration of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, poor in the eyes of men but rich in the eyes of God, pray for us. Amen.




4月17日:St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier(1796-1868)圣玛利亚.包礼婷

Foundress of the Sisters of The Good Shepherd

“To speak of the Blessed Sacrament is to speak of what is most sacred. How often, when we are in a state of distress, those to whom we look for help leave us; or what is worse, add to our affliction by heaping fresh troubles upon us. He is ever there waiting to help us.”

“The Blessed Sacrament is the first and supreme object of our worship. We must preserve in the depths of our hearts a constant and uninterrupted, profound adoration of this precious pledge of Divine Love.”

“Draw near to our Lord, thoroughly aware of your own nothingness, and you may hope all things from his goodness and mercy. Never forget that Jesus Christ is no less generous in the Blessed Sacrament than he was during his mortal life on earth.”

“If you always love one another, if you always uphold one another, you will be capable of working wonders!”

“One person is of more value than the whole world.”


St. Mary Euphrasia was born Rose Virginie Pelletier on the island of Noirmoutier, off the coast of France, on July 31st, 1796. Her parents were imprisoned on the island during the French Revolution. Her father was a medical doctor who provided care for other inhabitants of the island as well as for their captors. Her mother fed the hungry and cared for the sick. Thus, as a young girl, Rose Virginie witnessed that faith is expressed in action. In her later years she would advise her novices with regard to those in their care, “It is not enough that you love them, they must know that you love them.”

As a teenager Rose Virginie attended boarding school in Tours, France and became familiar with the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity who resided nearby. This Order had been founded by St. John Eudes in 1641. She was particularly attracted to the ministry of these Sisters who cared for girls and women in difficulty. Some of the girls were abandoned by their families or orphaned, some had turned to prostitution in order to survive. The Sisters provided shelter, food, vocational training and an opportunity for these girls and women to turn their lives around. Rose Virginie entered the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity at the age of 18, and was given the religious name Sr. Mary Euphrasia.

When she was only 29, Sr. Mary Euphrasia was appointed local superior in Tours. During this time the Bishop of Angers asked that a home be established for the girls and young women in his Diocese. Sr. Mary Euphrasia was sent to set up this house in 1829 and she was appointed the local superior there as well. Her natural ability to lead others and her strong, engaging personality were the cornerstones of the legacy she would leave.

Sister Mary Euphrasia found a suitable piece of property and lead five sisters to Angers. These sisters opened their home and their hearts to receive women and girls who were destitute. Soon, requests for similar ministries were pouring in from other cities in Europe and beyond. Arising out of her desire to meet these needs, Sr. Mary Euphrasia envisioned a new governing structure that would free her Sisters to respond more readily and independently to the many needs that surrounded them. She appealed to Rome for approval to establish a new religious congregation. Born of this need the congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd was founded in 1835. The Congregation grew quickly and within her lifetime, Sr. Mary Euphrasia founded 110 new houses of the Good Shepherd, spreading to every corner of the globe.

Sr. Mary Euphrasia died in Angers, France on April 24, 1868. She was named a saint in 1940. She is buried on the property of the Motherhouse of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in Angers, France.




4月17日:Bl. Baptist Spagnoli of Mantua - friar

Baptist was born on 17th April 1447 to a family of civil servants to the Dukes of Mantua. He entered the Carmelites of the Congregation of Mantua at Ferrara as a young man and had a stellar rise in academics and administration of his order. While not a poet of genius, he was a superb Latin stylist, imitating Virgil. His eclogues were used in European schools for a century and a half after his death as a model of style and he was quoted by Shakespeare, Boswell, and Nashe. He was friends with many of the leading Renaissance humanists, including the two Pico della Mirandolas, with whom some correspondence survives. He made his religious profession in 1464 and served in many positions of responsibility in the community in addition to his literary work. Baptist performed a number of diplomatic missions for the popes; he was vicar general of his congregation six times and in 1513 he was elected Prior General of the whole Order. He was a renowned humanist who brought his richley varied poetry into the service of Christ. He is the only Carmelite quoted in the works of William Shakespeare. (Love's Labor Lost, Act IV, scene 2, line 95ff.) He used his friendship with scholars as an opportunity of encouraging them to live a Christian life. He died in Mantua on 20th March 1516.




4月21日:圣安瑟莫(主教丶圣师)(1033-1109)St. Anselm

 一○三三年圣人出生於意大利奥斯答城。及长,入法国白格圣本笃会院,一面勤修圣德,一面教授会士神学,後被派往英国,一○九三年被选 为坎特伯雷总主教,竭力捍卫教会自由,两次迫受流徙之苦。圣人着作等身,尤以奥秘神学为着。一一○九年逝世。




4月23日:圣道博(主教丶殉道)(957-997)St. Adalbert of Prague

 圣人在957年生於希玻米亚;983年升任布拉格第二任主教,为消除外教不良风俗而辛勤工作。後受到政治上严重的反对,而被迫离开。 後来往普鲁士,宣扬福音,於997年4月23日获得殉道的荣冠。




4月23日:圣乔治(殉道)(?-303) St. George

 圣乔治(St.George)号称「伟大的殉道者」,特别在东方教会中,因着他的殉教而成为一个伟大的信仰保护者。在许多国家中,圣 乔治被尊为军 队和兵士的主保。也有许多人选他作为个人的主保,因为人们喜爱圣人那大无畏的勇敢,绝无畏惧,时时刻刻准备为信仰作战以至於死。

 圣人出生在小亚细亚卡帕多细亚州(今属土耳其),时在二世纪下半叶,年代不可考。古代传说称:圣人的父亲是外教人,恭敬礼拜邪神偶 像;但圣人的母 亲是一位教友,她暗中不使丈夫知晓,将天主教的教义灌输给她的儿子。圣人受到足够的训诲之後,方才领受了圣洗圣事。他年幼时便以热心保护信仰 而出人头地; 外教人有时攻击或嘲笑奉教的同伴时,他便挺身而出,保护那些小朋友。有人说,有的时候,他走进邪神庙,把那些偶像打得粉碎。有的传说,当圣人 幼小时,从父 母那里得到什麽东西,常喜欢把东西分给穷人。

 以後圣人从军,他是一个身体健壮,年富力强的职业军人,升为军事护民官,很得皇帝雕克先的青睐,於是赐给他一种特惠的徽章。但是这位 罗马皇帝受了 和他一同称帝的卡来留的推动(卡来留因其残忍而恶名照彰)决定清除军队中信奉天主教的兵士,便下令凡是军官和兵士都该向邪神奉献祭礼。

 圣乔治那时正驻在巴肋斯坦的利达地方。国王的军队被召集在一处地方,雕克先御驾亲临,当场圣乔治便受到考验:为了忠於帝国,他该向邪 神献祭。他明 了如果他拒绝,後果如何,可是他毫不迟疑,高声承认他信仰耶稣基督。皇帝晓以大义,圣人不为所动,依然坚持他的信仰,当场圣人抛弃了军级徽 章,任命状也放 弃了。於是皇帝下令棒打後投入监狱。翌日,圣人更较前坚定不移,决不向邪神献祭,即便假装献祭也加以拒绝。他受了各种酷刑拷打,仍不改初志。 皇帝为了摇动 他的意志,便命人在圣人的脚上穿上内部有钉子的鞋,然後逼他走路,以後又用烧红的铁烙他,但都没有用,圣人对自己的信仰坚持不移。

 有一天,圣乔治对法官说:「我不看重你的利诱,也不怕你的恫吓。皇帝的武功不久长,国祚不久也要完结,为你来说认识真天主,寻求祂的 天国最好。」法官随即把一方重石压在这位勇敢的年轻军官身上,仍把他关监里。

 皇帝雕克先看到用刑无济於事,便开始利诱,用甜言蜜语来劝说,因为他对圣人的军事天才很为赏识,极愿重用他为国效力。那时圣人受刑之 後软弱无力, 外表看来,好像让步了,有人把他抬到一座亚波罗庙里,在旁的人把香给了他,叫他投在香炉里,以祭献邪神。圣人恭敬地画了一个十字圣号,那偶像 便跌倒在地。 在场的人大为惊骇。有两个军官立刻宣称信仰耶稣基督,皇后也接受了圣乔治所有的信仰。皇帝这时大发雷霆,命人把圣乔治投在生石灰坑里,可是三 天之後,圣人 出来时仍安然无恙。在加给他的非刑下,他的忍耐与勇敢影响了许多外教的旁观者,其中有许多人竟皈依教会,而为它受了殉道苦。三零三年四月二十 三日,圣乔治 被押出城,受斩首刑而致命升天。

 稗史还加添了许多灵迹,我们无从考核徵验。确定的一点是:教友们对圣乔治有着极大的热心。圣人死後不久便有人加给他「伟大殉道者」的 尊称。他的坟 墓很快地便成了教友朝圣的地方。圣人坟墓所在地的利达被称为圣乔治城。圣人在那里显了许多的灵迹。无数的朝圣者得到了圣人的转祷後,回到了本 国,对於宣扬 圣乔治的敬礼贡献很大。

 圣乔治乃是全教会所敬礼的耶稣基督最出名的烈士之一。在叙利亚丶埃及丶君士坦丁堡丶代撒劳尼和中东一带,难以数计的圣堂和修院都奉圣 乔治为主保。 不久之後,罗马丶义大利丶西西里等地也起而效法。在法国境内,国王克劳味斯(公元五一二年逝世)敬礼圣乔治很虔诚,他死前不久,曾建立了一座 修院为恭敬圣 人,并使国人以圣人为表率,效法他的勇毅英武并忠於信仰。

 十字军对於圣乔治的敬礼特着功绩。十一丶十二世纪他们把圣乔治的敬礼传播四方,深入民间,在英丶法两国的军队中尤其显着。无疑的,所 有的十字军路经利达前往耶路撒冷,对於圣人的虔诚是有增无减的。

 英国奉圣乔治为本国主保,圣人的像通常是骑在马上的英姿。公元一二二二年英国大公会在牛津召开,那时国王亨利第三正在位,大会规定圣 乔治瞻礼为罢工瞻礼。爱德华第三在一三四八年成立了圣乔治骑士会。英国军队中的口号:「愿圣乔治保佑英国。」

 圣人最有名的画像是把他画成一位骑士,与毒龙作战,这是受某一传说的影响:相传有一怪物在小亚细亚为害当地居民,圣人把怪兽杀死。所 以有的教友在受诱感时呼求圣人。(瞻礼日:四月二十三日)教益

 我们也该像圣乔治一般,往往有机会承认我们对基督的信仰。我们坚信:第一丶藉耐心而忍受不幸;第二丶除去我们的恶偏向;第三丶受冤屈 而不以怨报 怨;第四丶运用每一机会行爱德工作;第五丶不松懈地热诚尽我们每天的本分;第六丶经意地谨口慎言等。你查考自己是否不时违背信仰,即便不用言 语,却藉着行动。




4月24日:圣斐德理(司铎 、殉道)(1578-1622) St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

 一五七八年圣人出生於德国息玛琳根城。及长,入加布森会,度守夜丶祈祷丶刻苦的生活,并竭力宣讲天主圣言;後奉传信部命令,往来瑞 士,巩固正道。一六二二年在瑞士鍚维壮烈殉道。




4月25日:圣马尔谷(圣史)(庆日)St. Mark

 关於圣史马尔谷,我们所知道的资讯全来自於新约圣经,以及部分的教会传统。他通常被人以为是那位在宗十二12所记述的马尔谷(按宗徒 大事录的记 载,当伯多禄从监狱中逃出之时,他去了马尔谷母亲的家里),该传统看法出自於Papias主教所提出的见证。但他是否就是第二部福音的作者, 则需要史学家 与圣经学者的更精确研究。

 圣马尔谷的希伯来名为若望,但他却以拉丁化的名字马尔谷流芳於世,此名是他在成为基督徒後所获得的名字。在当时的社会中,他们应该是 首先皈依基督 的几个家庭之一。尽管圣经中并未提及马尔谷父亲的名字,但其母玛利亚对耶稣却至为虔敬,且将自己的房屋转而作为传播新信仰的总部。後来,这栋 房舍也因举行 朝拜天主子耶稣的敬礼而成了会众所聚集的教会。马尔谷深知这种朝拜所带来的巨大喜乐,因此也认为自己有份於向这黑暗的世界宣讲耶稣。马尔谷的 母亲慷慨地欢 迎了所有的来访者,据信,那房舍就是门徒在主升天後时常聚集的处所,也是宗徒们在五旬节时领受圣神时的地方(宗二1)。

 保禄与巴尔纳伯曾在第一次的传教旅程中带着圣人随行,但因为某些原因,圣史独自返回了耶路撒冷。显然,保禄不顾巴尔纳伯的坚持,拒绝 让马尔谷在第 二次的传教旅程中同行,或许是因为圣史在某方面得罪了保禄。但後来,从保禄请求马尔谷前来狱中探望他的情况来看,双方先前的困扰应没有持续很 久才是。按教 会的传统所述,圣马尔谷曾在许多地方宣讲基督,特别是在埃及丶利比亚与平塔玻里斯(Pentapolis),他在这些地方赢得了非常多的灵 魂,以致稍後成 了亚历山大里亚的首位主教。马尔谷宣讲的热情不但赢得了无数的灵魂,却也同时招致了异教徒的忌妒。

 也就是在这一段期间,马尔谷完成了他的福音着作。这部福音是四福音中最古老也最短的一部着作,它特别强调:当耶稣完成了天主旨意的传 达之後,反遭 人性所弃绝的那份张力。福音写成的时间,或许是在伯多禄与保禄殉道後的不久,大约是在主後60年到70年之间;他所描述的基督,是一个被钉十 架的默西亚,而圣史就从这被钉十架的事件中逐渐凸显出默西亚来。

 按传统来说,马尔谷福音资料的主要来源应是来自伯多禄的口述(伯多禄称他为「我的儿子」),其他少数部分则可能来自耶路撒冷教会(犹 太人)与安提约教会(信众人数已逐渐增多的外邦人)的宣讲内容。

 就如同路加福音的作者圣史路加一样,马尔谷也不是十二宗徒之一,因此我们很难断定他与耶稣是否有过个人的接触。有些学者以为,当福音 描述耶稣在革 责玛尼园遭到逮捕时说:「那时,有一个少年人,赤身披着一块麻布,跟随耶稣,人们也抓住了他;但他撇下麻布,赤着身子逃走了。」(谷十四 51-52)圣史 所描述的那位少年,指的就是他自己。马尔谷同时又是弥撒礼仪(The Divine Liturgy of St. Mark)的编撰者,该礼仪在东正教的特定节庆中仍被使用着;其後的圣雅各伯(The Divine Liturgy of St. James)丶圣巴西略(The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil)与圣金口若望礼仪(The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom),皆是在马尔谷礼仪的基础上编撰而成的弥撒礼仪。由於亚历山大里亚是一座满是异教徒的大城,因此,当圣人越加热情地宣 讲基督时,所 招致的迫害也就越加激烈。一日,当马尔谷正走在前往主教座堂的路上时,突然被一群异教徒揪住,群众便向他丢掷石头,且将其囚禁在一间小屋里。 最後,圣人就 在该处殉教了。

 圣史马尔谷的标记是一只带有翅膀的狮子,该图像取自於马尔谷福音对洗者若翰的描述。马尔谷福音形容他是「在旷野中一位呼号者的声音」 (谷一3), 因此艺术家将马尔谷比做咆哮的狮子;而狮子上的翅膀部份,则是厄则克耳「四活物神视」(厄一)的应用。因为神视中的四活物都带有翅膀,因此後 人便将此四活 物应用在四位圣史的身上。 




4月26日:善导之母 Our Lady of Good Counsel


 先知依撒意亚称默西亚为伟大的「指导者天使」;这词的意义是天主的使者,奉命实行拯救世人谕旨。圣母是多麽了解「指导者的天使.的旨 意,所以圣教 会将她的指导,视同天主上智的指导。在昔世思想紊乱,特别是宗教思想发生危机的现况中,以及社会政治动荡不安的局面下,我们需要圣母明智的引 导,指点世人 脱离迷津,踏上和平救恩的大道。 初期教会已有敬礼圣母的传承。直到1903年,教宗良十三世核准制定善导圣母瞻礼;每年4月26日举行该瞻礼。



 这幅「善导之母」画像目前是放在义大利位於罗马东南方约30英里的一个小城Genazzano的善导之母堂内,在教堂偏殿小圣堂里的 祭台,薄如蛋壳的小小壁画就"浮"在最中央丶前面有玻璃保护着的墙面上,距离墙面约一英吋,仅在底部与最右边靠在一个小小的底座上。

 据传说这是圣母自己挑选来显示奇迹的,和许多正襟危坐丶感觉有尊卑之分的画像不同。在这张半身画像里,小耶稣和圣母玛利亚靠的很近, 耶稣坐在圣母的左手臂 上,耶稣右手环绕着圣母的脖子,让她的头斜倾向祂,两人颊贴着颊,祂的左手还轻轻抓着母亲的衣领,圣母微微笑着,是一幅非常亲密的襁褓中的母 子图。但耶稣 的眼睛看着远方,头手与身材的比例是比较像成年人的比例,则又彰显了耶稣自幼就有成年人的智慧与神性。


 在义大利罗马东南方约30英里,有一个小城叫做Genazzano,自古就是古罗马的贵族与上流人家兴建别墅与避暑山庄的热门地点。 这些豪华庄园四周的广 大花园与果园往往是他们举行各种庆典与活动的地方。尤其每年的4月15日,人们都会聚集盛大庆祝维纳斯女神的祭典。後来,随着天主教的崛起与 兴盛,这些祭 神的活动慢慢就消失了,一些古老的神殿也年久失修,逐渐毁损。

 第三世纪的时候,教会在善导之母的召叫下,在毁坏的神殿遗址 上兴建了一座教堂,并取名为Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel善导之母堂。最初知道的人并不多,但後来该城人口增加,小教堂就逐渐出名了。到了中世纪,方济会与奥古斯丁修会都在旁边建了修 道院。但随着 岁月流逝,善导之母堂也逐渐失修而老旧,较有日渐增多,教堂也嫌太小,不够用,所以人们选择盖更新更大的教堂,而慢慢不再去这个小教堂。

 到了1356年,维修小教堂的使命被赋予奥古斯丁修道院。即使有修会的资源以及信徒们的热切祈祷,修复教堂的费用总是捉襟见肘,一直 无法做最各种必要的维 修与复建。後来,有一位於1436年丧夫的寡妇Petruccia de Geneo,她的先生是肩负修复任务的奥古斯丁第三会的成员。她平时就是在此堂参加弥撒与祈祷,很敬爱善导之母,眼看修复进度缓慢,欠缺经 费,她不断热切 祈祷,念兹在兹希望圣堂有朝一日能够完全修复到昔日的光荣。但经过多时,就是没有人捐款。因为她的先生留下了一笔不小的遗产,她决定扛起重 担,捐出财产, 当作修复的经费,并且希望抛砖引玉的动作,能吸引其他人也一起共襄盛举。她花钱请人画了新教堂的图,也经过教会允许,开始动工。不料後来她才 发现,原以为 自己的财产不少,但对修复教堂来说,只是杯水车薪。更糟的是,根本完全没人伸出援手。当新教堂的建筑才盖了3呎高左右,钱就用光了,工程只好 停顿。已经 80岁的她,更是垂垂老矣,只能更热切的祈祷和求人帮忙。可是她的邻居和朋友都只会冷潮热讽,取笑她,甚至城里的人会拿此事当笑话讲,甚至在 公开场所诋毁 她。但Petruccia总是对他们说:「孩子们,别对现在的表面现象太认真,童真圣母玛利亚和圣奥古斯丁一定会在我进棺材之前,把这个善导 之母堂盖 好。」

 1467年4月15日Genazzano城内数千名市民盛大庆祝年度的圣马尔谷节(St. Mark,新教译为马可)。大约下午四点时,突然从天上有悦耳的音乐传来,当几千双眼睛举目向天查看音乐的来源时,晴空万里无云的天上突然飘 来一朵云,停 在善导之母堂的一座还没完工的墙上,过了一会儿,云裂开成两半,出现金光万道的光芒,而市内各教堂的钟声此时也全部自己响了起来,吸引全部市 民出来查看。 在云散之後大家趋近一看,展现在众人面前的是一幅大约 15.5 x 17.5 英吋大小的善导圣母像(请见下面第三张图,也就是第二张相片中祭台中央的那幅),以壁画似的材质(一片类似薄如蛋壳的石膏)停在才盖了三呎高 的那座石墙 上。当时寡妇 Petruccia 正在圣堂内别处祈祷,听到钟声才跑出来看到,而感动得哭倒在地,因为她多年的祈祷与辛苦得到应许了。

 接下来的日子里,人们不断涌来朝圣,也连续发生各种向圣母请求转祷灵验的奇迹(如久病或残疾等的治愈),经当地教会正式纪录的,仅在 1467年 4/27~8/14短短不到四个月里就有171件奇迹发生。同年五月,两个阿尔巴尼亚人来到该地,告诉众人那幅画像原来是在阿尔巴尼亚他们的 教堂里,但因 为打仗,他们热切祈祷该画不要受损,结果该画某日於他们祈祷中亲眼看到被云带走了,而他们一路追着那朵云到了罗马,就不见了,後来听到消息, 才赶到 Genazzano来找。而这幅画像据他们所知,是百多年前自己飘来阿尔巴尼亚他们圣堂里的。这阿尔巴尼亚人的这一些说法因为没有客观的历史 记载,所以天 主教会并未承认此一传说。不过,经过後人考证,认为此画像是源自於在14世纪义大利古代Umbrian一带的壁画。此是後话。

 话说最初Genazzano的市民们不伸出援手帮忙修教堂也罢了,还讥笑出钱修缮的寡妇 Petruccia不自量力,所以教堂修复进度缓慢。但由於这幅善导圣母像突然自己出现在该堂的奇迹,不但当地居民态度改变,也吸引了许多外 地的朝圣者, 捐款源源不断,当然该教堂也很快就在寡妇 Petruccia 过世前修复完成了。目前的教堂,在二次世界大战时,一个炸弹炸毁了屋顶及主殿祭台,墙壁倒塌,仅离几码远的此一善导圣母像却安然无损,保存至 今。

 後来几世纪也陆续有许多画家画过各种不同的版本。下面这幅是一个义大利画家 Pasquale Sarullo,在1903年教宗Pope Leo XIII ( 1878- 1903 )为此圣母画像取名"Mater Boni Consilii"(拉丁文,也就是Mother of Good Councel - 善导之母的意思 - 请见圣母头上光环中的字)之後,按照奇迹画像画的。


 这幅画除了画风是19世纪末丶20世纪初 的文艺复兴後的欧式画法外,其他也有许多和原画不同之处:第一当然就是两人头上光环加了字。再来就是圣母的眼睑下垂,和另一幅奇迹画-瓜达鲁 佩美洲圣母一 样,眼睛只微微睁开,而耶稣则是看着圣母。圣母的左手画了出来,但没有紧抱耶稣,而耶稣的左手也没有抓着圣母的衣领,只是轻抚着圣母的领口。 这样的构图让 人感觉到耶稣的自主性,好像是耶稣主动抱着圣母丶在安慰圣母一般。整张画面非常优美,光线打在画面中央,圣母头上的纱巾透明轻柔,母子两人的 衣服布料质感 逼真,表情柔和,让人看了不但赏心悦目,也会有安定而信赖的感觉。




Records dating from the reign of Paul II relate that the picture of Our Lady, at first called La Madonna del Paradiso and now better known as Madonna del Buon Consiglio, appeared at Genazzano, Italy, a town about twenty-five miles southeast of Rome, on 25 April 1467, in the old church of Santa Maria, which had been under the care of Augustinians since 1356. The venerated icon itself, which is drawn on a thin scale of wall-plaster little thicker than a visiting-card, was observed to hang suspended in the air without support; early tradition says that one could pass a thread around the image without touching it. Devotion to Our Lady in Santa Maria sprang up at once. Pilgrims began to pour in, miracles began and continue at the shrine.

In July 1467, Pope Paul deputed two bishops to investigate the alleged wonder-working image; no copy of their report is known to have survived. Devotion to Our Lady increased. In 1630, Pope Urban VIII made a pilgrimage to Genazzano, as did Pope Blessed Pius IX in 1864. On 17 November 1682 Pope Blessed Innocent XI had the picture crowned with gold by the Vatican Basilica. In 1727 Pope Benedict XIII granted the clergy of Genazzano an Office and Mass of Our Lady for 25 April, the anniversary of the apparition, elsewhere the feast being kept a day later so as not to conflict with that of Saint Mark the Evangelist. On 2 July 1753 Pope Benedict XIV approved the Pious Union of Our Lady of Good Counsel for the faithful at large, and himself enrolled therein as its pioneer member; Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII were both later members. On 18 December 1779, Pope Pius VI, while re-approving devotion to Our Lady, granted all Augustinians an Office with hymns, lessons, prayer and Mass proper of double-major rite; with a plenary indulgence also for the faithful, to which Pope Pius VIII added another for visitors to the shrine. On 18 December 1884, Pope Leo XIII approved of a new Office and Mass of second-class rite for all Augustinians, while on 17 March 1903, he elevated the church of Santa Maria - one of the four parish churches in tiny Genazzano - to the rank of minor basilica. On 22 April 1903 he authorized the insertion in the Litany of Loreto of the invocation Mater Boni Consillii to follow that of Mater Admirabilis. The same pontiff on 21 December 1893 had sanctioned the use of the White Scapular of Our Lady of Good Counsel for the faithful. 




4月28日:圣伯多禄.查纳(司铎丶殉道)(1803-1841)St. Peter Chanel

 圣人在一八○三年出生於法国;及长,任圣职人员,做牧灵工作达数年之久。旋入玛利亚修会,首途大洋洲传播福音,历尽艰辛,使多人弃邪 归正;一八四一年遭受仇教者的仇恨,於福多那岛迫害。




4月28日:圣珍安娜(1922-1962)St. Gianna Beretta Molla


 圣珍安娜,是一位四个孩子的母亲,同时也是一位小儿科专业医生。1961年初九月初,当她怀着她第四个孩子的时候,诊断出挨着子宫外 长了一个肿 瘤。医生告诉她有一个一劳永逸的方法:同时切除子宫丶肿瘤与胎儿,即进行人工流产。身为一个医生,她清楚自己不切除子宫的危险性。但她清楚表 明了作为一个 母亲,对自己胎儿的生命的态度:「如果你们必须在我与孩子之间,作一个选择,请不要犹豫:选择孩子— 我坚持救孩子」。

 宝贝成功诞生,仅经验到短暂的喜乐,接着便是惊人剧烈的痛苦与昏迷。在急救无效的情况下,她在一周後平安过世,年仅三十九岁。珍安娜 这位母亲,清 楚地指出胎儿是一个完完全全的人。她对生命明确而珍贵的态度,对鼓吹各式各样合法堕胎的世界是一个冲击。如今,这个孩子也成为一位医生,在 1997年9月 的「第二届世界圣家日」致词时,她表示:『我亲爱的母亲,感谢你赐给了我两次生命,当妳怀我时及当妳允许生下我时,我的生命似乎是妳的生命丶 妳生活的喜悦 及妳热诚信仰的延续。』

 珍安娜的一生看似平凡 - 家庭丶工作丶婚姻丶母亲,但当她面临一个人最艰困丶最重要的抉择,她却英勇地活出基督徒的信望爱三德—她对天主上智的安排有无限的依赖与信 靠丶对天主的照 顾有无限的希望丶对自己的女儿更附出了最大的爱德:人若为自己的朋友舍掉性命,再没有比这更大的爱情了。(若15:13)

 教宗若望保禄二世在珍安娜列圣品的讲道中指出:珍安娜遵循耶稣的表样,爱自己的人爱到死,这位家庭的圣母亲英勇忠实地信守结婚时所承 诺的誓言,她所作的奉献生命的彻底牺牲。证明只有敢於完全奉献自己给天主和给弟兄的人,才能实现自己生存的最高理想。




St. Gianna Beretta Molla(1922-1962)

The tenth of thirteen children born to Maria and Albert Beretta (five of whom died at an early age), Gianna was born on October 4, 1922. Her parents were Third Order Franciscans and they considered the education of their children almost a fulfillment of the work of God through the creation and molding of these souls; it was a divine undertaking for them.

Although Marie was responsible for rearing 13 little souls, she never neglected her missionary work and although they were not oppressed with poverty, the Beretta’s taught their children to live in great simplicity, frugality and joy. Both parents attended Mass with their children very early every morning and the Rosary was recited together in the home each evening. After the Rosary, the family repeated the consecration to the Sacred Heart along with other prayers. The family would then relax together sometimes playing the piano and singing or just conversing with each other about the days events.

Maria and Albert Beretta made sure that each of their children studied a profession so that he or she would be able to carry out Christian service to the community and permeate the professional world with the example of Christian life.

Due to her careful training in her Religious studies by her parents and her eldest sister Amelia, Gianna was fortunate to be allowed to make her First Communion at the age of 5 and a half. On April 4, 1948 she received her first Communion at the parish of Santa Grata in Bergamo. Two years later she was confirmed at the Cathedral. From then on, Gianna went to Mass and received Communion daily whatever the state of the weather or her studies. She was a daily communicant her whole life.

The canonization of Saint Gianna is the first of its kind. Many mothers have been beatified for their heroic virtues but they entered religious life after becoming widowed. In St Gianna’s case, the very condition of her being a spouse and mother is being exalted and highlighted. St Gianna is the first canonized woman physician and professional who was also a “working mom”.

The daughter of St Gianna, Dr. Gianna Emanuela, had fond memories of participating with her sister Laura at the World Conference of Families with the late and great Pope John Paul II. It was at that conference where Gianna said the following: "Thank you, Mom, for giving me birth two times, when you chose the risky surgery, and where you gave birth to me, sacrificing your own life. Please intercede for all mothers who call out to you!"

When Gianna was 12 years old, like other members of her family, she became involved in Catholic Action. Catholic Action was a movement whose aim was to mobilize the Catholic laity to live a more intense spiritual live. This would in turn inspire many and varied types of charitable and apostolic work on every level of society. Gianna took the program to heart and lived it to the fullest: Eucharistic devotion, apostolic action, and heroic purity.

In this atmosphere, Gianna’s resolutions strengthened and matured. While attending the university, Gianna became a leader in Catholic Action. All of her free time was devoted to apostolic work. She planned conferences, retreats, and excursions for the younger girls. Although wartime made this mission very difficult, Gianna persevered and worked untiringly for the good of souls who more than ever needed spiritual strength. Many of the individuals she was involved with or served testified that they rediscovered their faith in God through Gianna’s example.

Gianna’s words reflect how much she internalized what she had learned in Catholic.

In November 1949, Gianna received her doctorate in medicine and surgery. Then, out of love for children but also to be close to mothers, she specialized in pediatrics and joined her brother Ferdinando in a private health clinic in Mesero. The people who already knew her good family, flocked to her office with great confidence.

In addition to her busy medical practice, Gianna became a member of various medical organizations and volunteered her services to local facilities. Some of these are:

Pediatrician at the parish summer camp

Volunteer at the Village nursery

Member of Association of Catholic Physicians

Director of the infant nursery at the Omni Clinic

Member of The International Medical Assoc of Our Lady of Lourdes

In September 1961, towards the end of the second month of pregnancy, she was touched by suffering and the mystery of pain; she had developed a fibroma in her uterus. Considering the dangers, she could have chosen to have her uterus removed (hysterectomy) in order to remove the fibroid from her body. It would result, however, in the death of her 2 month old fetus, and preclude the possibility of future pregnancies. Based on the particulars of her case, this option would not have been morally problematic; Catholic moralists have analyzed cases of this sort under the Principle of Double Effect 1. Such an intervention is directed towards saving the life of the mother by removing the cancerous uterus (which has the undesired effect of ending the life of the unborn child). Morally, such a case would be properly considered under the aspect of a hysterectomy, not under the rubric of elective abortion.

A second option in St. Gianna's case would be to have the fibroid removed as well as terminating the pregnancy, thereby still retaining the possibility of future pregnancies. This option, by requiring direct abortion, would be morally contraindicated.

A third option would be to have the fibroid surgically removed and risk the continuation of her pregnancy, which is the option St. Gianna chose. Because she was a physician, Gianna understood that the risks were several: the surgery on the uterus might irritate it to the point that the pregnancy would be threatened and would spontaneously abort. The blood loss can be difficult to control in a pregnant uterus. Surgery on the uterus under these circumstances also presented the danger that during the remainder of the pregnancy, there might be a re-opening of the scarred wound from the surgery. A flare-up of this sort could be dangerous from the rapid bleeding that would ensue. (There were no ultrasound before the surgery at that time)

Gianna followed the recommendation of her advising physician and had the fibroid removed, but insisted that the maximum care be used during the surgery so as to avoid interrupting the pregnancy or harming the developing fetus.

Before the required surgical operation, and conscious of the risk that her continued pregnancy brought, she pleaded with the surgeon to save the life of the child she was carrying, and entrusted herself to prayer and Providence.

She stated: Yes, I have prayed so much in these days. With faith and hope I have entrusted myself to the Lord... I trust in God, yes; but now it is up to me to fulfill my duty as a mother. I renew to the Lord the offer of my life. I am ready for everything, to save my baby." The life was saved, for which she thanked the Lord. She spent the seven months remaining until the birth of the child in incomparable strength of spirit and unrelenting dedication to her tasks as mother and doctor. She worried that the baby in her womb might be born in pain, and she asked God to prevent that.

On Good Friday, April 20, 1962, Gianna went to the Monza Maternity Hospital to deliver her fourth child. A few days before the child was due, although trusting as always in Providence, she was ready to give her life in order to save that of her child: "If you must decide between me and the child, do not hesitate: choose the child--I insist on it. Save the baby." On the morning of 21 April 1962, baby Gianna Emanuela, named in memory of her mother, was born.

Gianna's condition began to decline soon afterwards, with symptoms including an elevated fever, a rapid, weakened pulse, and exhaustion. She died 7 days later of septic peritonitis, an infection of the lining of the abdomen, notwithstanding the fact that antibiotics were utilized in her treatment.

In the medical world of today, of the 1990's, it might well have been possible to save Gianna's life in addition to her daughter's. Septic peritonitis today is rarely fatal when identified early and aggressively treated. Physicians often have recourse to a highly effective triple regimen, three types of antibiotics at the same time. But in Gianna's day, methods of antibiotic treatment were not as advanced, and the means available for monitoring the progress of a pregnancy were also not as sophisticated as they are today. With ultrasound, highly specific blood tests, and CAT scans, we are Saint to live in an age where the making of a life or death between mother or child is becoming progressively more uncommon and unnecessary.

Sadly, though, we live in an age where life and death decisions against the unborn child are made with an ever greater casualness, and pregnancies are terminated for reasons that can only be termed trivial. Saint Glanna's example of heroic commitment to the life of her own child throws into clear relief the scandal of the easy-abort mentality of our day.

Participating at the World Conference of Families with the late and great Pope John Paul II, The daughter of St Gianna, Dr. Gianna Emanuela, said the following: "Thank you, Mom, for giving me birth two times, when you chose the risky surgery, and where you gave birth to me, sacrificing your own life. Please intercede for all mothers who call out to you!"

Reflections of St. Gianna Beretta Molla:

"Whatever God wants".

"If one were to consider how much Jesus has suffered, one would not commit the smallest sin".

"When one does one's own duty, one must not be concerned, because God's help will not be lacking".

"Our body is a cenacle, a monstrance: through its crystal the world should see God".

"The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day".

"God's Providence is in all things, it's always present".

"Lord, keep Your grace in my heart. Live in me so that Your grace be mine. Make it that I may bear every day some flowers and new fruit".

"One earns Paradise with one's daily task".

"Why do you not succeed in doing good? It's because you do not pray enough".

"Also in suffering, let us say: Thanks be to God".

"In order to bring true peace back to my soul, the only way that there exists on the Earth is Confession, because Jesus awaits me with His immense heart".

"One cannot love without suffering or suffer without loving".

"Look at the mothers who truly love their children: how many sacrifices they make for them. They are ready for everything, even to give their own blood so that their babies grow up good, healthy and strong".

"0 Mary, into your maternal hands I place myself and I abandon myself completely, sure of obtaining whatever I ask of you. I trust in you because you are the sweet Mother, I confide in you because you are the Mother of Jesus. In this trust I place myself, sure of being heard in everything; with this trust in my heart I greet you "my Mother, my trust", I devote myself entirely to you, begging you to remember that I am yours, that I belong to you; keep me and defend me, 0 sweet Mary, and in every instant of my life, present me to your Son, Jesus".

Saint Gianna composed this prayer of consecration to Mary:

"0 Jesus, I promise You to submit myself to all that You permit to happen to me, make me only know Your Will". My most sweet Jesus, infinitely merciful God, most tender Father of souls, and in a particular way of the most weak, most miserable, most infirm which You carry with special tenderness between Your divine arms, I come to You to ask You, through the love and merits of Your Sacred Heart, the grace to comprehend and to do always Your holy will, the grace to confide in You, the grace to rest securely through time and eternity in Your loving divine arms

Novena To Obtain Graces Through Saint Gianna Beretta Molla (19/4 Begin)

God, our Father, you have granted to your church the gift of Gianna Beretta Molla. In her youth she lovingly sought you and drew other young people to you, involving them, through apostolic witness and Catholic Action, in the care of the sick and aged, to help and comfort them.

We thank you for the gift of this young women, so deeply committed to you. Through her example grant us the grace to consecrate our life to your service, for the joy of our brothers and sisters.

Glory be …

Jesus, Redeemer of mankind, you called Saint Gianna to exercise the medical profession as a mission for the comfort of bodies and souls. In her suffering fellowmen and in the little ones, deprived of all support, she saw you.

We thank you for having revealed yourself to this servant as “one who serves” and who soothes the sufferings of men. Treasuring her example may we become generous Christians at the service of our brothers and sisters, especially those with whom you deign to share your Cross.

Glory be…

God, Sanctifying Spirit, who love the Church as your Bride, you poured into the heart of Saint Gianna a share of your Love so that she could radiate it in her family, and thus cooperate with you in the wonderful plan of creation, and give life to new children who could not know and love you.

We thank you for this model wife and, through her encouraging witness, we beg you to grant to our families the serene and Christian presence of mothers committed to transform them into cenacles of faith and love, rich with generous activity and sanctifying service.

Glory be…

O God, Creator and lover of mankind, you were close to Saint Gianna when, affected by illness, she was in the painful dilemma of choosing between her own life and the life of the child whom she was carrying in herself, a gift long-awaited. Trusting you alone, and aware of your Commandment to respect human life, Gianna found the courage to do her duty as a mother and to say “yes” to the new life of her baby, generously sacrificing her own. Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Jesus, and after the example of Gianna, inspire all mothers to welcome with love the sparkle of new life. Grant us the grace we are praying for …………. and the joy to find in Saint Gianna who, as a model spouse and mother, after the example of Christ, gave up her life for the life of others.

Hail Mary…

Saint Gianna Prayer

God our Father we praise You and we bless you because in St Gianna Beretta Molla you have given us one who witnessed to the Gospel as a young women, as a wife, as a mother, and as a doctor. We thank you because through the gift of her life we can learn to welcome and honor every human person.

You, Lord Jesus, were for Gianna a splendid example. She learned to recognize you in the beauty of nature. As she was questioning her choice of vocation she went in search of you and the best way to serve you. Through her married love she became a sign of your love for the Church and for humanity. Like you, the Good Samaritan, she cared for everyone who was sick, small or weak. Following your example, out of love she gave herself entirely, generating new life.

Holy Spirit, Source of every perfection, give us wisdom, intelligence, and courage so that, following the example of Saint Gianna and through her intercession, we may know how to place ourselves at the service of each person we meet in our personal, family and professional lives, and thus grow in love and holiness. Amen.




4月28日:圣路易玛利(类思).葛利宁.蒙福(司铎)(1673-1716)Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort

 圣类思1673年出生於法国蒙福特Monfort。他1710年在楠德思Nantes加入道明第三会,是恭敬圣母和玫瑰经的推动人。 他献身到处宣 讲福音,引导众人归回正路,维持公教会教理的完整。他创立了玛利亚传教会和智慧孝女会。1716年去世,1947年教宗碧岳十二世列圣品。

孝爱真谛 引言 圣圣类思丶葛利宁.蒙福着


 玛利亚的一生丶深藏不露,因此天主圣神与圣教会称之为“隐晦之母”,玛利亚的谦逊登峰造极,一生单愿意自卑自贱,不求其他受造物的赏 识,只求天主的赏识。这是玛利亚生平最动人的一点。

 圣母只求隐晦贫贱,天主为了成全玛利亚的志愿,尽量隐藏玛利亚,玛利亚的受孕丶诞生丶一生奥迹,复活丶升天丶几乎没有人知道。玛利亚 的父母,也不明白究竟。甚至天神也彼此问着:“这女子是谁”?天主也瞒着天神,即使透露了一些,但所隐藏的真不知道多少。

 天主圣父给玛利亚显圣迹的能力,但允许圣母不显圣迹,至少不显煊赫的圣迹。天主圣子以自己的智慧授与玛利亚,但答应玛利亚缄默不言。 玛利亚是圣神的净配,但圣神准许宗徒与圣师们,除了介绍耶稣时,不得不提到玛利亚外,总是不谈玛利亚。

 玛利亚是至尊天主的杰作,天主只愿意自己欣赏,占有玛利亚。玛利亚是“可奇者母”,圣子孝爱玛利亚,超过任何天神世人,但为了体贴玛 利亚的谦逊, 在世时竭力屈辱玛利亚,称玛利亚为“妇人”,视玛利亚如陌路。玛利亚是天主圣神的净配,是“封泉”,惟有圣神能进入其中。玛利亚是天主圣三的 宫殿与安宅; 天主不论在什麽地方,即使在天神中间,也不如在玛利亚心中。更显得神仪焕发,更显出天主之所以为天主。任何受造之物,不论如何洁净,倘使没有 天主的特恩, 不能进入玛利亚心中。

 照圣人的公论,玛利亚是“新亚当”的地堂,新亚当因圣神之工,降孕於玛利亚怀中,进行不可思议的奇迹。玛利亚是天主的神圣世界,在这 世界中有没法 形容的千奇万妙。玛利亚是至尊天主的宝库,天主将怀中独子,藏在其中,一切珍宝,便也尽萃於此。唉!全能天主在玛利亚身上完成了多少伟大而隐 秘的奇迹!玛 利亚虽则谦逊至极,也不得不承认:“全能者大展厥德於我,锡以异恩.用彰圣名” 。但是世界对於这些奇迹不知不识,因为没法认识,也不配认识。

 圣贤们论这一座“天主圣城”的名言警句,真是层出不穷。他们都说自己从未像谈论玛利亚时,那样滔滔不绝,得意忘形。圣贤们一致承认: 圣母在天主台 前的功劳,高於摩天的山峰;圣母的仁慈,广於无垠的大地:圣母的权力,既然及於天主,真是无法模拟;圣母的谦逊,圣母的德行圣宠,好比深不可 测的山谷。高 不可攀,深不可测,广大无边!每天,自地球的一端至另一端,上自九天,下至黄泉,一切都在宣扬圣母的奇妙。九品天神,地上众生,不论长幼贵贱 良莠,不论信 与不信,不论愿与不愿,连冥狱的魔鬼,也在真理的催迫之下,不得不称圣母为“殊福童真”。圣文都辣说:“全体天神不断欢呼说:圣,圣,圣,天 主之母,童贞 圣玛利亚!每天向圣母献上亿万次的祝颂:万福,玛利亚!争着为圣母效劳,博圣母的欢心”。圣奥斯定说:“圣弥额尔虽然是天神之长,伺候圣母最 热心,时时刻 刻等待圣母的命令,去帮助圣母的忠仆”。

 世界充满着玛利亚的光荣,尤其在信友中间,尤其在奉圣母为主保的国家丶教区丶城镇。多少献於天主的圣堂,题着圣母的圣名!那一座圣堂 没有特敬圣母 的祭台!那一处没有圣母的圣像,没有去魔施惠的圣像!多少善会,多少修会奉圣母主保,托在圣母的保护之下!多少会友丶多少修士修女,从事於赞 美圣母的美 善,宜传圣母的慈爱!呀呀学语的婴孩,也用“万福玛利亚”来赞美圣母!那一个罪人,即便顽固不化,想到圣母时,能不燃起依赖圣母的心火!连地 狱中的魔鬼, 对圣母也不得不起敬起畏!

 圣人们说:“对於圣母,没有足够二字!”真的“赞美圣母丶宣扬圣母丶光荣圣母丶爱慕圣母丶奉事圣母丶还没有到相当程度”。圣母理应受 更多的赞美丶 恭敬丶爱慕丶奉事。天主圣神说:“王女之荣华在於内”(咏44:14),好像天地的光荣圣母仅属外表,和圣母内心所受於天主的作一比较,真是 微乎其微,渺 小的受造物,既然不能洞悉万王之王的秘密,当然不会认识圣母内心的蕴藏。最後,我们该用保禄宗徒的话,向圣母说:圣母,你的美善丶伟大丶奇 妙丶真是“目所 未睹,耳所未闻,人心所意想不到的”(格2:9) 。这是圣宠丶自然丶荣光丶三界中最大的奇迹。有一位圣人说,谁想了解圣母,先该了解圣子,因为圣母是名实相符的天主之母。那末,我们只能“钳 口结舌”,想 望圣母的光辉於万一而已。

 我高兴踊跃,写出上面一段,证明世界尚未认识圣母,而且因为不认识圣母,也就不认识耶稣基督。一朝世界能认识至圣童贞玛利亚的德容母 仪,耶稣基督的神国,自然临格於世界,因为圣母既然第一次给世界带来了耶稣,一定会第二次使耶稣照耀世界。




Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort(1673-1716)

Born poor. Studied in Paris, France, and ordained in 1700. While a seminarian he delighted in researching the writings of Church Fathers, Doctors and Saints as they related to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom he was singularly devoted.

Under Mary’s inspiration, he founded the Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Wisdom, a religious institute of women devoted to the care of the destitute. During this work, he began his apostolate of preaching the Rosary and authentic Marian devotion. He preached so forcefully and effectively against the errors of Jansenism that he was expelled from several dioceses in France. In Rome Pope Clement XI conferred on him the title and authority of Missionary Apostolic, which enabled him to continue his apostolate after returning to France. He preached Mary everywhere and to everyone. A member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic, Saint Louis was one of the greatest apostles of the Rosary in his day, and by means his miraculously inspiring book, The Secret of the Rosary, he is still so today; the most common manner of reciting the Rosary is the method that originated with Saint Louis’s preaching. In 1715, he founded a missionary band known as the Company of Mary.

His greatest contribution to the Church and world is Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin. He propagated this in his day by preaching and after his own death by his other famous book True Devotion to Mary. Consecration to Mary is for Saint Louis the perfect manner of renewing one’s baptismal promises. His spirituality has been espoused by millions, especially Pope John Paul II, who has consecrated not only himself but every place he has visited as pope. In True Devotion to Mary, Saint Louis prophesied that the army of souls consecrated to Mary will be Her instrument in defeating the Devil and his Antichrist. As Satan gains power in the world, so much more shall the new Eve triumph over him and crush his head.

The cause for his declaration as a Doctor of the Church is now being pursued.



1. It was through the Blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus came into the world, and it is also through her that he must reign in the world.

2. Because Mary remained hidden during her life she is called by the Holy Spirit and the Church "Alma Mater", Mother hidden and unknown. So great was her humility that she desired nothing more upon earth than to remain unknown to herself and to others, and to be known only to God.

3. In answer to her prayers to remain hidden, poor and lowly, God was pleased to conceal her from nearly every other human creature in her conception, her birth, her life, her mysteries, her resurrection and assumption. Her own parents did not really know her; and the angels would often ask one another, "Who can she possibly be?", for God had hidden her from them, or if he did reveal anything to them, it was nothing compared with what he withheld.

4. God the Father willed that she should perform no miracle during her life, at least no public one, although he had given her the power to do so. God the Son willed that she should speak very little although he had imparted his wisdom to her.

Even though Mary was his faithful spouse, God the Holy Spirit willed that his apostles and evangelists should say very little about her and then only as much as was necessary to make Jesus known.

5. Mary is the supreme masterpiece of Almighty God and he has reserved the knowledge and possession of her for himself. She is the glorious Mother of God the Son who chose to humble and conceal her during her lifetime in order to foster her humility. He called her "Woman" as if she were a stranger, although in his heart he esteemed and loved her above all men and angels. Mary is the sealed fountain and the faithful spouse of the Holy Spirit where only he may enter. She is the sanctuary and resting-place of the Blessed Trinity where God dwells in greater and more divine splendour than anywhere else in the universe, not excluding his dwelling above the cherubim and seraphim. No creature, however pure, may enter there without being specially privileged.

6. I declare with the saints: Mary is the earthly paradise of Jesus Christ the new Adam, where he became man by the power of the Holy Spirit, in order to accomplish in her wonders beyond our understanding. She is the vast and divine world of God where unutterable marvels and beauties are to be found. She is the magnificence of the Almighty where he hid his only Son, as in his own bosom, and with him everything that is most excellent and precious. What great and hidden things the all-powerful God has done for this wonderful creature, as she herself had to confess in spite of her great humility, "The Almighty has done great things for me." The world does not know these things because it is incapable and unworthy of knowing them.

7. The saints have said wonderful things of Mary, the holy City of God, and, as they themselves admit, they were never more eloquent and more pleased than when they spoke of her. And yet they maintain that the height of her merits rising up to the throne of the Godhead cannot be perceived; the breadth of her love which is wider than the earth cannot be measured; the greatness of the power which she wields over one who is God cannot be conceived; and the depths of her profound humility and all her virtues and graces cannot be sounded. What incomprehensible height! What indescribable breadth! What immeasurable greatness! What an impenetrable abyss!

8. Every day, from one end of the earth to the other, in the highest heaven and in the lowest abyss, all things preach, all things proclaim the wondrous Virgin Mary. The nine choirs of angels, men and women of every age, rank and religion, both good and evil, even the very devils themselves are compelled by the force of truth, willingly or unwillingly, to call her blessed.

According to St. Bonaventure, all the angels in heaven unceasingly call out to her: "Holy, holy, holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God." They greet her countless times each day with the angelic greeting, "Hail, Mary", while prostrating themselves before her, begging her as a favor to honor them with one of her requests. According to St. Augustine, even St. Michael, though prince of all the heavenly court, is the most eager of all the angels to honor her and lead others to honor her. At all times he awaits the privilege of going at her word to the aid of one of her servants.

9. The whole world is filled with her glory, and this is especially true of Christian peoples, who have chosen her as guardian and protectress of kingdoms, provinces, dioceses, and towns. Many cathedrals are consecrated to God in her name. There is no church without an altar dedicated to her, no country or region without at least one of her miraculous images where all kinds of afflictions are cured and all sorts of benefits received. Many are the confraternities and associations honoring her as patron; many are the orders under her name and protection; many are the members of sodalities and religious of all congregations who voice her praises and make known her compassion. There is not a child who does not praise her by lisping a Hail Mary. There is scarcely a sinner, however hardened, who does not possess some spark of confidence in her. The very devils in hell, while fearing her, show her respect.

10. And yet in truth we must still say with the saints: De Maria numquam satis : We have still not praised, exalted, honored, loved and served Mary adequately. She is worthy of even more praise, respect, love and service.

11. Moreover, we should repeat after the Holy Spirit, "All the glory of the king's daughter is within", meaning that all the external glory which heaven and earth vie with each other to give her is nothing compared to what she has received interiorly from her Creator, namely, a glory unknown to insignificant creatures like us, who cannot penetrate into the secrets of the king.

12. Finally, we must say in the words of the apostle Paul, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has the heart of man understood" the beauty, the grandeur, the excellence of Mary, who is indeed a miracle of miracles of grace, nature and glory. "If you wish to understand the Mother," says a saint, "then understand the Son. She is a worthy Mother of God." Hic taceat omnis lingua : Here let every tongue be silent.

13. My heart has dictated with special joy all that I have written to show that Mary has been unknown up till now, and that that is one of the reasons why Jesus Christ is not known as he should be.

If then, as is certain, the knowledge and the kingdom of Jesus Christ must come into the world, it can only be as a necessary consequence of the knowledge and reign of Mary. She who first gave him to the world will establish his kingdom in the world. 




4月29日:圣加大利纳.栖亞那(贞女丶圣师)(纪念)(1347-1380)St. Catherine of Siena


 圣女幼时就已热爱上主,上下楼梯时每走一级,跪地念圣母经一遍。六岁时,同她哥哥出城看望长姐,半路上经过圣堂,突见耶稣在堂顶显 现,圣伯多禄丶 圣保禄和圣若望等宗徒随侍在旁。耶稣向她微笑,并举手降福她,加大利纳神魂超拔,呆立甚久。哥哥催她快走,加大利纳说:「你若能看见我所看见 的事就不会催 我走了。」她定睛注视,耶稣已隐没不见,不禁含泪长叹。

 十二岁那年,加大利纳从父母的劝告,对发样服装稍加注意。可是不久,她就後悔起来,便服装朴素,不再使用脂粉。她一再向父母声明,终 身守贞不嫁。 为了表示守贞的决心,用剪刀将头发剪去。母亲大怒,罚她操苦工,一天到晚责駡她,饮食不准与兄姊同席。圣女逆来顺受,怡然自乐。後来她在《上 主上智眷顾》 一书内,自述道:「天主叫她在心里开一间小房,尽管外面的苦难纷纷而来,她照常可以与天主密谈,一点也不会受到外界事物的干扰。」

 有志者,事竟成。到後来,她父亲见她意志坚决,便准她守贞不嫁,自那时起,她在自己的小室内,念经祈祷勤操苦行,夜间睡在地板上。她 加入多明我第三会,这是她多年来的愿望,终於实现了。

 加大利纳虽有时享受若干神慰神乐,可是她常受种种考验。邪魔千方百计诱她犯罪。加大利纳以不变应万变,一心依靠天主终於克服诱惑。有 一次,天主表 面上似乎把她弃置一旁,她心里很难受,诱惑退後,耶稣显现给她。圣女哀哭道:「主呀,方才邪魔围困我,你在哪里?」耶稣说:「那时我在你心, 帮助你抵抗魔 鬼的诱惑。」接着,耶稣安慰她,劝她不要难受,因为考验的时期快将结束。

 一三六六年耶稣又显现给她,圣母玛利亚和一群天神立在耶稣旁边。圣母拉着加大利纳的手,耶稣把一双戒指戴在她手上,作为他与加大利纳 缔结神婚的标记。自那时起,圣女手上真的有一双结婚戒指,可是除她以外,别人都无法看见。


 如同别的多明我第三会会员一样,加大利纳常去医院侍候病人。可是她往往选择最脏的病人。医院里有两个女病人,一个患癌症,一个患麻风 病。那两个人脾气很坏,常与她无事生非,恶言辱駡。圣女一味忍耐,用伟大的精神感化她们,到後来两人都愧悔,成了热心的教友。


 耶稣向她显现的次数越来越频繁。不但在她一人独居小室的时候,而且在公共场所也有。当她在堂里望弥撒或领了圣体以後,常有神魂超拔的 情况,念经祈 祷时,身体往往被提升空中。好几位神父丶修士丶修女,经常向加大利纳请教灵修方法。他们非常尊敬加大利纳,称她为姆母,加大利纳也待他们如子 女一般,指示 他们如何行善避恶,修德成圣。

 加大利纳圣德的名声已是众所周知的。有些顽固的人对她不免有所妒忌,指控她是沽名钓誉的伪君子。加大利纳一度被召出席佛罗伦斯多明我 会全体大会。大会对圣女的一切行为详加查讯後,充分肯定了一些人对加大利纳的控告纯属无中生有,没有丝毫根据。

 过了一个时期,多明我会会士真福雷蒙加布被指定为加大利纳的神师。雷蒙加布是一位有才学有见识的神父(後来当选多明我会总会长),他 非常钦佩加大利纳的才德,後来为她作传记。

 就在加大利纳回到栖亞那的时候,疫病盛行,死亡的人不计其数。圣女冒着生命的危险侍候病人,劝他们领洗,并亲手殓葬亡者。有好几位神父 因常与病人接触,染上疫症,赖圣女热心看护,才保全了生命。

 加大利纳除照顾病人外常往监狱探视囚犯,安慰他们,照顾他们的灵魂。有一位武士,出言不慎,冒犯了国君,被判死刑,加大利纳到监狱劝 他办神工。那 武士在狱中望弥撒,领圣体。行刑时,加大利纳在刑架旁陪着,武士很喜乐地走上去,当他口中吐出「吾主耶稣,加大利纳」二语时人头落地,加大利 纳接过来抱在 手里。事後她追述道:「那时,我看见耶稣接引武士的灵魂冉冉升天。」


 一三七五年加大利纳去比萨,有一天她在圣克利蒂那小堂望弥撒,领圣体後突然神魂超拔。就在那时她的双手双足和肋部出现了五伤,鲜血淋 淋,加大利纳感觉异常痛苦,当即昏晕过去。这些圣伤在她生前,只有她一人知道,等她死了以後,伤痕才外显出来,人人都能看见。

 那时义大利若干城市与教宗发生误会,加大利纳全力调解,她亲往亚维农朝见教宗额我略十一世,劝教宗返罗马。教宗接受她的劝告,於公元 一三七六年九月十三日由亚维农起程返罗马。加大利纳也不惜冒生命危险,亲往佛罗伦斯调节争端。



 圣女加大利纳的着作,除了上述《加大利纳对话》外,还有书信四百封。这些书信有的是写给教宗的,有的是写给国家元首的,有的是写给各 级上司和世俗 人士的。这些书信,对各项灵修问题,具有很精确的见解。而且给我们提供了有关当时教会历史的宝贵资料。一九七O年被教宗保禄六世尊为圣教会的 圣师。




4月29日:Bl. Mary Magdalene of the Incarnation (1770-1824)降孕的真福玛利亚玛大肋纳

Foundress of the Perpetual Adorers of The Blessed Sacrament

Blessed Mary Magdalene was called by Jesus directly when He told her, “I have chosen you to establish the work of perpetual adorers who, day and night, will offer me their humble adoration...”. She spent her whole life adoring Jesus in the Eucharist. Can we also follow Jesus wishes and commit just one hour a week out of our lives in adoring our beloved Lord?

“May Jesus be known, loved and adored by all, and be in every moment the receiver of thanksgiving in the most holy and most divine sacrament.”

Source: http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/2008/ns_lit_doc_20080503_magdalena-encarnacion_en.htm

Caterina Sordini was born on 16 April 1770 at Grosseto, Italy, the fourth of nine children born into a deeply Catholic family. When she was seventeen years old, a rich young man of good background, Alphonsus, made a proposal of marriage, and on a visit to her one day left a gift of numerous precious jewels.

On Sunday, Catherine dressed up and looked at herself in the mirror with pleasure. At the moment, however, she saw in the same mirror the sorrowful face of Jesus crucified who said to her, “Perhaps, you wish to abandon me for another?”

She took the question seriously and in February 1788 visited the Franciscan Tertiary Monastery in Ischia di Castro. Caterina entered then and there, thus shocking her father who had thought it was merely a visit. She was clothed six months later, taking the name of Sr Mary Magdalene of the Incarnation.

On 19 February 1789, she fell into ecstasy and saw a vision of “Jesus seated on a throne of grace in the Blessed Sacrament, surrounded by virgins adoring him” and heard him telling her: “I have chosen you to establish the work of perpetual adorers who, day and night, will offer me their humble adoration...”. Thus, she was called to become a foundress and to spend her life adoring Jesus in the Eucharist. In that turbulent period for the Church she set an example to all.

She was elected Abbess on 20 April 1802. The period of her governance was accompanied by extraordinary phenomena and an increasingly fervent spiritual life, and the abbey thrived. With the consent of her spiritual director and the local Bishop she drafted the rules of the new Institute and set out for Rome on 31 May 1807.

On 8 July that year, she and a few Sisters moved into Sts Joachim and Anne convent, near the Trevi Fountain. Under the French occupation it was confiscated and the Napoleonic laws suppressed her Order. She was exiled to Tuscany.

There she formed a new group of Adorers. On 19 March 1814, when they could return to Rome they settled at Sant’Anna al Quirinale. On 13 February 1818, Pope Pius VII approved the Institute dedicated to perpetual, solemn, public exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Mother Mary Magdalene died in Rome on 29 April 1824. She was buried at Sant’Anna al Quirinale and in 1839 her remains were translated to the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, the new generalate of the Perpetual Adorers in Rome. Pope John Paul II decreed her heroic virtues in 2001, and in 2007 Benedict XVI recognized a miracle attributed to her intercession. She was beatified on 3 May 2008.




4月30日:圣庇护五世(教宗)(1504-1572) St. Pius V

 1504年时,教宗圣碧岳五世诞生於义大利鲍斯高的一个贵族家庭里。他领洗时所领受的圣名是弥额尔(Michael),自幼即受到家 中虔敬与圣善 气氛的薰陶。青年时,他从道明会士那接受了士林神哲学的教育,15岁时便加入了道明会。在这段时间中,圣人在与天主的关系和学业上都突飞猛 进。

 1528年,圣人领受司铎圣制,同时,被指派为 Genoa 地区的神哲学教师。在接续的十六年中,圣人在道明会的许多会院之间穿梭往来,当时他即是一位严格遵守会规的道明会士了,无论是在会规的文字上 或范例上都 是。

 1555年,圣人在相反自己的意愿下被选为 Nepi 与 Sutri的主教;继而,1557年时,他被选为枢机。在他作为主教的期间,圣人不断地以言以行鼓励教友生活敬虔,并激励人们以最大的热情恭 敬天主。 1566年时,教宗保禄四世驾崩,圣人随即被选为接任教宗,并接下了实践特利腾大公会议革新呼声的重责大任。

 可以这麽说:圣人的主要职责,便是持续推动特利腾大公会议(Council of Trent 1545-1563)的主要决议。若我们以为当代的几位教宗在推动梵二大公会议(Vatican Council II)的重要决议上,因面临许多艰困而滞碍难行的话,那麽,教宗碧岳五世所遭遇的难题,较之四个世纪後的我们,可谓是有过之而无不及了。

 在圣人任职教宗的期间(1566-1572),他所面对的几乎是一个分崩离析的教会,因此,落在这位新任教宗肩上的,就是重行将她整 合起来,让她 再一次地稳稳站立於基督这磐石之上。稍早,基督的教会被内部的腐败丶外部的宗教改革洪涛丶土耳其军队的不断入侵,以及新兴国家血腥的抗争所摇 撼着。於是 乎,前任的一位教宗便在1545年时召开了特利腾大公会议,试图为教会解决这些排山倒海而来的问题。这个大公会议前後断断续续地召开了共计十 八年。与会的 教长们在冗长的讨论後,陆续发表正式的谴责与声明,并且决定出一套具体的行动方针来。最後,大会在1563年闭幕。

 碧岳五世在1566年时被选为教宗,其主要职责便是延续大公会议的主要精神。首先,他命令所属部会研拟创办培育司铎的神学院;同时, 出版了一部新的弥撒经书丶一本新的日课经本丶一本新的要理,并为了培育年轻教友而创建了「基督徒教义组织(Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - CCD)」的课程;圣人还热衷於制定教会法,以避免教会内部的滥权;他还为病人与穷人建构医院;为饥贫者提供食物;并将教宗例常举行餐宴的金 钱转而用在资 助贫穷的皈依者身上;他坚持穿着道明会会衣的决定,也成了以後教宗身着白色长袍的惯例。

 在致力於教会的改革与国际的事务上,圣人遭遇了英国女王伊莉撒伯(Elizabeth)与罗马皇帝麦斯米良二世 (Maximilian II)的激烈反对;法国与荷兰的问题,也大大地阻碍了教宗希望团结欧洲以对抗土耳其的期待。最後,为抵挡土耳其军队的入侵,他所能做的,只是 组织一支舰 队,该舰队於1571年的10月7日,在距离希腊不远的雷庞托的高夫(Gulf of Lepanto)赢得了一场决定性的战役。

 碧岳五世之所以不断呼吁教会革新,与他是一位道明会会士的人格特质有关;他为与天主同在,将绝大部分的时间都花费在静观天主与严厉的 补赎上;他也 放弃了教宗奢华生活的惯例,且在其任内,以完全的心神忠实地践行道明会的会规。最後,圣人於1572年的5月1日安逝。教宗克莱孟在1672 年的5月1日 将其列为真福品;1712年的5月22日,教宗克莱孟十一世将其列为圣品。 


